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Thread: Anyone here from Australia?

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  1. #1

    Question Anyone here from Australia?

    I will be going to australia to continue my education , Ill be going to melbourne , I am planning to do my cycles there so is there anyone here from australia and can tell me how are the setroid laws over there?
    Are roids easy to find there or not?
    thx bro's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    Mate dont waste your time with aussie keep going till you hit new zealand, its a awesome place ive heard lol :P

  3. #3
    I second that hitman! We send all our cast offs to Aussie and keep the best here in NZ :-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    the laws here in australia are pretty strict man.....
    i live in sydney and its not the most simple thing to get your hands on gear......though it is possible as is everything....

    one good thing is you can get all you pins and needles for nothing at the meth questions asked.....

  5. #5
    If it was upto me than id rather live my life in NZ but I cant
    I have the choice to either go to the US or ausralia so I guess US is
    the best choice eh.
    what do u think ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Melbourne Australia

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sydney, Australia
    Sounds like you're choosing the country based on the availability of steroids. Maybe the University choice should dictate the country, then the gear can follow.

    As far as Cities goes, I've lived Melbourne and Sydney. Underworld gym in melbourne is awesome, but Sydney is the better city (beaches dude). If you're 'arab', sydney might be a better option.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thought you guys over there would know better than that Hitman and PWROF2 ....

    Yes if you are basing your entire move on steroid availability, then yes I would go off to the US , just make sure its somewhere near Mexico ... If its education then I am not sure Bro... I live in Melbourne Australia, and we have some top uni's etc.. but I imagine America would have some equally impressive ones aswell.... And both the US and Australia rock at Sport, so both good in that respect.. (especially seeing we only have 19 million people in our entire population here, the more the merrier )...

    And I am sure Hitman and PWROF2 would like to share with everyone in the rest of the world about a little IQ Test that was held on TV here in Australia and New Zealand about a month or two ago... Do recall you guys coming last in the entire thing , even worse than Builders and Blondes , so maybe you fella's keep sending the wrong guys over there eh PWROF2 ...

    Nah but jokes aside NZ is a great place too, I was over there last year, awesome ski'ing and adverture sports... Eventually Aus and NZ will form one nation anyhow I recon, so we better just learn to get along


  9. #9
    Jag, we have been sending the right ones over - all the dumb ones!! Thats why they are cast offs... Remember your history bro, australia started as a convict colony full of british cast offs..
    Seriously though, after the kiwis and aussies have finished scrapping with each other they normally band together and scrap against everyone else :-) (If you would just stop winning all the sports then we could be mates aye..)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    lol i love this shit. i must have missed that doco jag but it was probably run by aussies. If memory seves me right there is an open agreement that nz can become a state of oz, the upshot of that would be our currency would much yours and i could buy more gear and the downside is i would have to learn to say cobber/diger every other word, learn to order fish,n,cheeps, remove six and add sex when counting to 10, and finally (not the most appealing) have sex with my cousins. i think that covers your constitution lol. let the sheep jokes begin . Oh and arab i think aussie has tighter security at customs than the USA does because they are trying to secure a free trade agreement them and customs etc.. is another way to get it(far from solely being the way)......HITMAN

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yes I remember the History ... they were mostly over in Tasmania anyhow

    And yes we do Love our sports over here, although you guys gave us a nice arse kicking in the Tri Nations , and then just the other week USA destroyed us in the Panpacs (how ever its spelt) swimming, which was a damn good effort by them....

    And yes your right, the program was run by Aussies, the way it was set out, seeing you missed it, was they had like 100 people from all different jobs and areas, (eg there was 100 Teachers, 100 students, 100 builders, 100 Blondes, 100 New Zealanders etc) all in the audience, and they had to do the test live while it was going on

    Imagine if New Zealand and Australia did join... that would be one scary rugby team

    And dont worry Hitman, I will leave ther Sheep jokes aside , hehe


  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    There are domestic sources in Aus. Customs are tight, but plenty of gear still gets in and is available at a reasonable price (BTW, I'm not a source!)

    There's an all aussie board on with plenty of good blokes (and a few kiwis ). Pop in some time for a visit.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    I like your style jag a true aussie.Mate it would be awesome if the countrys joined, airfares would be so cheap almost like bus tickets i could commute to sydney lol.But the tri-nations might have to change to the bi-nation hmmmm tazzy might want a piece of that.There has been a lot of talk about it but if anything our government is to stuborn, it would seem as though they had to bow to aussie and in some instances they would.The tourism industry would benefit though just imagine nz could be that little island of oz that only takes a few hours to get to, it would be great,they could make special packages where you start at surfers paradise the the next thing you know your skiing down the slopes in queenstown.Sorry to jump your thread arab i would say either country oz/usa would be great i mean just look at the quality of members we have in here . Everyone seems level headed and they arent exactley thick in the head lol so education must come into the equation...........HITMAN

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    Hey redback just saw you after i posted, i might have a look at that site and hey welcome aboard.......HITMAN

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by Hitman
    Hey redback just saw you after i posted, i might have a look at that site and hey welcome aboard.......HITMAN
    Thanks mate. I only visit two bodybuilding boards. This one and 'bolex are the best in my opinion.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yer I have always heard people talking about the two countries combining, I reckon it would definatly be a good thing, make this side of the world all the more stronger ... As it stands currently you dont even need a Visa to travel between the two counties, you can just come and go whenever you want, so there is a fairly close connection currently....

    You do have some amazing places over there, When i was there we went in these speed boats amongest rocks and waterfalls, missing by millimetres , got some crazy adventure sports... and that place Rotorura (mind the spelling, cant recall how its spelt), that place full of sulfer, smell is quiet overpowering

    Yer i post on Anabolex aswell... its a good board, and its good to get to speak to other Aussie's and NZ's... especially always hearing how cheap all these USA blokes get there Gear for, its depressing


  17. #17
    Ya thats great too.
    whatever happened to me ? lol
    nice meeting u guys from australia and NZ.

  18. #18
    Sorry A F, this is what happens when Aussies and Kiwis get together - no one else can get a word in. Just wait till our other pacific island neighbours learn about gear, they already average around 120 to 165kgs natural...
    Ronnie, Jay & co should be nervous!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    HAHAHA, You said it PWROF2

    Did you see this one fella in the Commonwealth games?? He was a weight lifter from one of the Island countires (cant recall which), and had been training with the Australian Institute of Sport (not competiting for us though).. This man was a absolute Freak.. Think he won in both the Clean and Jerk and the snatch... Some of those guys would look rather scary of Roids, Ronnie better run and hide


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