Here goes, first I tear my damn right calf muscle totally putting me out of the game for cardio and limited weightlifting for my lower body, then I get laid, (first time in six years)and it's lousyand I get a damn UTI out of it. Then I have an another opportunity to get laid from an absolutley gorgeous man drops into my lap (literally) (and I mean just the kinda body type that does it for me 6' 1" 240lbs)and I know I can not go thru w/it as I am feeling something goin on w/my body so I have to freakin turn it down. Then I am out at my fav watering hole and I have not been in there long enough to even order a cocktail and I am asked to leave?? wtf
. So I discover later why this happened, my ex-boytoy (I mean boyfreind) was there and just came back from overseas and was playing pool in the back and saw me come in, and he is good friends w/the bar manager. And I'm like this is my fav effing bar in this town and it's close to home. So, I am like fvck it, so I go to another bar and I am sittin outside on the deck and this really drunk guy walks out to get in his truck to leave (and he is revving his motor really loud) and this chick walks out just as he begins to drive away and he has the pedal to the metal and runs her the hell over
So now I am a witness to a hit and run and have to talk to law enforcement, plus seein the girl get run over blew my mind....So I have not been fishing in a long time and I love to fish as I was concentrating on other stuff so I decide to go fish yesterday, and the catfish bait will not stay on the hook further annoying me.(when my above boyfriend broke up w/me he kept all of my fishing gear, so I had to start all over again)... And the Doc tells me it could be up to a month for my calf muscle to heal. All of the hard work and gains I have made so far... just piss's me off. Then my nine yr old German Shepard (my heart)dog has to have surgery, thank goodness she came out of it beautifully.. Then I have two part time jobs doing the same line of work, and these two chicks I used to run with (no longer, separated myself) are on a witch hunt and are trying to get me fired. I was about to receive a counseling statement (I was warned on the sly by my Supervisor) so I immediately submitted a incident statement and then I put myself on 'hold staus' til further notice... It was pointed out to me after I submitted my side of the story the absurdity of the whole situation was considered and that the counseling statement was canceled. Thank goodness I have a sterling rep as the consumate professional, and now it has come to light these two chicks now have had a minuimum of four complaints filed against them
So...right now I am going back to my fav watering hole in hopes of talking to the bar mananger and try and get this squared away.
wish me luck guys!!!