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Thread: a "Total Fat" question.....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!

    a "Total Fat" question.....

    well i just recently learned that when you see Carbs in the nutritional value label, it has the breakdown of the carbs in it. For example

    Total Carbs 20g
    Dietary Fiber 9g
    Sugar 4g
    Sugar Alchohol 3g

    from what that tells me, out of the TOTAL CARB COUNT, only 8 carbs im actually absorbing, since the 9g of Fiber isnt considered towards your actual daily carb count and the 3g of Sug. Alcho. doesnt even get absorbed into the body, you'll just end up pissing it or crapping it out.

    AND NOW out of those 8g of real carbs, 4g of it is in the form of simple carbs (4g of sugar) so THAT part will get digested pretty quickly while the other 4g left are actual complex carbs and will be digested slowly....

    haha, ok, now that we got THAT part out of the way, lets move on to Total Fat. For Example:

    Total Fat 18g
    Saturated Fat 4g
    Trans Fat 0g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 6g
    Monounsaturated Fat 8g

    so now, whats the story on this? I know that the 4g of Sat. Fat is pretty bad, try and keep that below 2g if you can.... but now what about the poly and mono fats?


    what do i count those? do i count them as part of my total fat intake for the day? or do you not count those? if my daily macros should be

    285g Protein
    180g Carbs
    39g Fat

    will i add the 4+6+8= 18g towards my 39g limit? or am i adding ONLY the 2g of Sat. Fat and the poly and mono fat does not count? you know like the Dietary Fiber and Sugar Alcho. in the above example that doesnt count to my total daily carb intake, does this rule apply to the fats?

    im sorry for the lengthy thread, but i like to be very detailed in the questions im asking so we not get confused when trying to answer them.

    Thanks to everyone in advance for all there input !! i love you all !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    :'( help?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yes consider the 18 grams of fat towards your daily macro. Also dont get to fooled sugar alcohols, i believe you digest 50% of them not 0%.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    yes consider the 18 grams of fat towards your daily macro. Also dont get to fooled sugar alcohols, i believe you digest 50% of them not 0%.
    damn to the fat part :'(

    and wow to the sug alch. part!!! that sucks !!! but good to know !! Thanks!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my house
    you digest at least 50% if not more. However, it has very little impact on insulin, so you don't have to count it as a carb while doing a low carb cutting diet. It is actually an alcohol and is digested quickly before actual carbs, but does not convert to glucose and is actually metabolized by the liver.

    Don't worry about fat being bad. With the exception of trans fat, it isn't. However o m e g a 3's are very very good and not a big enough part of most peoples diets. You need fish oil. Either supplements or eating lots of fish. They are high in protein, so you might as well eat a lot of fish.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    i eat 3oz of tuna EVERYDAY !!!!

    and i also eat a tilapia for dinner too when i dont wnt chicken!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    A whole 3oz's, get outta town! Try some salmon, and yes you can get it in a can too, and it tastes better than tuna.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    i eat 3oz of tuna EVERYDAY !!!!

    and i also eat a tilapia for dinner too when i dont wnt chicken!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    salmon has more fat than tuna :-/

    remember, im trying to not go over 39g of fat a day, and its pretty tought at times, i get like barely 37-38 and those are my strict not meal exciting days

    i average about 41g :'( so if i switch up the tuna which is only 1g to the salmon which if im not mistaken is 2-3g, it will def. make me go over alot :'(

    and also, doesnt salmon have more mercury than regular tuna? i also wanna watch for that, i eat light tuna in water, pretty good !! and since i eat it eeryday, i wanna watch out for that mercury :-P

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my house
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    salmon has more fat than tuna :-/

    remember, im trying to not go over 39g of fat a day, and its pretty tought at times, i get like barely 37-38 and those are my strict not meal exciting days

    i average about 41g :'( so if i switch up the tuna which is only 1g to the salmon which if im not mistaken is 2-3g, it will def. make me go over alot :'(

    and also, doesnt salmon have more mercury than regular tuna? i also wanna watch for that, i eat light tuna in water, pretty good !! and since i eat it eeryday, i wanna watch out for that mercury :-P

    Trying not to go over a certain amount of fat is a silly idea. The study that says fat causes problem X Y and Z is junk science. Totally cherry picked bollocks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    the salmon fats are EFA's.

    Fatty Acids

    Regardless of what you've heard, the body needs fats and oils, but, they must be the right kind, and are called essential fatty acids because they are the building blocks of which fats and oils are composed. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) can not be made by the body and must be consumed. They are sometimes referred to as Vitamin F or polyunsaturates. EFA's improve the skin and hair, reduce blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, help prevent arthritis, reduces the risk of blood clot formation, are necessary for nerve transmittion, found in very high concentrations in the brain because they are needed for normal brain function and development. Every living cell needs EFA's, they are essential for repairing cells and building new cells. Essential fatty acids are transformed into regulatory coumpounds called prostaglandins and both help regulate steriod production and hormone synthesis, regulate pressure in the eyes, joints, blood vessels, regulate response to pain, inflammation, swelling, mediate immune response, regulate bodily secretions and blood circulation, direct endocrine hormones to their target cells, regulate cell mitosis, maintain cell membrane and the flow in and out, prevent blood cells from clumping, regulate nerve transmittion, stimulate steroid production and are the primary energy source for heart muscle. There are two basic categories: *****-3 and *****-6 EFA's *****-3 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS include alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acid, which are found in fresh deep water fish, fish oil, certain vegetable oils, like canola, flaxseed, and walnut. *****-6 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS include linoleic and gamma-linolenic which are found primarily in raw nuts, seeds, legumes and in unsturated vegetable oils, such as primrose oil, sesame oil, soy bean oil, borage oil. Linoleic is the most essential EFA and is converted into non-benificial trans-fatty acids by hydrogenation or the making of hard oils like margarine. ALL EFA'S MUST BE CONSUMED IN PURE FORM AND NOT SUBJECTED TO HEAT EITHER IN PROCESSING OR COOKING. HEAT DESTROYS THEM AND PRODUCES DANGEROUS FREE RADICALS. To obtain the daily requirement for EFA's, you must consume them as 10-20% of your total caloric intake.
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 10-05-2007 at 03:33 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    wtf is ur meal that has TOO MANY whole eggs?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    wtf is ur meal that has TOO MANY whole eggs?
    .... huh?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You need fat to grow, makes everything work better. and taste better too.
    Slaiv, don't believe everything you hear or read untill you have made an informed and educated decision. Maybe thats too much to ask.
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 10-06-2007 at 01:29 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!
    really? .... i dont know... ever since i started this whole dieting thing, i have never looked better in my life !!!!

    i went from 196lbs to 157lbs!!!!!!!

    i was 33% BF now im at 12% !!!!

    the girls are more than they ever been (although ive never had a problem but omg.... everything im doing is paying off.... for 23yrs ive been always a thick kinda guy, never really had a good form/figure

    now.... maaaaan.... even my closest friends are shocked at my new transformation!! its the reason why i so dedicated to this !! its working!! its working REAL GREAT !!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv
    really? .... i dont know... ever since i started this whole dieting thing, i have never looked better in my life !!!!

    i went from 196lbs to 157lbs!!!!!!!

    i was 33% BF now im at 12% !!!!

    the girls are more than they ever been (although ive never had a problem but omg.... everything im doing is paying off.... for 23yrs ive been always a thick kinda guy, never really had a good form/figure

    now.... maaaaan.... even my closest friends are shocked at my new transformation!! its the reason why i so dedicated to this !! its working!! its working REAL GREAT !!!!!!!!!
    i'm glad you posted this...i always see you on here asking about diet and you seem very dedicated...i was curious of how your progress is going...i'm glad it's paying off for you

    btw, from the looks of it slaiv, i think you probably know more about nutrition than most people on this board, looks like you're really getting your stuff together.

    good job bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!

    thank you!

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