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Thread: how do you inject your tris ?

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  1. #1

    how do you inject your tris ?

    First I know about the web site you can go to for this. They show injecting in the side of your arm for your tri. I talked to a guy who has been doing this for a while, he sayd to never inject the side always the bottom or back side of your arm. He said to put your hand on the back of your head. Your arm is going to be up where you can see the back . Now take the needle and go in on a 45 deg angle on the back side . You insert about a 1 1/2 above your under arm at the 45 deg angle. Has any one else done it this way or know of a better way for this . I would like to inject my tri 's to see if it will help get some more size.
    Last edited by nitro4 the body; 09-05-2002 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: how do you inject your tris ?

    Originally posted by nitro4 the body
    First I know about the web site you can go to for this. They show injecting in the side of your arm for your tri. I talked to a guy who has been doing this for a while, he sayd to never inject the side always the bottom or back side of your arm. He said to put your hand on the back of your head. Your arm is going to be up where you can see the back . Now take the needle and go in on a 45 deg angle on the back side . You insert about a 1 1/2 above your arm pit at the 45 deg angle. Has any one else done it this way or know of a better way for this . I would like to inject my tri 's to see if it will help get some more size.
    You friend is full of it. You can inject anywhere on your body where there is adequate muscle mass to accept the injection.

    The pictures on are on THE BACK of the arm. The arm is rotated to make reaching this area easier.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You can inject in any of the tri heads if you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    windy city
    nothing wrong injecting tri's sides i love doing that, due to that side injecting my tri's r nice and big, i also inject in center of tri's making
    my them much thicker...

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