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Thread: MY HGH cycle/resuts

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    MY HGH cycle/resuts

    i been on hgh for 11 weeks now, started at 25 iu per week, and now i am up to 50 iu per week, protocol 5 on/2 off. I have been eating a lot but clean, and have not gained any fat thanks to gh. However, my goal is to gain muscle mass, how long do you think i will start seein some increase in muscle mass. I know 6 months is usually where results emerge but anybody experience muscle increase before then. I am first used jinotropin, and now i am using prescribed norditropen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    so 10iu ED, 5 on 2 off ? you taking all 10iu in one shot or splitting dose?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    You got a script for 50iu a week? That sure sounds like a very liberal doctor.

    Quote Originally Posted by reconforce4 View Post
    i been on hgh for 11 weeks now, started at 25 iu per week, and now i am up to 50 iu per week, protocol 5 on/2 off. I have been eating a lot but clean, and have not gained any fat thanks to gh. However, my goal is to gain muscle mass, how long do you think i will start seein some increase in muscle mass. I know 6 months is usually where results emerge but anybody experience muscle increase before then. I am first used jinotropin, and now i am using prescribed norditropen.

  4. #4
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    I am taking one 10 iu dose before i sleep, because i dont want to interrupt my natural gh release more than once a day. A friend of mine is a doctor so he does the prescription for me.

  5. #5
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    I would not take it before you sleep because in your sleep is when your body releases most of your hgh. If you are set on taking it all in one shot then your best bet would be as soon as you wake up. I am also on my way to 10iu's a day but I will be doing a 4/3/3iu split throughout the day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    sounds good. i will try it for a few weeks to do it as soon as i wake up. thanx

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    recon, check out the guide to HGH use in this forum. It may give you some more insight such as splitting up your injections for better results. I think 10IU's at a time is too much, but I'm not a doctor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    the sides at 10iu in one shot must be awful.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Did you say 10iu's! jesus H! let me tell you how I do it, first I have two friends that both have a pro card. One is a top 10 Competitor
    in the IFBB and weighs 270 in the off season, and the other just got his pro card and weighs 260 in the off season. Both use 2iu a day, and one uses 250mg test a week and the other uses 500 a week. I compete in the NPC and qualified for next years USA's, I weight 300 in the off season and stage at 265, I use 2iu a day 9 months out of the year. What I am trying to say is you are waisting your money on 10iu a day. All you need is a proper diet, 2iu, less than 500 on the test, and cycle your anabolics acordingly and a strict diet. All three of us beleve the longer you take gh the better in the long run. Short term cycles dont work as well (my experience). I am just trying to help you, but I am ready for the flame! bring it!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In this day and age 10iu's a day is not that over the top. Dont get me wrong its a lot, but I know guys, some on this board who are running 30 IUs ED. I prefer to run my HGH just before bed also. It helps to minimize that lethargy sides I can get. Sometimes its a little harder to get out of bed in the morning, but that goes away after a week or two. As for disrupting your natural GH production, your already hitting your system with so much the 1 to 1.5 ius your body would produce thoughout the day is kind of a moot point.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by cold1 View Post
    In this day and age 10iu's a day is not that over the top. Dont get me wrong its a lot, but I know guys, some on this board who are running 30 IUs ED. I prefer to run my HGH just before bed also. It helps to minimize that lethargy sides I can get. Sometimes its a little harder to get out of bed in the morning, but that goes away after a week or two. As for disrupting your natural GH production, your already hitting your system with so much the 1 to 1.5 ius your body would produce thoughout the day is kind of a moot point.
    How in the heck could your body ever adapt to the sides from that and how could anyone afford that??..LOL

    That's a crazy dose and I wonder how crazy recovery would be at that dose.

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by IFR View Post
    Did you say 10iu's! jesus H! let me tell you how I do it, first I have two friends that both have a pro card. One is a top 10 Competitor
    in the IFBB and weighs 270 in the off season, and the other just got his pro card and weighs 260 in the off season. Both use 2iu a day, and one uses 250mg test a week and the other uses 500 a week. I compete in the NPC and qualified for next years USA's, I weight 300 in the off season and stage at 265, I use 2iu a day 9 months out of the year. What I am trying to say is you are waisting your money on 10iu a day. All you need is a proper diet, 2iu, less than 500 on the test, and cycle your anabolics acordingly and a strict diet. All three of us beleve the longer you take gh the better in the long run. Short term cycles dont work as well (my experience). I am just trying to help you, but I am ready for the flame! bring it!
    Congratulations on being able to achieve muscle gains at such a low dose. 2IU wouldn't do much for me that's for sure, let alone deliver more muscle. I think you are defenitely lucky that you can achieve such gains on such a low dose because most users (including myself) will need a minimum of 5 - 6IU p/day.

    Good stuff.


  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would try and split the dose into at least 3 shots per day. And I would stay away from having a shot around bed time. If you are an older user then a bed time shot may be beneficial but if you're a young gun I would avoid dosing before bed.

    You could try 2.5IU in the AM, 2.5IU lunch time and 5IU PWO. 10IU is defenitely a good dose for muscle gains, and you should start seeing some noticable results about 4 months into the cycle but keep in mind everybody is different.


  14. #14
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