Alright baby I got my stuff here from Lion today. I will be doing a log for all of you out there on MGF/IGF as I know there is limited information on it.
Alright baby I got my stuff here from Lion today. I will be doing a log for all of you out there on MGF/IGF as I know there is limited information on it.
Great Renesis.. subscribed...
Sweet im def. in! Im on week 4 of IGF right now Renesis and loved the ride! I honestly cant wait until my next one, you should be very pleased!
I'm not familiar with IGF. I'm here to watch and learn. Have been following lego's log too.
Well here is how it will go.
I will be taking the MGF at 100mcg per body part 15 minutes after workout.
The IGF will be taken at 20mcg per body part 1hr after MGF.
So basically I will take 200mcg of MGF and 40mcg of IGF per day. On bigger body parts I might push up the dosage a little bit. I only have 1mg of both so obviously the MGF will not be run as long as the IGF. Could I order more? Sure, but I don't feel like it :P
Ok so today I worked out Chest, a little weak as I played football yesterday but otherwise a normal chest day.
Took the MGF 15minutes after. Not gonna lie the first shot hurt a little because it felt like the fluid wasn't going anywhere. Second shot no pain at all. Now I am just waiting to take the IGF at 8:15.
Just took the IGF shot, not painful at all. Will be looking forward to results.
Last edited by Renesis; 01-15-2008 at 06:24 PM.
Give it a week or so and you should def. notice a slight strength increase and or good pump in and out of the gym.Youll know what I mean when it starts to take effect.
Yeah after reading your thread I just kept getting more and more excited lol. Did you by any chance transfer the IGF into the other vial it came with? Or did you just leave it in its original vial. I don't really see the need to transfer but I might ....
Yeah I transferred it. Honesly I dont know if there really is a reason to tho.I also let the IGF sit for about 24hours before I injected just to make sure it was dissolved but dont really know if you HAVE to do that. I can def. believe this peptide to give the freaky physiques that are seen today or at least somewhat of a freaky physique. I just cant believe the progress I made in in only 4 weeks with IGF. Def. holds true to its name with me.![]()
so when the fux does this thing start.. and do u even LIFT?
Glad to see this Renesis. Good Luck to you and Thanks Bro.
I have my IGF and MGF on the fridge. Looking forward to see your results. Good luck.
Well today I woke up and my chest feels like I have never worked it out before. The soreness is insane... on the bright side my chest looks full all the time. Did tris/delts today figured my delts are close enough to the tris and only shot the mgf/igf in both delts. 1 shot was slightly painful the others I didn't feel a thing. It is hard to shoot though shaking like a leaf after working out. At least I am not shaking anymore by the time I have to shoot the IGF. So far no pumps, but it only has been two days. Hopefully by next week I will start feeling it more.
will be following this closely, should be fun renesis.
Well day 3. I already see results and no it is not some placebo effect. My chest stays tight all day there is no slight sag to the sides (my bf% is around 12-13). Even my family noticed
it today. Shoulders are a little sore nothing bad, a little more round maybe, but not like my chest. Did back today shot in my bis because I can't reach my lats while trying to aspirate and inject its just awkward as hell. Got some good pumps today feeling nice and strong. Weight as of today 160lbs. Usually I hover between 155-160 but lately I have been sitting on 160. (I have upped my cals to 4k) It is nice to see results already on at least one body part I will continue to update on the remainder of the cycle.
Glad to hear the progress Renesis!
Oh and so people don't think I am light or anything. I am 5'5"
Lol yeah I figured I should put that in there -.-
hope it works well for you, i shall be watching this log
See I told you its good sh*t! LOL, yeah I really enjoyed my igf run and speaking of which...i gotta give an update. Keep reading cus im going to post how weight and such goes when im off for a few days in my thread. So you likeing it so far Renesis?
Haha I never doubted you man. I am loving this so far man. I am definitely going to run it again during my cutting cycle of Alb or Clen whichever I feel like using. For now lets just see where this cycle takes me.
lego next time we visit we are gonna have to talk about this in more depth! im really excited listening to urs and RENESIS results! keep me more informed!
Good log ...
OK so update for the day. First time working out a body part that has already been hit with the MGF/IGF combo. All I can say is damn -.- Strength is up a little bit got an extra rep in (couldve also been the coffee). But I got an extremely strong pump today in my chest and bis. Afterwards the MGF/IGF was taken in the chest/tri. I wish I could show you the shape I am already getting after only 4 days, but you will have to wait until next week for that. I do have some old pics of me on this board hopefully I can find them so that I can have a before and after.
Crap.... I left the IGF out for a day I hope it is not wastedDAMNIT!!!!!!
where can i find these pics? from what i know u and lego are relativley the same size! i know lego personally but he is far away right now to see his results! im very interested in this log! thanks for keepin me informed!
well lego may b a bit bigger but still i like to compare results!
Yeah legos got me by 30lbs lol. He is about 3 inches taller but still -.-
You can look for my pictures under my thread Clen cycle. I was around 145lbs there though. A bit different from the current 160 that I started the IGF/MGF on.
wow yeah not a bad base bro!! yeah lego is a bit bigger i took his pics for him! but still id like to keep hearing ur results on this IGF. cause when lego moves back by me he is gonna help me out a bit with it! thanks for ur time!
Yeah no problem. I will be posting pictures after I am done with the cycle.
Man this sounds like exactly what happened to me when i ran the IGF. This is a good log to compare to mine and also some others as people who are hesitating to use it can see these logs and have a pretty good idea of how this stuff works and better their desicion.
Well this week if the first week of hitting all body parts again that have already been injected with the mgf/igf combo. Did legs today. DAMN I got a nice solid pump in my legs and I never seemed to tire out. Usually after squats I start shaking like a leaf. I had none of that today. After today I will start leaving detailed accounts of weights lifted so you can see if any strength builds up and weight as well.
Sorry about the lateness to the update. ok so heres how today went
Chest/BI day
(All weights in lbs)
All lifts are up and current lifts are feeling lighter. My chest has definitely filled out in comparison to what it was. Usually for incline I have a tough time with the 80s only getting 6, today I got 8 and received help for 10. Regular bench I had no spot at that time as no one was in the gym yet so I couldn't put up the 100s to see how I felt, but the 70s,80s,90s felt easy to move around. The pump that I got today was ridiculous, my chest was pushing out and was noticeable through my big hoody.
On bis I was able to curl my max weight of 60lbs 8 times instead of 6. ( I cant curl much) and the pump was a bit painful I couldn't bend my arms fully.
Overall week 2 has only just started and I feel incredible.
Def. good stuff! Great to hear the good run so far! So far for me strength has stayed the same. EVEN AFTER I HAD FOOD POISONING and couldnt eat at all yesterday. So its def. good stuff.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Worked out shoulders today and I must say I am impressed!! Got up the 70s for shoulder presses today!! Haven't touched those in a while!! Tris felt strong all workout and I was able to squeeze out a couple of more reps on the push downs. The pump was amazing I was full and strong the entire workout. Weight today was 161lbs. Not gaining much weight but I am filling out much better.
Exactly what I had experienced. I think i gained a solid 3lbs off the IGF cycle and still holding strong. (gained some weight back after my food poisoning experience) Even almost 2 weeks off the cycle and still holding size, shape, and weight is pretty good IMO. Keep it up bro!![]()
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