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Thread: STACK LOG (p-plex, d-drol, myoX)

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HighandWide STACK LOG (p-plex, d-drol,... 02-03-2008, 09:32 PM
HighandWide Day 1- 3 Way Raises 3x5 30lb... 02-03-2008, 09:47 PM
HighandWide O and heres what I am working... 02-03-2008, 09:50 PM
HighandWide I want to make afew... 02-06-2008, 08:04 PM
HighandWide DAY 1 - 3 Way Raises 3x5... 02-18-2008, 05:54 PM
number twelve good log keep it up 02-18-2008, 06:14 PM
HighandWide ***All Measurements taken at... 02-18-2008, 06:21 PM
bcaasdirty lookn good bro :) 02-18-2008, 07:31 PM
K.Biz good log man, i still highly... 02-19-2008, 01:11 AM
HighandWide I am only running the sups... 02-19-2008, 10:25 PM
TexasX WHat are you running for your... 02-20-2008, 08:58 AM
HighandWide Tomax and MyoGen with... 02-20-2008, 05:37 PM
boondockSAINT How do you bench 225 x 18 and... 02-27-2008, 03:27 PM
DaBoy7777 he dont have 20 inch arms 02-27-2008, 03:46 PM
K.Biz :scratch: who are you? 02-27-2008, 03:51 PM
HighandWide Sorry for the delay in... 03-09-2008, 07:11 PM
bcaasdirty lol u got some crazy #s... 03-09-2008, 08:11 PM
HighandWide Today TUESDAY MARCH 11 we... 03-11-2008, 08:40 PM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house

    STACK LOG (p-plex, d-drol, myoX)

    P-plex....M-drol...Inhibit E...MyoGenX…liver care(LIV-52)

    * Week 1...20-mg...................................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 2...20 mg...................................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 3...30 mg.......10mg...................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 4...30mg........10mg...................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 5................... 20mg....................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 6....................20mg....................4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 7...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 8...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 9...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
    * Week 10.................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps

    Day 1- 3 Way Raises 3x5 30lb
    - DB Bench 3x 12 45lb
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 120lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 60lb
    - Tricep extensions 3x10 45lb
    - Shrugs 3x12 100lbs
    - Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 35lbs
    - DB bentover row 3x10 90lb

    - Squats 215x 8 4x
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 45lb
    - Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
    - Dips to Failure 32 26 18
    - Pull-ups to Failure 16 13 8

    Day 3- Slingshot (Sore as hell….appitite still here…added another chicken breast to my post and post post workout meals) Slingshot- same lifts I have been doing before for slingshot. Because I am not doing this every day but EOD of upper and lower it is not a true slingshot. I also thing that by doing standard “comfortable” sets you can see a much more decent progression in strength gains
    -DB Bench warm up 35 x 15, 45 x 12, 50 x 8 work 50 x 17, 75 x 9, 60 x 11
    -Lat Raises warm up 10 x 15, 15 x 15, 25 x 8 work 25 x 13, 40 x 9, 35 x 11
    -Tri Extension warm up 30 x 18, 40 x 12 50 x 8 work 50 x 13, 60 x 8 55 x 8
    -Lat machine straight arm pull down 30 x 20, 40 x 16, 50 x 10 work 50 x 18 60 x 13 70 x 7
    -Biceps 35 x 18 40 x 16 55 x 8 work 55 x 12 65 x 8 60 x 8

    Day 4 – slingshot....kinda
    -Squats 135x15 155 x 12 185 x 8 work 185 x 12 200 x 8 215 x 6
    -Lunge Complex 5 x around body, 4 x 20, 3x 35, work 4x 35 3x 45 3x 40
    -Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
    -Dips to Failure 32 26 18
    -Pull-ups to Failure 16 13 8

    Day 5- OFF THANK GOD… still not feeling much of anything

    Day 6- 15 minute jog + abs

    Day 7 – felt pretty strong after the rest not sure if it’s the plex or the rest… we will see
    - DB Bench 3x 12 50lb
    -Lat pulldown 3x8 130lb
    -Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    -Tricep extensions 3x10 50lb
    -Shrugs 3x12 110lbs
    -Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 45lbs
    -DB bentover row 3x10 100lb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house
    Day 1- 3 Way Raises 3x5 30lb
    - DB Bench 3x 12 45lb
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 120lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 60lb
    - Tricep extensions 3x10 45lb
    - Shrugs 3x12 100lbs
    - Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 35lbs
    - DB bentover row 3x10 90lb


    Day 2- Squats 230x 6 4x
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 45lb
    - Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
    - Dips to Failure 32 22 14
    - Pull-ups to Failure 17 11 7

    Day 3
    - DB Bench warm up 40lbs x 15, 50 x 12, 55 x 8 work 55 x 19, 80 x 8, 65 x 11
    - Lat Raises warm up 10 x 21, 20 x 16, 25 x 11 work 25 x 13, 35 x 11, 30 x 8
    - Tri Extension warm up 30 x 20, 40 x 13 50 x 11 work 50 x 15, 60 x 11 55 x 8
    - Lat machine straight arm pull down 30 x 20, 40 x 16, 50 x 10 work 50 x 18 60 x 13 70 x 7
    - Biceps 35 x 18 40 x 16 55 x 8 work 55 x 12 65 x 8 60 x 8

    - Squats 135x15 155 x 12 185 x 8 work 185 x 12 200 x 8 215 x 6
    - Lunge Complex 5 x around body, 4 x 20, 3x 35, work 4x 35 3x 45 3x 40
    - Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
    - Dips to Failure 33 24 14
    - Pull-ups to Failure 22 13 8

    Day 5- OFF

    Day 6- 15 minute jog + abs

    Day 7
    - DB Bench 3x 12 50lb
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 130lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    - Tricep extensions 3x10 50lb
    - Shrugs 3x12 110lbs
    - Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 45lbs
    - DB bentover row 3x10 100lb

    Some notes: Test body fat (skin fold) and down 1.8% and weight + 3 from last test, pre cycle. Implement was calibrated and done by a professional from our kinesiology dept. Strength seems alittle up but nothing really to write home about. My lats are on fire Was very shocked at the BF though.

    Can't get here to often but I will try to cut and paste my log here every 2 weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    your girlfriends house
    O and heres what I am working with


    Age: 25
    Height: about 6'6''
    Weight: 225
    Body Fat: 11.6 pre cycle
    Bench: 225 x 18
    Squat: 365x 5
    DIET (I try to keep up)....yes I stole this but I altered the times to fit my schedule

    (8:00) Pre Cardio - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1) TOTALS - cal232, carb14.8 pro31.7, fat1.6

    (9:00) 20-30 Minute Jog

    (10:00) Meal 1 - 8 hard boiled egg whites (cal 116, pro24), Oatmeal 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) in skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1). TOTALS - Cal 649, carbs 94.8, pro 69.7, Fat 10.1

    (11:00) Meal 2 - Tuna 1 tin (cal 145,carb0 pro31 fat1), Oatmeal 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) in skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1), Dried Fruit 30g (cal73, carbs 19.2). TOTALS - Cal 750, carbs 114, pro 76.7, fat 11.6

    (1:00) Pre workout - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) Oatmeal 50g (cal180, carbs31, pro5, fat4) Grapefruit Juice (cal95 carbs21.5) TOTALS - cal387 carbs55 fat4.5 pro28

    2:00-3:30 Workout & Drills

    (3:30) 30 min PWO - 2 scoops whey (cal212 pro 50) TOTALS – Cal212, pro 50

    (4:30) 1 hr PPWO - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) in 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg, TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6

    (6:30) meal 5 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6

    (7:30) Meal 6 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) Veggies (cals vary fat varies), Fish oil (cal90 fat10g) TOTALS - cal510 fat23.7 pro70

    (9:30) Meal 7 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) Veg, Coconut oil (cal90 fat10g) Fish oil (cal90 fat10g) TOTALS - cal510 fat23.7 pro70

    Protein: 551.9
    Fats: 88.4
    Carbs: 423.8
    Total Cals: 4650

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house
    I want to make afew observations since starting m-drol. I have felt an amazing kick in the weight room. I am cycling with NO-Xplod and for those of you who know that kick, this one feels similar. Only its not just that boost in energy to get those last to reps but I noticed everything feeling lighter. I will not get another chance to write until prob middle of week 4 but in week 3 I seem to be turning the corner and expect some giant gains pretty soon.

    When I write back I will give BF....BMI.....Weight

    SIDEEFFECTS: That dryness in the joints is real. Its not crazy and I'm taking lots of water and Glut/Con to counter. My elbows are the worst and knees get uncomfortable at times prob because of the running load. I will get back to you later with any other increased sides.
    : Also acne is upon me. Nothing in the face but on shoulders and upper back...nothing really serious. Got a good scrub and I'm tanning which seems to be maintaining.

    Thanks for Reading

  5. #5
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    DAY 1
    - 3 Way Raises 3x5 50lb
    - DB Bench 3x5 95lb (DAMN BIG JUMP HERE)
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 145lb (DECENT JUMP)
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    - Cable tricep extensions 3x8 65lb

    - Hammer into cross curls 3x12 50 lbs
    - DB bentover row 3x8 110lb

    DAY 2
    - Shrugs 3x8 180lbs (DAMN)
    - Squats 230x10 250x8 280x6 300x3 300x3 (BIG JUMP..COULD GO HIGHER)
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 60lb
    - Dips w/ 45lb weight belt 12 12 12
    - Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight belt 10 8 6

    Day 4
    - OFF to Recover

    Day 5
    - 3 Way Raises 3x5 50lb
    - DB Bench 100x 5 95lb 2x5
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 145lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    - Cable tricep extensions 3x8 65lb

    Day 6
    - Shrugs 3x10 180lbs (DAMN)
    - Squats 230x10 250x8 280x6 300x5 300x3
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 60lb
    - Dips w/ 45lb weight belt 12 8 8 (I feel broke off)
    - Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight belt 10 8 6

    DAY 7
    - 20 min jog, abs

    DAY 1
    - 3 Way Raises 3x5 50lb
    - DB Bench 3x5 95lb
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 145lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    - Cable tricep extensions 3x8 65lb
    - Hammer into cross curls 3x12 50 lbs
    - DB bentover row 3x8 110lb

    DAY 2
    - Shrugs 3x8 180lbs
    - Squats 230x10 250x8 280x6 300x3 300x3
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 60lb
    - Dips w/ 45lb weight belt 12 12 12
    - Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight belt 10 8 6

    Day 4
    - OFF to Recover

    Day 5
    - 3 Way Raises 3x5 50lb
    - DB Bench 100x 5 95lb 2x5
    - Lat pulldown 3x8 145lb
    - Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
    - Cable tricep extensions 3x8 65lb

    Day 6
    - Shrugs 3x10 180lbs
    - Squats 230x10 250x8 280x6 300x3 300x3
    - Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 60lb
    - Dips w/ 45lb weight belt 12 8 8
    - Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight belt 10 8 6

    I will be switching the training up a litle bit for next week. Will focus on allot more core than I have. I don't have a camera but will be back later with some measurements to this point. Any questions just ask....

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
    Join Date
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    good log keep it up

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house
    ***All Measurements taken at the largest diameter of area listed***


    Upper arm
    Relaxed 17'
    Flexed 19'

    Flexed 15'



    Upper Leg


    Upper arm
    relaxed 17.75'
    flexed 20.25'

    flexed 15.50'



    Upper Leg

    I def feel bigger and look bigger. I look very much like I do when front loading with dbol. For those who don't know...I look defined but not shredded, big but not bloated.

    Just read my past posts and said I would get back with my BF and BMI but it totally slipped my mind. I will get back to you next week with that.


    Bench press- 225 for max reps
    Squat- 1RM
    Clean- 1RM

    I will also throw in DB Bench because I have a bet going that I will be able to get 120 for 2.

    Acne starting getting out of control by middle of week 2. Tanning and constant scrubbing as worked nicely. Acne never made it to my face but was bad on my shoulders and back for about 6 days until I caught up with tanning and washing. Very clean now. Cranberry juice has now become my drink of choice. No side effects related to aggravate liver, kidney, etc and want to keep it what way. I feel like the MyoGenX may be overshadowed of its effects minimaized by the other sups. If to I was to run this cycle again I see no advantage to using the MyoGenX.

    Again thanks for reading and PM or post any questions
    Last edited by HighandWide; 02-23-2008 at 10:11 PM.

  8. #8
    lookn good bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    good log man, i still highly recomend you dont run this for 10 weeks. ake sure your checking your eyes on a regular basis, they will be the first sign of liver problems, there tint will start to turn a yellow color

  10. #10
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    I am only running the sups for 6 weeks....I know the table I made may look crazy but...

    First column is P-Plex
    Second column is M-Drol
    Third column is Inhibit E
    Forth column is MyoGenX
    Fifth column is Liver Support

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Republic of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide View Post
    I am only running the sups for 6 weeks....I know the table I made may look crazy but...

    First column is P-Plex
    Second column is M-Drol
    Third column is Inhibit E
    Forth column is MyoGenX
    Fifth column is Liver Support
    WHat are you running for your PCT? What K.Biz has in his sticky?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Tomax and MyoGen with continued liver support

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    How do you bench 225 x 18 and have 20" arms but only use 50lb dumbells for 10 reps? Am I reading something wrong?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    he dont have 20 inch arms

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaBoy7777 View Post
    he dont have 20 inch arms
    who are you?

  16. #16
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    Sorry for the delay in posting. After my maxes we had off for “spring break” and I went on a cruise to Bahamas, St. Thomas, St. Marteen. It was awesome and I recommend St. Marteen to everyone. It is awesome. I had no problem with supps and customs so no worries to anyone who has this idea. I will answer a few questions before I continue with my lifting and maxes

    Flexed circumference is 20.25!! I do hammer into cross over curls. The cross over curls is taking my right arm crossing my chest and twisting it up to my left shoulder. I do 3 sets of 12 hammer and cross over curls. So it looks like this

    Set 1: 12 hammer 12 cross over
    Set 2: 12 hammer 12 cross over
    Set 3: 12 hammer 12 cross over

    They are pretty tough to do. But biceps are not my strongest. And for the person asking how I can bench so much and curl so little (even though I don’t think that 72 total curls is little), I am mostly tricep. Biceps aren’t big in my profession as I am not a body builder.

    Squat: 415x3

    I think this ended up working out to something similar to my previous max of 365x5. Maybe a little more. I f*cking hate the weight room staff though. Because this is the off season we do seated parallel squats. This means we sit back onto a box which brings our thighs parallel to the ground…then stand up. I know if I was doing regular squats I could have done more but this is okay with me

    Bench: 225x22

    I was pretty amped doing this. I had some linkin park cranked in the background when I started and was hyped because I knew I was going to throw the weight up. Once again I f*cking hate the weight room staff. They didn’t count 4 reps because I didn’t lock out my arms at the top. Upon hearing them repeat rep 18 four times I was pretty disheartened and pissed which took away from what I feel I could have done.

    Clean: 308x3

    I think this was very close to a lifetime best. Nothing really to say here. Clean to me is all about technique. I have kids beasting me in all the other lifts suck at cleans. I wouldn’t use this as a comparison but nonetheless I am happy to get 300.

    Other noteable stats from these 2 days

    DB Bench: 130x2…hahaha….Someone owes me Zaxby’s for a week
    40 time: 4.56
    150m time: 17.80
    16lb overhead throw: 57 feet
    Vertical: 32’ ¼
    Height: 78 inches
    Weight: 220
    Fat %: 11.2
    BMI: 21.6

    Okay I mentioned some wacky lifting that we where going to be doing last time I wrote in. I will try to steal a copy of what we are doing so that I can write them in to you all.

    Here is some of what we are doing with a description.

    Plank Rows
    - You start in the pushup position. Then you row up a weight without swinging your hips or shoulder.
    - We then lift the opposite leg from which we are working
    Hanging leg curls
    - hanging from a pull-up bar
    - leg curls up to chest/ straight leg curls/ windshield wipers
    - windshield wipers are hanging from a pull up bar and swining your feet up to your hands. Than without dropping you need to swinging your feet side to side. This is a killer!!!
    45lb hip poppers
    - Hold a 445 lb plate straight over your head. Then pop your hip out to the side so that the plate is now outside one shoulder. Then force the plate back to parallel.

    Front Squats
    135 barbell twists


    1. plank position
    a. knee up knee down switch feet
    b. knee up knee down runners
    c. knee up outside arm knee down switch
    d. knee up cross to opposite shoulder knee down switch
    e. wide arm circles alternate arms 20 seconds
    f. straight leg ups alternate
    g. straight leg outside arm
    h. straight leg cross overs
    i. half berpees

  17. #17
    lol u got some crazy #s bro...keep it up!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    your girlfriends house
    Today TUESDAY MARCH 11 we did:

    Started with Circuit again

    Clock Lunges
    - Holding 180 on my shoulders I had to lunge around my body to 12 o'clock (straight in front of me) 3 o'clock (to my right side) 6 o'clock (behind me) 9 o'clock (left side) though full Range of Motion. 3 times clockwise 3 times counterclockwise

    Hip poppers
    - 45lb plate like above 5 sets of 15

    135lb barbell rotations but today we did 155lb. This shit hurts!!

    Muscle Ups
    - Hanging from a pullup bar with arms straight you must pull yourself up so that you finish above the bar with arms straight resembling the beginning of a dip.
    - We had to do only 3 before we could leave.. If we couldn't get it we had to flip a 6 foot tire for 40 meters and try again in 3 minutes.
    - I got it on my second time through but I think some of my bros may still be flipping tires well into tomorrow

    Anyway that was it for today.

    Ohh.....I spoke with my trainer about slingshot training and he called me an idiot. He said he can't imagine how after lifting this way that anyone will be able to move (showed him he posts from this site). He was referring to range of motion and athletic movements. I would like to hear if people on here would agree with that comment. Is it only intended for BBs?

    The numbers may seem a little crazy but you all have to understand I never maxed before while I was on gear and I know I was stronger than. I was doing Dips for 3 sets of 12 with 100 pounds around my waist. That shit was the really deal. I probably can't get but 6 or 8 now.

    Also I hadn't maxed since around Thanksgiving time. I am way stronger now. And when I was in college being a decathlete I was never able to get very big. Hence the spotty old maxes

    I WOULDN'T PUT WHAT YOU SEE IN MY GAINS ENTIRELY ON THE SUPPS. I have been busting my ass and seeing excellent results which I think are heightened by the supps, but not caused by them. My body seems to be responding really well to these new lifting routines.

    I would rate this cycle as a 9 as far as legal stuff is concerned. Would give it a 10 but I haven't tried everything. Of course they aren't even on the scale when you count gear too, but for those how can't get there hands on any this seems close to as good as your going to get. I will definantly be going it again.

    Just in case you where wondering I am now in my PCT with no real changes in terms of strength and size. I Maxed during week 6 of my cycle before switching my training

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