P-plex....M-drol...Inhibit E...MyoGenX…liver care(LIV-52)
* Week 1...20-mg...................................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 2...20 mg...................................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 3...30 mg.......10mg...................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 4...30mg........10mg...................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 5................... 20mg....................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 6....................20mg....................4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 7...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 8...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 9...................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
* Week 10.................................2 caps....4 Caps.........4 caps
Day 1- 3 Way Raises 3x5 30lb
- DB Bench 3x 12 45lb
- Lat pulldown 3x8 120lb
- Straight arm pulldown 3x10 60lb
- Tricep extensions 3x10 45lb
- Shrugs 3x12 100lbs
- Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 35lbs
- DB bentover row 3x10 90lb
- Squats 215x 8 4x
- Lunge Complex 3 times around 4 x 45lb
- Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
- Dips to Failure 32 26 18
- Pull-ups to Failure 16 13 8
Day 3- Slingshot (Sore as hell….appitite still here…added another chicken breast to my post and post post workout meals) Slingshot- same lifts I have been doing before for slingshot. Because I am not doing this every day but EOD of upper and lower it is not a true slingshot. I also thing that by doing standard “comfortable†sets you can see a much more decent progression in strength gains
-DB Bench warm up 35 x 15, 45 x 12, 50 x 8 work 50 x 17, 75 x 9, 60 x 11
-Lat Raises warm up 10 x 15, 15 x 15, 25 x 8 work 25 x 13, 40 x 9, 35 x 11
-Tri Extension warm up 30 x 18, 40 x 12 50 x 8 work 50 x 13, 60 x 8 55 x 8
-Lat machine straight arm pull down 30 x 20, 40 x 16, 50 x 10 work 50 x 18 60 x 13 70 x 7
-Biceps 35 x 18 40 x 16 55 x 8 work 55 x 12 65 x 8 60 x 8
Day 4 – slingshot....kinda
-Squats 135x15 155 x 12 185 x 8 work 185 x 12 200 x 8 215 x 6
-Lunge Complex 5 x around body, 4 x 20, 3x 35, work 4x 35 3x 45 3x 40
-Calf Raise Machine 240x 12 4x
-Dips to Failure 32 26 18
-Pull-ups to Failure 16 13 8
Day 5- OFF THANK GOD… still not feeling much of anything
Day 6- 15 minute jog + abs
Day 7 – felt pretty strong after the rest not sure if it’s the plex or the rest… we will see
- DB Bench 3x 12 50lb
-Lat pulldown 3x8 130lb
-Straight arm pulldown 3x10 70lb
-Tricep extensions 3x10 50lb
-Shrugs 3x12 110lbs
-Hammer curls into cross curls 3x16 45lbs
-DB bentover row 3x10 100lb