I am a 49 year old, in good health and shape. 6-2, 205. train 3-4 times a week. Do different types of workouts. Some powerlifting, some crossfit, some circuit. Do all the supplements, tongkat, mucuna, etc. Want some kind of guidance, as to what to take. Used dbol, back in the day by itself, 15 mgs a day, with great results. Right now can bench 280, squat 315, deadlift 430. Looking to get to 315+, 405+, 500+. Also want to get that pump and ferocity, that the dbol gave me 30 years ago. Plus the recovery benefits. can otc supps help me? Or should i cycle some juice. Right now i am on 5g of androgel for low t, from the doc. Do a high protien low carb diet also. Just want to get an educated opinion, rather than trying stuff myself. thanks.