Im starting this cycle in exactly 1 month.
1-4 Dbol 50mg/ED
1-12 Test-E 400mg/week
PCT I will start it up 2 weeks after last Test shot
1-4 clomid 50mg/ED(first two weeks will be 100mg per day)
1-4 Nolva 20mg/ ED
I will have Letro just incase any Gyno issues popup, but im not sure how I will deal with that...maybe take letro after PCT?
oops sorry forgot stats
20 years of age
170lbs 13% BF
4 years lifting(3 of them being consistent diet and lifting)
5 '8''
No Cycle Experience
when I say consistent diet ,I mean not very clean...but getting a good amount of protein per meal,along with PWO carbs........pretty much a 3 year dirty bulk which I gained a lot of weight(fat and muscle) as well as good strength gains.