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    Fundamentalist Christians Boycotting McDonald's over Gay Marriage

    Gay-Marriage Opponents To Boycott McDonald's

    By Frank Ahrens
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, July 4, 2008; D01

    A group that opposes same-sex marriage has called for a boycott of McDonald's, saying the fast-food giant has refused "to stay neutral in the cultural war over homosexuality."

    The American Family Association (AFA) launched the boycott yesterday because McDonald's joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce several months ago and placed an executive on the group's board of directors, in addition to donating to the chamber.

    The association asked McDonald's to remove itself from the chamber but the burger-maker declined, leading to the boycott. "We're saying that there are people who support AFA who don't appreciate their dollars from the hamburgers they bought being put into an organization that's going to fight against the values they believe in," Tim Wildmon, the association's president, said yesterday.

    "Hatred has no place in our culture," McDonald's USA spokesman Bill Whitman said. "That includes McDonald's, and we stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment."

    In March, the association ended a two-year boycott of Ford after the automaker largely stopped advertising its Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles in the gay media. The association also has boycotted retailer Target for substituting "holiday" for "Christmas" in its advertising and the Walt Disney Co. for its "embrace of the homosexual lifestyle."

    Corporations increasingly are courting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender markets for their buying power and trendsetting value. This translates into corporate sponsorships of events, such as gay pride festivals, and advertising targeted at nonheterosexual consumers.
    As a result, faith-based groups such as the AFA are following the example practiced for years by the secular left, which has targeted corporations for their policies on environmental, workplace and human-rights issues.
    The AFA "exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values," the group's Web site reads. The organization, based in Tupelo, Miss., has 2.8 million people on its e-mail alert system and sends its monthly magazine to 170,000 people, Wildmon said.

    Wildmon said his group wants McDonald's to give up its membership in the chamber, which is located in Dupont Circle, next year and to remove its logo from the chamber's Web site. "I think the request we're making is more than fair," Wildmon said.

    A call to chamber president Justin G. Nelson was not returned.

    Wildmon said that his group would not object if McDonald's gave money to a group that, for instance, assisted gay HIV/AIDS patients. "You wouldn't hear from us," he said. "That would be classified as humanitarian aid." The AFA has planned no on-site protests, Wildmon said.

    In a May 29 letter to Wildmon, McDonald's global chief diversity officer Pat Harris wrote: "McDonald's is associated with countless local and national affinity groups. . . . We have a well-established and proud heritage of associating with individuals and organizations that share the belief that every person has the right to live and work in a community free of discrimination."

    On its new Web site,, AFA says the boycott is not about McDonald's hiring or serving gay patrons or its treatment of gay employees. Instead, the boycott is motivated by McDonald's throwing "the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage."
    Ascertaining the impact of such boycotts can be tricky. Ford's monthly sales slumped at times during the AFA boycott, but so did those of General Motors, DaimlerChrysler and Toyota. The boycott coincided with an industry-wide slide in sales of SUVs and trucks, Ford's core products. "It is so difficult to sort out what cause and effect is today with the number of variables that are in play," said David E. Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research.

    Ford, which has sold its Jaguar and Land Rover lines, said gay-oriented ads constituted a small slice of its marketing budget. When cuts were made, mainstream-market advertising was reduced, while niche advertising was all but eliminated.

    In a March statement, the company said: "Ford will continue to market its products widely to attract as many customers as possible and make charitable contributions to strengthen communities to the extent business conditions allow. Difficult business conditions in recent years have reduced our overall spending across the board."

  2. #2
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    good, most fundamentalist christians I see need to lose weight anyway

  3. #3
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    Good for McDonalds sticking with it

  4. #4
    About 77% of all Americans are Christains. When you have a "Family Business" like McDonald's that has a play area for our children; a good business practice would be to stay neutarl on the gay issue.

    What the Hell is the National Gay & Lesbian Chamer of Commerce anyway? This very small special interest group has no real economic muscle behind it. This is just Left Coast B.S. If you'r gay, that is fine with me; but stay out of my face with it. I don't care who you sleep with, and I don't care, keep it to yourself.

    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days. Nothing is sacred to the "Left" anymore. Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 07-05-2008 at 11:16 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    About 77% of all Americans are Christains. When you have a "Family Business" like McDonald's that has a play area for our children; a good business practice would be to stay neutarl on the gay issue.

    What the Hell is the National Gay & Lesbian Chamer of Commerce anyway? This very small special interest group has no real economic muscle behind it. This is just Left Coast B.S. If you'r gay, that is fine with me; but stay out of my face with it. I don't care who you sleep with, and I don't care, keep it to yourself.

    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days. Nothing is sacred to the "Left" anymore. Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?

    This will not change what it is like to go into a McDonald's. You would never know it if the AFA hate group didn't talk about it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    About 77% of all Americans are Christains. When you have a "Family Business" like McDonald's that has a play area for our children; a good business practice would be to stay neutarl on the gay issue.

    What the Hell is the National Gay & Lesbian Chamer of Commerce anyway? This very small special interest group has no real economic muscle behind it. This is just Left Coast B.S. If you'r gay, that is fine with me; but stay out of my face with it. I don't care who you sleep with, and I don't care, keep it to yourself.

    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days. Nothing is sacred to the "Left" anymore. Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?
    It's not like they're putting a How-To-Have-Gay-Sex pamphlet in every happy meal. They're just marketing to a gay audience, which is big business. Unless your kid reads gay publications and sees McDonalds ads there, he'd never know the difference.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    About 77% of all Americans are Christains. When you have a "Family Business" like McDonald's that has a play area for our children; a good business practice would be to stay neutarl on the gay issue.

    What the Hell is the National Gay & Lesbian Chamer of Commerce anyway? This very small special interest group has no real economic muscle behind it. This is just Left Coast B.S. If you'r gay, that is fine with me; but stay out of my face with it. I don't care who you sleep with, and I don't care, keep it to yourself.

    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days. Nothing is sacred to the "Left" anymore. Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?

    Keep it to yourself? In what respect do you mean the aforementioned sentence? If you have or had a girlfriend/wife/sig. other, at some point in your life, when you were out in public did you hold her hand? give her a kiss? perhaps wear a ring to signify your comment to her and vice versa?

    YOU dont "keep it to yourself," so why the FU*K would you presume to subjugate other people and tell them to keep their relationships "to themselves." There is only one word for the kind of rhetoric you are spewing from your keyboard...... INTOLERANCE.

    And before you shoot your mouth off and call me a liberal, WRONG. I'm a conservative Republican(Libertarian).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?
    Eradicate all trace of sexuality, eh?

    You'd have to eliminate all trace of heterosexuality. No more conspicuous signs of boyfriend/girlfriend, prohibit any sign of parent/child relationship.

    How are you gonna do that?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days.
    Disney World never promoted Gay Day. Local gay organizations and publications did.

  10. #10
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    About 77% of all Americans are Christains. When you have a "Family Business" like McDonald's that has a play area for our children; a good business practice would be to stay neutarl on the gay issue.

    What the Hell is the National Gay & Lesbian Chamer of Commerce anyway? This very small special interest group has no real economic muscle behind it. This is just Left Coast B.S. If you'r gay, that is fine with me; but stay out of my face with it. I don't care who you sleep with, and I don't care, keep it to yourself.

    Disney World got hurt bad when they promoted their annual Gay Days. Nothing is sacred to the "Left" anymore. Can't my kid go to Disney World or eat a burger without sexuality being an issue?

    homosexuality does not equal molestation.....

  11. #11
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    wow, the unemployment rate in the mobile home parks is going to rise fast!!!! just think, they are boycotting their own jobs! we call that a strike
    crazy christians

  12. #12
    Back up sister!!! The AFA is not a hate group. They are a group of Christains that have traditional American/Christain beliefs. I'm not a member, I don't even go to church, but these people have a right not to eat at a restaurant if that restaurant is going to support some gay special interest group! They also have a right not to be labeled a "hate group". I love liberals like you. If you don't agree with what the AFA is doing, then they are a hate group. How trite.

    What if it was a Moslem or an Islamic group that boycotted McDonalds for supporting some gay group? You know what Moslem's think of the gay community don't you? Then you would be signing a different tune, how we must respect and understand the beliefs of other religions and cultures. Diversity is so enriching and we must build a bridge between the gay community and the ...... Bla, Bla, Bla...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Back up sister!!! The AFA is not a hate group. They are a group of Christains that have traditional American/Christain beliefs. I'm not a member, I don't even go to church, but these people have a right not to eat at a restaurant if that restaurant is going to support some gay special interest group! They also have a right not to be labeled a "hate group". I love liberals like you. If you don't agree with what the AFA is doing, then they are a hate group. How trite.

    What if it was a Moslem or an Islamic group that boycotted McDonalds for supporting some gay group? You know what Moslem's think of the gay community don't you? Then you would be signing a different tune, how we must respect and understand the beliefs of other religions and cultures. Diversity is so enriching and we must build a bridge between the gay community and the ...... Bla, Bla, Bla...
    Of course they have that right not to go there. What do you call it? they discriminate against people who are gay or support them. IMO that is a hate group.

    Lol im not a liberial. Just because i dont use a fiction book to run my life you think i am? You dont want gay stuff forced down your throught. well thats how i feel about religion. I sick of everyone thanking god. Having to see these dumb god bill boards. And not to mention a church on every corner

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Of course they have that right not to go there. What do you call it? they discriminate against people who are gay or support them. IMO that is a hate group.

    Lol im not a liberial. Just because i dont use a fiction book to run my life you think i am? You dont want gay stuff forced down your throught. well thats how i feel about religion. I sick of everyone thanking god. Having to see these dumb god bill boards. And not to mention a church on every corner
    So using your logic.. are all gays (i assume they are not) are they all part of a hate group?? Seems they boycott a lot of business to get them to change.. ie, forcing a reaction, or action.. it's a Rhetorical question.
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    So using your logic.. are all gays (i assume they are not) are they all part of a hate group?? Seems they boycott a lot of business to get them to change.. ie, forcing a reaction, or action.. it's a Rhetorical question.
    I know you said it’s rhetorical but I would like to answer. It would depend on the reason they are boycotting. If it was because they packaging was bad for the environment. Or the way they made their nuggets was inhumane or some other possible legit reason then no. If Gays boycotted because McDonalds joined a Chamber of Commerce to another group. Yes. What if McDonalds joined the black chamber of commerce? You don’t think it’s the same if the AMA boycotted them then?

    Just watched that video. I dont think thats a reason to boycott. But like i said everyone has the rights to do it. But when the reason they are boyotting are from discrmination i think thats a hate group
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 07-07-2008 at 09:14 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I know you said it’s rhetorical but I would like to answer. It would depend on the reason they are boycotting. If it was because they packaging was bad for the environment. Or the way they made their nuggets was inhumane or some other possible legit reason then no. If Gays boycotted because McDonalds joined a Chamber of Commerce to another group. Yes. What if McDonalds joined the black chamber of commerce? You don’t think it’s the same if the AMA boycotted them then?

    Just watched that video. I dont think thats a reason to boycott. But like i said everyone has the rights to do it. But when the reason they are boyotting are from discrmination i think thats a hate group

    so you are an advocate for situational ethics as long as those reasons or justifications met the standards that = your acceptable code of conduct??

    you can see where this is going don't you??
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  17. #17
    I have been boycotting McDonald's for years.....but only because their food sucks.
    Last edited by Tesla; 07-05-2008 at 01:32 PM. Reason: I misspelled a word...hey, I have OCD

  18. #18
    That just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Is Hamas or the Taliban freedom fighters, or are they a hate group? Don't call them terrorists, we may offend someone. The KKK is a hate group my friend, Christains are not.

    Who are they discriminating against? A Christain family that does not eat at a restaurant because said restaurant supports the national gay and lesbian chamber of commerce is not a hate group. And if a Christain family does not want to spend money at said restaurant because it conflicts with their family values & morales, how does that equate to hate?

    Liberalism is a mental disease! gixxerboy1 says he is "sick of everyone thanking GOD." The man has no respect for others and has lost his soul.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    That just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Is Hamas or the Taliban freedom fighters, or are they a hate group? Don't call them terrorists, we may offend someone. The KKK is a hate group my friend, Christains are not.

    Who are they discriminating against? A Christain family that does not eat at a restaurant because said restaurant supports the national gay and lesbian chamber of commerce is not a hate group. And if a Christain family does not want to spend money at said restaurant because it conflicts with their family values & morales, how does that equate to hate?

    Liberalism is a mental disease! gixxerboy1 says he is "sick of everyone thanking GOD." The man has no respect for others and has lost his soul.
    But yet they might eat chinese food or other ethnic food that doesnt have the same beliefs.

    Honestly i hate all religions. I think its all a total shame. but as long as it doesnt effect me i don't care what anyone wants to believe

    Again im not a liberal or Conservitive i guess. I have dif. feelings on dif issues.

    And liberalism is a mental disease? But yet beliving that there is a big man in the sky watching what everyoen is doing every second of the day isnt? lol

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    That just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Is Hamas or the Taliban freedom fighters, or are they a hate group? Don't call them terrorists, we may offend someone. The KKK is a hate group my friend, Christains are not.

    Who are they discriminating against? A Christain family that does not eat at a restaurant because said restaurant supports the national gay and lesbian chamber of commerce is not a hate group. And if a Christain family does not want to spend money at said restaurant because it conflicts with their family values & morales, how does that equate to hate?

    Liberalism is a mental disease! gixxerboy1 says he is "sick of everyone thanking GOD." The man has no respect for others and has lost his soul.

    Hamas in fact is a freedom fighting group, as are the "insurgents" in Iraq. They are defending their previously sovereign country against the invasion and OCCUPATION by a foreign power which had no business to violate their sovereignty and their unalienable rights. Anyway, during the R*********ary War in the 1700's, the founding fathers of the United States were called TERRORISTS by the Crown. You see, who we decide to label a terrorist is largely dependent on who's perspective you are loooking through. The United States brands the opposition in Iraq as "terrorists" to coddify the support of the American people into supporting an imperialist profiteering war effort. That is the truth, the cold hard fact, and nothing more.

    See, an open minded person who can think for themselves (and not under the direction of a 5,000 year old text) is able to take a step back and look at situations through the lenses of other people different from themselves. Since you obviously lack this ability I was obliged to do this for you in my aforementioned paragraph.

    Terrorism, for your information, is a TACTIC of war. It is not a person, place, or group. It's a type of warfare. The label has been adopted to fit the various agendas of regimes around the world who need moral justification to subjugate other peoples and lands for various reasons.

  21. #21
    Hey Godfather, 2 pionts!

    1) First, your correct, there are some things I don't want to tolerate, so I'm intolerant. I don't want to explain to my 5 or 7 year old why 2 dudes are kissing or how they are married, and now it is ok, because it is an alternative lifestyle. NO WAY!!! Not on my watch. Let my kids be kids, they don't need to see that shit! And if family businesses like McDonalds or Disney World want to support those Gay groups, so be it. But my family won't be there. So call me intolerant. Tell me my family belongs to a hate group because we won't eat at McDonalds. I'm holding on to my traditional American values.

    2) Second, And most important, You said "Hamas is in fact a freedom fighting group"? Your insane! They are a militant group known for numerous suicide bombings against civilians. They are listed as a terrorist group by the USA, Canada, Japan, the UK, ect... Hamas' charter states "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through JIHAD".

    Do you know what Jihad is? Educate yourself Godfather. They are not freedom fighters, they are terrorists. Yes, terrorism is a tactic of war, for them. We Americans don't strap bombs to our kids backs and tell them to blow up a bus full of civilians for our political agenda.
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 07-05-2008 at 03:15 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Hey Godfather, 2 pionts!

    1) First, your correct, there are some things I don't want to tolerate, so I'm intolerant. I don't want to explain to my 5 or 7 year old why 2 dudes are kissing or how they are married, and now it is ok, because it is an alternative lifestyle. NO WAY!!! Not on my watch. Let my kids be kids, they don't need to see that shit! And if family businesses like McDonalds or Disney World want to support those Gay groups, so be it. But my family won't be there. So call me intolerant. Tell me my family belongs to a hate group because we won't eat at McDonalds. I'm holding on to my traditional American values.

    2) Second, And most important, You said "Hamas is in fact a freedom fighting group"? Your insane! They are a militant group known for numerous suicide bombings against civilians. They are listed as a terrorist group by the USA, Canada, Japan, the UK, ect... Hamas' charter states "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through JIHAD".

    Do you know what Jihad is? Educate yourself Godfather. They are not freedom fighters, they are terrorists. Yes, terrorism is a tactic of war, for them. We Americans don't strap bombs to our kids backs and tell them to blow up a bus full of civilians for our political agenda.
    On your first point. There is gonig to be alot of things you have to explain to your kids. Explaining that 2 people care about each other shoudl be the least of your worries

    You 2nd point. Ur right we drop the bombs by plane. If you think America isnt a terrosit state also you have some rose colored glasses

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    On your first point. There is gonig to be alot of things you have to explain to your kids. Explaining that 2 people care about each other shoudl be the least of your worries

    You 2nd point. Ur right we drop the bombs by plane. If you think America isnt a terrosit state also you have some rose colored glasses
    US Soldiers KILLED: 4,000 (approx)

    US Soldiers Wounded: 20,000 (Approx)

    Iraqi Civilians KILLED: 1,000,000 (Appox:According to NEJM)

    1/4 of which were combatants, insurgents, etc, and 3/4 of which were civilians/non-combatants/"collateral damage"

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    On your first point. There is gonig to be alot of things you have to explain to your kids. Explaining that 2 people care about each other shoudl be the least of your worries

    You 2nd point. Ur right we drop the bombs by plane. If you think America isnt a terrosit state also you have some rose colored glasses
    People like you make me sick. If you don't like this great country then shut up and move. America a "Terrorist state" ? Get a life.

    I dare you to find a better country to live in.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Hey Godfather, 2 pionts!

    1) First, your correct, there are some things I don't want to tolerate, so I'm intolerant. I don't want to explain to my 5 or 7 year old why 2 dudes are kissing or how they are married, and now it is ok, because it is an alternative lifestyle. NO WAY!!! Not on my watch. Let my kids be kids, they don't need to see that shit! And if family businesses like McDonalds or Disney World want to support those Gay groups, so be it. But my family won't be there. So call me intolerant. Tell me my family belongs to a hate group because we won't eat at McDonalds. I'm holding on to my traditional American values.

    2) Second, And most important, You said "Hamas is in fact a freedom fighting group"? Your insane! They are a militant group known for numerous suicide bombings against civilians. They are listed as a terrorist group by the USA, Canada, Japan, the UK, ect... Hamas' charter states "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through JIHAD".

    Do you know what Jihad is? Educate yourself Godfather. They are not freedom fighters, they are terrorists. Yes, terrorism is a tactic of war, for them. We Americans don't strap bombs to our kids backs and tell them to blow up a bus full of civilians for our political agenda.
    You obviously failed to grasp the concept with regard to what I was attempting to point out to you. The tactic of terrorism is employed by groups who are oppressed, outgunned, outnumbered, etc.,etc. Just because the Palestinians happen to cloak this tactic in "Jihad" does not make the tactic any less valid, and their effort for FREEDOM any less legitimate. The people of Palestine are starved, depraved, and are all labeled as "security risks" by the state of Israel. The people of Palestine implement this tactic because they lack the ability to effectively confront the Israeli army by conventional warfare tactics. They do not have equivalent weapons, tanks, planes, and other such armaments. The tactic employed by Palestine is used to destroy the will of the Israeli state to continue fighting them and continue subjugating them.

    The tactic used in Palestine was no different than the same tactics used by the IRA against the British occupation of Northern Ireland. Hugely outnumbered and outgunned Irish citizens used the tactic of terrorism to confront a British army they otherwise would have stood no chance against.

    Yet, the stronger power (as they say the victor writes history) always labels these freedom fighters as "terrorists." It is a very simple "us vs. them" psychology being implemented and its largely effective with the masses especially in this country. Our politicians and propagandists have demonized an entire region of the world.

    If you believe for one moment, that if hypothetically, China were to invade and OCCUPY the United States, and the United States citizens having no effective military strength left to confront these occupiers; that you and many other citizens would just roll over and accept this? I believe the answer is no, you would most likely take up the tactic of terrorism against the occupying force.

    If you lack the ability to see the correlation between that hypothetical situation and the current situation of the Iraqi, Palestinian, and Irish peoples, then there is no sense in me continuing to argue with you as you would obviously perferr to live in your bubble of "family values" and that we are "moral" and "they" are not.

    By the way, my education most likely cost more than your mortgage payment.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Hey Godfather, 2 pionts!

    1) First, your correct, there are some things I don't want to tolerate, so I'm intolerant. I don't want to explain to my 5 or 7 year old why 2 dudes are kissing or how they are married, and now it is ok, because it is an alternative lifestyle. NO WAY!!! Not on my watch. Let my kids be kids, they don't need to see that shit! And if family businesses like McDonalds or Disney World want to support those Gay groups, so be it. But my family won't be there. So call me intolerant. Tell me my family belongs to a hate group because we won't eat at McDonalds. I'm holding on to my traditional American values.

    2) Second, And most important, You said "Hamas is in fact a freedom fighting group"? Your insane! They are a militant group known for numerous suicide bombings against civilians. They are listed as a terrorist group by the USA, Canada, Japan, the UK, ect... Hamas' charter states "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through JIHAD".

    Do you know what Jihad is? Educate yourself Godfather. They are not freedom fighters, they are terrorists. Yes, terrorism is a tactic of war, for them. We Americans don't strap bombs to our kids backs and tell them to blow up a bus full of civilians for our political agenda.
    Jihad actually means striving so they may have meant it as such and not how some other groups have defined it.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirandavanz View Post
    Jihad actually means striving so they may have meant it as such and not how some other groups have defined it.
    Striving to kill Israelis? Their actions speak volumes as to what they think it means. They bomb civilians.

  28. #28
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    [QUOTE=Billy-the-kid;4064910]That just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Is Hamas or the Taliban freedom fighters, or are they a hate group? Don't call them terrorists, we may offend someone. The KKK is a hate group my friend, Christains are not.


    hamas and taliban freedom fighters fight, out of hate.

    kkk is hate.

    not ALL christians hate...... but, i dont have a family because when i came out, all of a sudden over night i became a horrible person and that they were going to hell if they even so much talked to me.

    my mother said "god will give you aids, then we wil all be free".

    how is that not hate?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    That just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Is Hamas or the Taliban freedom fighters, or are they a hate group? Don't call them terrorists, we may offend someone. The KKK is a hate group my friend, Christains are not.


    hamas and taliban freedom fighters fight, out of hate.

    kkk is hate.

    not ALL christians hate...... but, i dont have a family because when i came out, all of a sudden over night i became a horrible person and that they were going to hell if they even so much talked to me.

    my mother said "god will give you aids, then we wil all be free".

    how is that not hate?
    That's terrible. Tragic, ignorant, and yes, hateful too.

    Some parents kick their underage kids out when they discover that they're gay. Leave 'em to fend for themselves on the street.

    How can they do that to their own kids, I'll never know.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth

    That's terrible. Tragic, ignorant, and yes, hateful too.

    Some parents kick their underage kids out when they discover that they're gay. Leave 'em to fend for themselves on the street.

    How can they do that to their own kids, I'll never know.
    Here's a case in point where Bible teachings cause family breakups:

    Anderson man chases gay son from home

    By Pearce Adams (Contact)
    Originally published 05:53 a.m., July 18, 2008
    Updated 05:53 a.m., July 18, 2008

    ANDERSON COUNTY — Violence broke out Sunday in Anderson when an 18-year-old man returned home from a gay pride parade and was assaulted by his father.

    According to the Anderson County Sheriff's Office, the battering took place about 1 p.m. Sunday on P Street.
    During the assault, the teen's 49-year-old father yelled, cursed, swung a baseball bat, prayed and tried to “cast the demon of homosexuality out of him,” according to the teen's version of events to Deputy S.C. Weymouth, the incident report states.

    About 2 p.m. Wednesday, the teen said his father punched him when he returned to the house for clothes that he left on Sunday, the report states.

    The teen told deputies that his father “has a problem with him being gay and that is why he hit him with the baseball bat Sunday,” Weymouth said in his report.

    The teen filed both complaints about 10 p.m. Wednesday.

    Deputies, who have not been able to make immediate contact with the teen's father, report that both incidents are under investigation.

  31. #31
    Ok, your right. I should sit down with my 5 & 7 year old and explain to them the gay lifestyle, and when they are old enough, they might choose a life-partner of the same sex. Your a nut-job! Children at this age don't understand issues like this, and it can become confusing to them. These are adult conversations for parents and their teenage kids to have when they can grasp & understand these sexual issues. I'll do this when the time is right for me and my family.

    Point #2, your right, blame America. We are the real terrorists aren't we? We drop bombs out of planes. We don't fight for freedom or democracy. We are the evil doers!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    Ok, your right. I should sit down with my 5 & 7 year old and explain to them the gay lifestyle, and when they are old enough, they might choose a life-partner of the same sex. Your a nut-job! Children at this age don't understand issues like this, and it can become confusing to them. These are adult conversations for parents and their teenage kids to have when they can grasp & understand these sexual issues. I'll do this when the time is right for me and my family.

    Point #2, your right, blame America. We are the real terrorists aren't we? We drop bombs out of planes. We don't fight for freedom or democracy. We are the evil doers!
    In rebuttal to your point#1, if you can call it that- Your children of 5 and 7 are no more likely to understand a person who has downs syndrome, a cleft pallet, or some other such genetic disorder. So too they would not understand a gay couple, and yet there is no difference between them and the aforementioned. Neither people with Trisomy 21 (downs syndrome) or Homosexuals have a choice in the life they lead. Both are genetically pre-determined or pre-dispositioned. Yes, the code of life (DNA) that your God created, created Gays and Retards! I'm not an expert in the bible, but I believe that God loves these people equally correct?

    This is why you assertation is so absurd. Because you would no more likely get any result from asking a person with Downs Syndrome to "keep it to themselves" or to "stop being retarded"; Than you would a gay person to stop being gay. Unfortunately, your children are likely to understand neither condition, but that does not mean that in order to shelter them from the REALITIES OF LIFE that other people have to be subjugated to achieve your goal. How disgustingly hypocritical to mention freedom&democracy and in the same breathe marginalize an entire group of people to 2nd class status. You sir, must be the pillar of what Democracy and Freedom are all about.

    Point #2- We live in a Constitutional Republic. The government is modeled after Democracy. But we are by no means in any possibly way shape or form a true Democracy by definition. Ignoring that little technical error in your statement for a moment, dissenting against the government is one of the most American and patriotic things that a person can do! It is important for people to be critical of their government.

    We most certainly do not fight for Democracy and Freedom. Using that pretext, why have we invaded Iraq, yet ignored Rawanda(1mil killed in genocide), Darfur, and other areas of the world where people are being oppressed. There are 190 countries in the world, 1/2 of which are still governed under one form or another of Totalitarianism. Why aren't you leading the torch of war into those countries to "free" those people? Because the truth is you have involved yourself into a debate on topics with which you have absolutely no knowledge, and no documented research to back up your wild claims. Basically, you are the typical American voter.

    I'll give you a brief lesson in American history. We involved ourselves in several proxy wars with other countries to 'stop the spread of communism', and in so doing killed millions of people. We lost roughly 80,000 soldiers in Vietnam, and killed roughly 3,000,000 Vietnamese civilians! We overthrew Iran's ELECTED DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT in the 1950s and installed the Shah, who was a brutal leader. We fund Pervez Musharraf who is a military dictator, to the tune of 10 Billion UNITED STATES TAX DOLLARS. We have killed roughly 5,000 Panamanian civilians just to secure a canal zone and catch Manuel Norega who was a paid CIA asset to the tune of $150,000 US TAX DOLLARS per year. We have bases in 130 SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES, on other peoples territory. How would we feel if other countries had military bases, with weapons, planes, and tanks, in our neighborhoods?

    You have shown the typical uneducated American viewpoint, that we can do whatever the fu*k we want, tell everyone to go screw, and in the end we are always "RIGHT" for doing it, or god knows, for giving the people we kill and subjugate the "Gift of Democracy." There are about 750,000 dead Iraqi civilians who would probably argue about that whole gift of Democracy thing, if we didnt brutally murder them.

  33. #33
    Godfather said "By the way, my education most likely cost more than your mortgage" What a pompous liberal puke.

    Sounds like it was not an education, sounds more like you got an indoctrination when you were institutionalzed at some Ivy league college. You can't tell right for wrong, good from evil, freedom fighter form terrorist.

    I just can't seem to comprehend your deep level of understanding as to what your trying to point out to me. Please! We are a good country, with good brave people, so don't throw up some statistics about casualties of war and how 750,00 Iraqi civilians have died as collateral damage. The Iraqi people want us there and they want freedom. We are not occupiers, but helping a young democracy flourish so it will one day stand on it's own.

    One thing you can't learn from an Ivy league college is old fashion common sense.
    Last edited by Billy-the-kid; 07-05-2008 at 04:43 PM.

  34. #34
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    You can't tell right for wrong, good from evil, freedom fighter form terrorist.

    So in afghanistan when your government was supplying money and weapons and the afghans were shooting at the soviets, they were "freedom fighters", when those same exact people turned the guns on the USA and started shooting at you, they instantly became "terrorists"?

    I guess the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is in who is being shot at eh?


  35. #35
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    Jun 2008
    I love that in America we have the freedom to talk about this and to disagree with each other as much as we want. If you spoke this way in some, nay, many other parts of the world you'd be flirting with fines/jail/torture/execution. I think people sometimes take this for granted.
    Last edited by Ernst; 07-06-2008 at 05:31 AM.

  36. #36
    You are correct Red Ketchup. After the Taliban & Soviet Union war in Afganistan ended in 1989 the following happened:

    1) 911.
    2) The Taliban allowed terrorist training camps in Afganistan
    3) The Taliban gave refuge to Osama Bin Laden

    So yes, after the above listed took place, they went from Freedom fighters to terrorists. Let me put it to you like this. Ever been divorced. At one time your ex was your lover & best friend. Now you think she is a bitch because she took your kids and 1/2 your shit. Get the point. Only your ex did not launch a JIHAD on your ass, the Terrorists did.

  37. #37
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    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy-the-kid View Post
    You are correct Red Ketchup. After the Taliban & Soviet Union war in Afganistan ended in 1989 the following happened:

    1) 911.
    2) The Taliban allowed terrorist training camps in Afganistan
    3) The Taliban gave refuge to Osama Bin Laden

    So yes, after the above listed took place, they went from Freedom fighters to terrorists. Let me put it to you like this. Ever been divorced. At one time your ex was your lover & best friend. Now you think she is a bitch because she took your kids and 1/2 your shit. Get the point. Only your ex did not launch a JIHAD on your ass, the Terrorists did.

    Please get your history straight. It was the Mujahadeen who fought the Soviets, not the Taliban. The Taliban is/was nothing more than a regime. We're expected to engage in a debate with someone who cannot even make a few mouse clicks to check if their limited understanding of international politics is correct?

    Anyway, I found a quote which I believe summarizes my earlier point I was trying to make in who choses who is a "freedom fighter" and who is a "terrorist"

    Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them, and there is almost no kind of outrage — torture, the use of hostages, forced labour, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery, assassination, the bombing of civilians — which does not change its moral colour when it is committed by ‘our’ side. … The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” --George Orwell

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Thats a great quote. And truer words were never spoken.

    Just think if another country had a gitmo with our people in it. How would we feel. But most here dont bat an eye that we are doing it

  39. #39
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    Fort Worth
    It's time to take a break, kids . . . Let's all go to McDonalds!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    haha thats funny tock.

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