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Thread: Ester question, wrecking my head

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Ester question, wrecking my head

    I had a quick discussion the other day about why one can expect more gains using long estered testosterones vs propionate.

    I was told that it was to do with the test lvl's peeking at a double rate when the long ester finally gets going (after 5-7 weeks, what ever) though i can't imagine that test levels rise like so quickly using a long ester, i always thought you get a bigger spike using prop. I also believe that you get alot stable blood lvl's using a long ester version.

    I remember looking at this blood hormone chart that was long ester vs short ester - which proves my point. Was searching all day so i could rub his nose into it but with no luck.

    If anyone came across is or know where it is can you drop a link.

    Also can someone settle my argument on this topic?

    Thanks for an informative answer in advance. A nice link to a study or something like that would be nice too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

  3. #3
    prop every day beats long ester 2xweek
    long ester 2xweek beats prop eod

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    if you shoot prop ed you will get stable levels pretty quickly. the only thing that would make bigger gains is a larger dose or not accounting for water retention

  5. #5
    the free-test rollercoaster is only dictated by how frequently, or infrequently, you inject. Im kinda having a hard time understanding what you are asking. The problem with looking at studies for test that include blood levels is that they are rarely done sensibly. The main test e study is test e injected once a week, others are similar. I cant find any on prop but i would imagine they dont do ed or eod injects.

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