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Thread: makin my own ECA?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    San Diego, Ca

    makin my own ECA?

    is it more effective to make my own eca than buyin those out there in the market like xenadrine or stacker?

  2. #2
    can turn out to be cheaper. plus you can raise or lower each ingredient as opposed to having the pre-made stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Diego
    i've been combining my own ingredients. i use 200mg caffeine ($7) and 25mg ephedrine hcl ($12) the ephedrine hcl is a little more expensive than just the herbal stuff, but it does give quite a kick.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    New York
    In my opinion cheaper and better. It you are able to find real ephedrine (such as Bolt) rater than Ephedra, it works faster and better, at least it does for me. Cafine works better for me htan that Majuan extract (or whatever they call it.

    I buy 100 epedrine 25 mg for $7, 1,000 325 mg asprin for 99 cents (at the 99 cent store), and 100 200 mg caffine for $7. Better, stronger faster and cheaper.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Forty shades of green
    Herbal is slower in its action but more pronounced in its effect and longlasting. I have to pop three 25mg hcl to feel it for more than than half n hour

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    What about just drinking a strong coffee with it? Are the supplements more potent?

  7. #7
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by fugi1
    What about just drinking a strong coffee with it? Are the supplements more potent?
    Strong coffee is about 60 mg caffine. 1 caffine tab is usually 200MG, so it is like 3 cups of strong java. Sometimes I do both.

    Just saw an article in the Times today saying that lots of coffee reduces your rish of diabetes. I never doubted it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Coffee and Bronkaid w/a baby aspirin (not for me, many do), will have you flying through the gym.

    Hahah, and THEY SAY THEY BANNED EPHEDRA!! LMFAO!!!!!!! Idiots!!!!!!


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Coffee and Bronkaid w/a baby aspirin (not for me, many do), will have you flying through the gym.

    Hahah, and THEY SAY THEY BANNED EPHEDRA!! LMFAO!!!!!!! Idiots!!!!!!

    Thats too funny Swole. I swear you have a treasure chest of diet tips in your office. AR should install an "Ask Swole" search engine in the diet section. Kinda like "Ask Jeeves" but only diet related information.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I make my coffee like espresso though........

    My motto, "1 cup will PHUCK ya UP!"

    usualsuspect: you've given me an idea for my website.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I make my coffee like espresso though........

    What do you get the expresso beans and put em' in your coffee maker?

    Or do you have one one of those fancy expresso makers? I was thinking about getting one...oh yeah...and swole, I still plan on following through with what I talked to you before about. Just getting a few things squared away first.


  12. #12
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    What do you get the expresso beans and put em' in your coffee maker?

    Or do you have one one of those fancy expresso makers? I was thinking about getting one...oh yeah...and swole, I still plan on following through with what I talked to you before about. Just getting a few things squared away first.

    If you live in NYC I higly reccoment the Porto Rico Coffee shop on Bleeker Street. They roast the beans there fresh and have about 25 different French roasts Its all roasted right there, so it is so fresh - its also cheap, around $5 or $6 per pound. If you dont live in NYC they are at 800-453-5908.

    If you like espresso and don't have much cash there is a small aluminum maker that you use on your stove that costs about $10 and make 4 cups. They work well. They can be found in any Italian neighborhood and many coffee shops.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    All good brutha, all good.

    I just make my java XXXtra strong that's all.......


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    im going to go pick some up today

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by ElliotNess
    im going to go pick some up today
    They are awesome. It's just east of 6th av on the north side of the street.

  16. #16
    Thanks beenie. And have you implented anything we talked about? How's it coming along?


  17. #17
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    Thanks beenie. And have you implented anything we talked about? How's it coming along?

    Not everything we talked about. If you know me, I always start out very skeptical and it takes me a while to move. I must say that I just couldn't believe the thing about the dextrose. After more reading and a still incomplete understanding, I figure I am going to try it in the next few weeks. The added fats are consistent with my nutritional philosophy so that wasn't much of a leap. I acually intend to make my own mayo with flax seed oil, because I love the flavor - I think it will really zip up my egg salad and tunafish.

  18. #18
    Swole wont ALL ehpedrine be coming off the market? The ban starts on March 2nd so if the rules say all ephedrine we would still be seeing it in some stores, which we are.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks
    Swole wont ALL ehpedrine be coming off the market? The ban starts on March 2nd so if the rules say all ephedrine we would still be seeing it in some stores, which we are.
    Better stock up.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In a House
    Beenie......where in NYC do you get your pure ephedra pills? I would love to know I will start making my own ECA stack as well now that I cant get my Xenadrine?



  21. #21
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Stea7jjdyEddie
    Beenie......where in NYC do you get your pure ephedra pills? I would love to know I will start making my own ECA stack as well now that I cant get my Xenadrine?


    Its been a big problem lately. Lately I have been doing it mail order. If you can find the Bolt brand it is probably the best. I was even checking around Chinatown, and no one is selling it. The only Ephedrine I dould find locally is in the Tribeca Pharmacy on 6th one block below Canal on the West side of the Street. They were selling it under the brand name Motabolift,or something like that. It really is not as good as the Bolt brand.

  22. #22
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    New York
    Mail order I have been using:

    Thier prices seem fair, and they ship pretty quickly. Right now, you may be able to shop around and get some good deals becuase a lot of places are tring to get rid of thier inventories of Ephedrine.

    Now my tyraid: Personally i think this ban is bull. They have no scentific evidence to support there being anything wrong with it. A couple of fat out of shape guys misused it and had hear attacks. Maybe thier heart attacks had nothing to do with the ephedrine and more to do with the fact they were fat and out of shape. There are something like 32,000 people who died in car accidents last year. I don't hear a call to ban cars. Personally, I don't drive so I am not opposed. I think it would be a good thing. Of couse if I got a benefit from cars, I might think differently. So what I am saying is that a bunch of fat senators who never worked out and eat like pigs made a proclimation on something that in no way effects them. Personnaly I think that what should have been passed is a law against ugly people that don't work out.

    Whew. Now I feel better, having gotten that off my chest.
    Last edited by beenie; 01-17-2004 at 01:58 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by beenie
    Mail order I have been using:

    Thier prices seem fair, and they ship pretty quickly. Right now, you may be able to shop around and get some good deals becuase a lot of places are tring to get rid of thier inventories of Ephedrine.

    Now my tyraid: Personally i think this ban is bull. They have no scentific evidence to support there being anything wrong with it. A couple of fat out of shape guys misused it and had hear attacks. Maybe thier heart attacks had nothing to do with the ephedrine and more to do with the fact they were fat and out of shape. There are something like 32,000 people who died in car accidents last year. I don't hear a call to ban cars. Personally, I don't drive so I am not opposed. I think it would be a good thing. Of couse if I got a benefit from cars, I might think differently. So what I am saying is that a bunch of fat senators who never worked out and eat like pigs made a proclimation on something that in no way effects them. Personnaly I think that what should have been passed is a law against ugly people that don't work out.

    Whew. Now I feel better, having gotten that off my chest.
    Beenie on this site its 40 bucks for a bottle and how long will it last? And also i took ephedrine pills b4(Xerdrine and trim spa) those really supressed my hunger, is this supposed to be stronger?

  24. #24
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Discipline
    Beenie on this site its 40 bucks for a bottle and how long will it last? And also i took ephedrine pills b4(Xerdrine and trim spa) those really supressed my hunger, is this supposed to be stronger?
    Think the $40 is for 400 tabs, right? It depends on how you use Ephedrine. Right now, I am not trying too hard to cut, so I take one tab before a workout, with a caffeine tab and an aspirin. At this rate it should take me a bout a year to get through the bottle I work out 6 days a week x 52 weeks - works out to 300 days a year. So I guess a bottle will last 1 year, three months. So, so I get extra credit for solving this story problem?

    It’s not necessarily stronger, but it is much more effective for me. Most of the others are ephedra, by the ephedrine is already synthesized. To me it's kind of like the difference between prohormones and steroids. Besides, it is much cheaper.

    If you use ephedrine to suppress your appetite and/or increase you metabolism, you can take it 3 or 4 times a day. Never within less than 3 hours of the last dosage and never closer to 3 hours before bedtime. If you do this it’s a good idea to take a couple weeks off after doing this for 6-weeks.

    I have also, when trying to cut, using this technique for 2 weeks then doing clen for 2 weeks then eca, then clen 2 weeks at a time. It is a super effective way to cut assuming you continue a rigorous workout schedule and good diet.
    Last edited by beenie; 01-29-2004 at 11:08 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    4,348 has 100 tabs of 25mg for like 12$

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I had a lifting partner who made his own. Killer speedy. I liked them because it was all in one capsule without the pepper and other ingredients like other market junk that messed up my stomach.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beenie somoene told me that they sell the ephedra herb in a big asian supermarket type store in china town in a 1/2 or 1 lb packet.. heard anything like that?

  28. #28
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by ElliotNess
    beenie somoene told me that they sell the ephedra herb in a big asian supermarket type store in china town in a 1/2 or 1 lb packet.. heard anything like that?
    No. It sounds possible, but I haven't seen it. There was a supermarket that I used to love down there that I would have checked it out for you, but they went out of business last month. The only other real Asian supermarket I can think of is the one underneath the Williamsburg bridge, and that one really isn't so great. So what left is a zillion little markets. I'll bet it's available in one of them. Good luck finding it. Should I happen to come accross it when I am down there, I'll PM you. K?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    we all know that the ban is bull****.. i wonder how much its going to run for on the black market after the ban goes in effect.. any guesses?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In a House
    Beenie & ElliotNess, I do appreciate your help on this subject of Ephedra...... just out of curiosity what are the dosages in which you take for the ECA stack?



  31. #31
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Stea7jjdyEddie
    Beenie & ElliotNess, I do appreciate your help on this subject of Ephedra...... just out of curiosity what are the dosages in which you take for the ECA stack?


    25mg ephedrine, 200 mg caffine, 325 mg asprin. Dont exceed 4 stacks in a day. and dont do a stack wihin 3 hours of bed time.

  32. #32
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Stea7jjdyEddie
    Beenie & ElliotNess, I do appreciate your help on this subject of Ephedra...... just out of curiosity what are the dosages in which you take for the ECA stack?


    Be careful - the dosages I told you were for ephedrine not ephedra. Ephedra is not synthiszed and it is supposed to break down the ephedrine alkoliods in your body. I am not sure what the conversion rate is. I seem to remember 250MG ephedra brealing down into 11mg ephedrine, or something like that. If you have an option on what to buy, my strong preference is the synthsized ephedrine such as Bolt. It just seems to work better. Something like the prohormones not working as well as steropids, but we will leave THAT discussion for anopther day on another board.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    awww your soo dreamy.. lol thenx man

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks so much for all the great info on this page. I have been trying to find where I can still buy ephedrine, with no luck. We had one grocery store here who was still selling Stacker2 with ephedra, but no more. I have now read everything on this site about ECA, and have found there is a difference in dosing for men and women. What are your thoughts on womens dosing? Also I heard the aspirin was for drug to get into blood stream faster. My thought was that it was to prevent cardio/circulatory problems from the ephedrine? Wouldnt Exedrine, you know the headache medicine, work for the aspirin and caffeine component? It has both of those with acetominophen. You can buy the off brand pretty cheap, even at Walgreens.

    Thanks Much!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbolsrn
    Wouldnt Exedrine, you know the headache medicine, work for the aspirin and caffeine component? It has both of those with acetominophen. You can buy the off brand pretty cheap, even at Walgreens.

    Thanks Much!
    I don't think that acetominophen does anything for your circulation, or if it does, I am not aware. Besides, you can go to the 99 cent store and but 1,000 325 mg asprin for 99 cents. I was abole to pick up caffine tabs the other day at the K-Mart at Penn Station. 90 tabs for 3.24. Making you own stacks is much cheaper and INHO much better. In a pinch I might do what you are suggesting, but not if there are any better alternatives.

    You asked about dosing - if you use the dosage that i described and feel completely wired, drop the dosage. just cut each in half and that will probably work.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Exedrine does not have the proper proportions between aspirin and caffeine, at least to the recollection of my memory.

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