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  1. #1

    New to the forum

    Hi guys,

    Ive not taken juice in about a year, and want to start back, I am thinking of building upto 30mg /day of dbol over the next 2 weeks then hit this stack.

    6 week cycle

    30mg dbol per day
    400mg cypionate per week, 200mg injects, monday and thursday
    200mg deca per week, 100mg injects, monday and thursday
    500mg sus per week, 250 injects, monday and thursday.
    I have nolvadex on standby for pct.

    Any sugestions on how to improve this stack plz?

    Cheers Aaron

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    welcome to ar!!

  3. #3
    Thanks widowmaker2.

    Oh by the way guys, i did read the sticky on cycles before anyone moans , but i didnt see the combo of my choice listed. Just some friendly advice would be cool.

    Cheers Aaron

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    cycle experience

    Why are you taking both cypionate, and sustanon.... That is a very low dose of Deca...

  5. #5
    welcome. sustanon and test cyp are both testosterone. throw out the sus and use the cyp. also start everything at the same time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Take the cyp just once weekly. Since you haven't cycled for a year I'd recommend doing test cyp only. I don't know your stats but 300-400mg weekly (with frontload, for your 6 week cycle) could work very well.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the quick replies guys. i added sus to the cycle because ive had good results in the past with it, and the different types of test in it act in different ways. Would it be better to use this post cycle?

    im 29
    and about 200lbs / 14.5 stone
    Have used Cyp, sus, all test350, dbol, win, deca among overs before, but the ones ive had best gains from have been choosen for my cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AaronF View Post
    Thanks for the quick replies guys. i added sus to the cycle because ive had good results in the past with it, and the different types of test in it act in different ways. Would it be better to use this post cycle?

    im 29
    and about 200lbs / 14.5 stone
    Have used Cyp, sus, all test350, dbol, win, deca among overs before, but the ones ive had best gains from have been choosen for my cycle.
    It's good that you know what gear has given you good results in the past. However now, having been off gear for a year, is the golden opportunity to start from scratch in terms of androgen receptor sensitivity. 400mg cyp weekly for those 6 weeks will provide excellent gains for you, no need to add any other gear.

  9. #9
    Nice one, ill stick to just the cyp for this cycle, and see how it goes.

    Cheers guys.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Using the sust post cycle??????........maybe i am not following, but you want to run a cycle, then do PCT, then run the sust......THis is not a good idea...

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