Age 26
5'10'' 215 lbs
bf% unknown but would estimate at about 18%
Hey everyone, I'm about to do my 3rd cycle and was wondering if I could get a critique before I go ahead and buy the stuff.
I'm not looking to put on a whole lot of size right now, I just want to cut up a little bit and increase my endurance in things like pull ups, push ups, running, etc. Dropping some fat would be nice too, but with the training and diet I plan on doing, I'm sure dropping fat wont be a problem. Plus I plan on cutting naturally before summer hits anyway, so I don't care about getting 5% b/f right now, my goals will be more performance based than appearance.
What I have access to:
10ml of test cyp 250mg/ml
20ml of EQ 250mg/ml
50mg winstrol orals (54 count)
Hcg I don't recall how much he has for sale.
currently posses liquid forms of:
Clen, T3, Clom, Aroma and Tamox
My proposed cycle:
Weeks 1 - 10 250mg/wk Test Cyp
Weeks 4 - 10 50mg/day Winstrol oral
Should the winstrol orals be split and taken twice per day or can I take them once a day? Also, I usually train after work in the evenings. When would be the best time to take the Winstrol?
Should I even take Winstrol, or would you guys suggest EQ for cutting/endurance? Or should I buy the whole lot and run test/winny/eq?
Hope none of these are stupid questions. I welcome any and all feedback.