hey guys,
last time i asked you guys to do this for me, i got very negative responses about the prices. i took yall's advice and decided to wait. low and behold i stumbled upon a new source. can yall check my prices (and my math maybe?) and also please tell me if the brands are good brands? thanks guys, i really appreciate it.
note: "eye-pee" means the brand is the letter "eye" followed by the letter "pee", for some reason, it won't allow me to type those two letters next to each other.
[Test Cyp 250mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $75]
250mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 5000mg
$75 * 2 = $150
[Equipoise 200mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $90]
100mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 4000mg
$90 * 2 = $180
[Winstrol Tabs 50mg 30 Genpharm $35]
50mg/tab * 30tabs * 1 = 1500mg
$35 * 1 = $35
[Clomid 50mg 30 Anpharm $35]
50mg/tab * 24tabs * 1 = 1200mg
$35 * 1 = $35
[Nolvadex 20mg 30 Tamoxifen $35]
20mg/tab * 30tabs * 3 = 1800mg
$35 * 3 = $105
total cost: $505 + shipping
this will allow me to run the following cycle:
week 1-10 500mg/wk test cyp
week 1-10 400mg/wk eq
week 5-10 50mg/eod winny tabs
week 12-13 100mg/ed clomid
week 13-14 50mg/ed clomid
week 1-12 20mg/ed nolvadex
thanks again,
-- clocky baby