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Thread: haha, check order again, new source, better prices...=)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    haha, check order again, new source, better prices...=)

    hey guys,
    last time i asked you guys to do this for me, i got very negative responses about the prices. i took yall's advice and decided to wait. low and behold i stumbled upon a new source. can yall check my prices (and my math maybe? ) and also please tell me if the brands are good brands? thanks guys, i really appreciate it.

    note: "eye-pee" means the brand is the letter "eye" followed by the letter "pee", for some reason, it won't allow me to type those two letters next to each other.

    [Test Cyp 250mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $75]
    250mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 5000mg
    $75 * 2 = $150

    [Equipoise 200mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $90]
    100mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 4000mg
    $90 * 2 = $180

    [Winstrol Tabs 50mg 30 Genpharm $35]
    50mg/tab * 30tabs * 1 = 1500mg
    $35 * 1 = $35

    [Clomid 50mg 30 Anpharm $35]
    50mg/tab * 24tabs * 1 = 1200mg
    $35 * 1 = $35

    [Nolvadex 20mg 30 Tamoxifen $35]
    20mg/tab * 30tabs * 3 = 1800mg
    $35 * 3 = $105

    total cost: $505 + shipping

    this will allow me to run the following cycle:
    week 1-10 500mg/wk test cyp
    week 1-10 400mg/wk eq
    week 5-10 50mg/eod winny tabs
    week 12-13 100mg/ed clomid
    week 13-14 50mg/ed clomid
    week 1-12 20mg/ed nolvadex

    thanks again,
    -- clocky baby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Prices aren't bad. Alittle high but if your source is legit then go for it.
    I'm not a big fan of his oils. But they do the job...

  3. #3
    i think you were misinformed about the genpharm winny,they are 5 mg tabs i believe.
    the ** winnys are 50 mg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    whoa? jeez, why so expensive?!? ahh, well, guess i gotta go with the "eye-pee" brand...its gunna increase my final cost by $65...=/

    -- clocky baby

    Originally posted by 4plates
    i think you were misinformed about the genpharm winny,they are 5 mg tabs i believe.
    the ** winnys are 50 mg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by 4plates
    i think you were misinformed about the genpharm winny,they are 5 mg tabs i believe.
    the ** winnys are 50 mg
    I agree 100% with 8 plates oh i mean 4 plates...hehe. 50mg winnys were pretty good for me but not something Im dying to do again. Only thing i love mucho is eq, its good stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by rangerdudeleads

    I agree 100% with 8 plates oh i mean 4 plates...hehe. 50mg winnys were pretty good for me but not something Im dying to do again. Only thing i love mucho is eq, its good stuff.
    what do you mean? why? i thought a normal dosage of winny is 50mg/eod...if so, why is it sold in such small quantities (5mg tabs)?

    -- clocky baby

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dude the CHinaman's (eye-pee) oils are WAYYYY taxed. You shouldnt be paying more than 60 per 10ml, and the cyp should be more like 45-50. The rest looks fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    i like the eye-pee approach - that was slick. I almost miss the ** though

    and yes 90 is a bit high

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You are gettin ass raped on the eye pee pricing. Should be at MOST 60 bucks for 10ml, but the best remailers have it right now for 50.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know

    Re: haha, check order again, new source, better prices...=)

    Originally posted by clockworks
    hey guys,
    last time i asked you guys to do this for me, i got very negative responses about the prices. i took yall's advice and decided to wait. low and behold i stumbled upon a new source. can yall check my prices (and my math maybe? ) and also please tell me if the brands are good brands? thanks guys, i really appreciate it.

    note: "eye-pee" means the brand is the letter "eye" followed by the letter "pee", for some reason, it won't allow me to type those two letters next to each other.

    [Test Cyp 250mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $75]
    250mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 5000mg
    $75 * 2 = $150

    [Equipoise 200mg/ml 10ml "eye-pee" $90]
    100mg/ml * 10ml * 2 = 4000mg
    $90 * 2 = $180

    [Winstrol Tabs 50mg 30 Genpharm $35]
    50mg/tab * 30tabs * 1 = 1500mg
    $35 * 1 = $35

    [Clomid 50mg 30 Anpharm $35]
    50mg/tab * 24tabs * 1 = 1200mg
    $35 * 1 = $35

    [Nolvadex 20mg 30 Tamoxifen $35]
    20mg/tab * 30tabs * 3 = 1800mg
    $35 * 3 = $105

    total cost: $505 + shipping

    this will allow me to run the following cycle:
    week 1-10 500mg/wk test cyp
    week 1-10 400mg/wk eq
    week 5-10 50mg/eod winny tabs
    week 12-13 100mg/ed clomid
    week 13-14 50mg/ed clomid
    week 1-12 20mg/ed nolvadex

    thanks again,
    -- clocky baby
    Why are you starting your winny so early? Shouldn't you start.....say wk 8 or 9 ? That way the day after your last tab you go right into clomid therapy. Just a thought bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym
    Little high like the rest of the boys agree. I didn't even know there was a remailer with those high of prices. Unless you are getting remailed from a remailer....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    For you info ** is sensored on this board, due to obvious reasons.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    For you info ** is sensored on this board, due to obvious reasons.
    heh, its not so obvious to me...can you tell me why?

    -- clocky baby

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    ** is a source, and you're not allowed to write his name.

    those are good prices if they were mexican gear, ** gear should be way cheaper. I paid $150 for 125ml of EQ. (not a typo 125cc)

    run winny 50mg ed weeks 8-13 for best results, then you could jump right into clomid without waiting for other drugs to clear.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    holy crap, i'm paying $180 for 20ml of eq and you're payin $150 for six times as much?!? wow...

    btw, dizzle and juiceaddict, thanks for the tips on when to take the winny...

    -- clocky baby

    Originally posted by dizzle
    ** is a source, and you're not allowed to write his name.

    those are good prices if they were mexican gear, ** gear should be way cheaper. I paid $150 for 125ml of EQ. (not a typo 125cc)

    run winny 50mg ed weeks 8-13 for best results, then you could jump right into clomid without waiting for other drugs to clear.

  16. #16
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by dizzle
    I paid $150 for 125ml of EQ. (not a typo 125cc)

    what was it 50 mg/ml garbage?
    i dont know why everyone knocks ** gear,ive used it dozens of times with fantastic results!
    and those prices posted by clockworks arent rediculously high!
    they look average to me

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mt.Tren
    Originally posted by dizzle
    I paid $150 for 125ml of EQ. (not a typo 125cc)

    what was it 50 mg/ml garbage?
    i dont know why everyone knocks ** gear,ive used it dozens of times with fantastic results!
    and those prices posted by clockworks arent rediculously high!
    they look average to me

    No, it's 200mg/ml. Check his list, $200 each or $150 each when you buy 4.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    my gears cost me 1000 canadain or about 700 american. 10 ml of deca,10 ml of test, 50 tabs of winny (stanazol) (50mg) and clomid and nolvedex! gears from spain pharmacy! Did I pay too much? as far as legetimacy...these are amazing gears though! I am getting massive results!

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