Ok, I am an ex user. I only did a few 10 weeks cycles over five years ago. I decided last year to do a few pro-hormone type cycles. One with H-drol and the other with decabolan. I followed up with clomi from a research chemical company both times for my PCT. Over the last year, I started getting depression like symptoms, fatigue, and ED. I had many test run and now my test levels came back at 25ng/ml, which is retarded low. And my LH levels actually came back at 0.0, yes that is none, and my TFH came back at <o.3, which is also retarded. They are going to put me on test replacement therapy. My question for someone with real world experience, is what would be a good combo of either serums, and or supplements to try and get my hormones to elevate. I don't know what my natural levels are so there is nothing for me to compare my low levels to. I just want to see if I can get them elevated without going on therapy, and if I can't then I'll have to go that route. This is a serious question, so if you don't now what you're talking about, please don't respond.
Thanks B