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Thread: My test is 25 and is LH is 0. Help!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    My test is 25 and is LH is 0. Help!

    Ok, I am an ex user. I only did a few 10 weeks cycles over five years ago. I decided last year to do a few pro-hormone type cycles. One with H-drol and the other with decabolan. I followed up with clomi from a research chemical company both times for my PCT. Over the last year, I started getting depression like symptoms, fatigue, and ED. I had many test run and now my test levels came back at 25ng/ml, which is retarded low. And my LH levels actually came back at 0.0, yes that is none, and my TFH came back at <o.3, which is also retarded. They are going to put me on test replacement therapy. My question for someone with real world experience, is what would be a good combo of either serums, and or supplements to try and get my hormones to elevate. I don't know what my natural levels are so there is nothing for me to compare my low levels to. I just want to see if I can get them elevated without going on therapy, and if I can't then I'll have to go that route. This is a serious question, so if you don't now what you're talking about, please don't respond.

    Thanks B

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    how old are you?

    and you haven't run anything since this ph cycle?

    what was your estrogen measured at?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    how old are you?

    and you haven't run anything since this ph cycle?

    what was your estrogen measured at?
    I'm 29, and no I haven't run anything else. They never checked my estrogen, even though I asked them too. I've had an MRI to check for pituitary tumors. And my prolactin levels just came back, and they were fine 4.6 and range is supposed to be <20

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    You are on good way in your treatment.

    You are primary hypogonadal, thats mean your hypothalamus or pituitary is not working. Wait for your MRI and other tests, before you will make any conclusion and to be honest nobody can give you now good advice. Wait for your tests.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    You are on good way in your treatment.

    You are primary hypogonadal, thats mean your hypothalamus or pituitary is not working. Wait for your MRI and other tests, before you will make any conclusion and to be honest nobody can give you now good advice. Wait for your tests.

    Sorry Bro you are partially correct. This is Secondary Hypo NOT Primary.

    Primary Hypogonadism results in the leydig cells not being responsive to Pituitary LH.
    Secondary Hypogonadism is when the Hypothalamus GNRH or Pituitary LH function is compromised.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Deep_Fried View Post
    Sorry Bro you are partially correct. This is Secondary Hypo NOT Primary.

    Primary Hypogonadism results in the leydig cells not being responsive to Pituitary LH.
    Secondary Hypogonadism is when the Hypothalamus GNRH or Pituitary LH function is compromised.

    Prolonged overuse of HCG, at massive doses, is suspected of causing primary hypogonadism.

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