View Poll Results: best time to take hgh

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  • Twice a day AM and PM

    10 40.00%
  • ED AM (wake up)

    11 44.00%
  • ED PM (before bed)

    2 8.00%
  • EOD AM

    1 4.00%
  • EOD PM

    1 4.00%
  • Other let us know

    0 0%
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Thread: Timing with HGH what do you think?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Exclamation Timing with HGH what do you think?

    I have read a bunch of studies and peoples opinions on this site and others on how best to use hgh. One study says one way another says this way, the same with peoples opnions. I am personaly about to start using HGH to help recover from a shoulder reconstruction, i want to get the most out of it.

    My questions is when do you think hgh should be taken?
    And if you think it comes down to the indivduals goals please tell me why taking it at such a time will be better for the indvidual.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks for your input

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    First thing in the morning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    I'm a fan of 5/2, first thing in the morning

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    i run mine ed in the morning.
    If you are worried about getting your pulse at night there are studies that say you are shut down for 24's even with low doses.
    Then there are study's that state otherwise...

    I have been thinking about splitting my shots 1/2 before bed 1/2 upon waking.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    i run mine ed in the morning.
    If you are worried about getting your pulse at night there are studies that say you are shut down for 24's even with low doses.
    Then there are study's that state otherwise...

    I have been thinking about splitting my shots 1/2 before bed 1/2 upon waking.
    Why do you gonna take One before bed?
    You're body makes HGH by it self by midnight.

    I think the best way is when you wake up and in the afternoon before you're workout.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    I have been thinking about splitting my shots 1/2 before bed 1/2 upon waking.
    better if u dont take any HGH shots before bed , even if some studies suggests that you are "shut down for 24's even with low doses ,Then there are study's that state otherwise... "research on GH is very minimal cuz GH has been developed for kids who dont grow up like they should do and not for bodyduilding so when u use GH for bodybuilding u dont really know what is the long term feedback of this hormone , are you willing to take the risk of suppressing ur own natural GH while you can take ur GH first in the morning ?? besides the human body makes GH the first 4 ours of u sleeping and during hard intense workout , you can take advantage of those quantities added to your initial shots instead of suppresing them by replacing them with manufactured GH .

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legolas View Post
    better if u dont take any HGH shots before bed , even if some studies suggests that you are "shut down for 24's even with low doses ,Then there are study's that state otherwise... "research on GH is very minimal cuz GH has been developed for kids who dont grow up like they should do and not for bodyduilding so when u use GH for bodybuilding u dont really know what is the long term feedback of this hormone , are you willing to take the risk of suppressing ur own natural GH while you can take ur GH first in the morning ?? besides the human body makes GH the first 4 ours of u sleeping and during hard intense workout , you can take advantage of those quantities added to your initial shots instead of suppresing them by replacing them with manufactured GH .
    So your saying upon waking, to keep it all going.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    So your saying upon waking, to keep it all going.
    well im gonna start a 2IU's per day cycle for 2 months cuz my body fat is still high around the 27% im gonna use also a normal fat loss T3 T4 cycle for 7 weeks plus 50mg proviron daily for 2 months , im 22 which means that my normal GH levels arent low and because my body prodces most of its GH at night its harmful for me to take my shots before sleep cuz im replacing my own injected GH with my natural GH . so im thinkin to inject my 2 IU's at morning when i wake up

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Legolas View Post
    well im gonna start a 2IU's per day cycle for 2 months cuz my body fat is still high around the 27% im gonna use also a normal fat loss T3 T4 cycle for 7 weeks plus 50mg proviron daily for 2 months , im 22 which means that my normal GH levels arent low and because my body prodces most of its GH at night its harmful for me to take my shots before sleep cuz im replacing my own injected GH with my natural GH . so im thinkin to inject my 2 IU's at morning when i wake up
    first of all... 27% BF? damn bro get on a diet before you go into anything.

    anything less than 3 iu's can be done in one shot in the morning... once you get to 3+ you should start splitting them into 2 different injection, one morning, and one mid afternoon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge
    what many of you do not know is that once you are on hgh you are shut down for up to 24hrs for a single dose. So the thought about getting your natty pulse is far fetched and parroted.

  12. #12
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    Baton Rouge
    believe whatever you wish. everyone has to find out what works best for them. you can't tell me one thing is better than the other when i've run hgh for months and had noted better results one way than the other. to each his own i suppose

  13. #13
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    I'm thinking of changing to night shots. Reason being is I fell very tired about 2-3 hours after I inject. For example I actually dosed off today for about an hour and I never nap ever even if I try !!! It's affecting my morning workouts as well. I'm still getting them in, but with much more mental effort and longer time spent.

    Thoughts anyone ???

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by fm2002 View Post
    I'm thinking of changing to night shots. Reason being is I fell very tired about 2-3 hours after I inject. For example I actually dosed off today for about an hour and I never nap ever even if I try !!! It's affecting my morning workouts as well. I'm still getting them in, but with much more mental effort and longer time spent.

    Thoughts anyone ???
    Im only stabbing blindly in the dark here, but it could be becuse maybe the body thinks it should be sleeping when the dose hits its peak.

    If you decide to do PM shots let us know how you go.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    believe whatever you wish. everyone has to find out what works best for them. you can't tell me one thing is better than the other when i've run hgh for months and had noted better results one way than the other. to each his own i suppose
    what differences did you notice when you changed your shooting? more sides? better effects?
    Last edited by Slide; 04-09-2009 at 03:12 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    what differences did you notice when you changed your shooting? more sides? better effects?
    I shot 5 on 2 off and i prefer 7 on.
    I have shot before bed and first thing waking up and i get better fat loss when shooting at 6am when i wake up.

    See what you like...

  17. #17
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    Can someone please go through the benifits of the 5 on 2 off method?
    Is it just to insure natural hgh is not surpressed?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    i split my dose.... one in the morning and one in the afternoon

  19. #19
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    Another thing to add, if you were trying not to surpress your natural GH could you not take your hgh shot in the mourning, and instead of taking it sub q why not take it IM or IV. Which would lead to a faster peak?? and therfore not supress your natural night burst??

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    Another thing to add, if you were trying not to surpress your natural GH could you not take your hgh shot in the mourning, and instead of taking it sub q why not take it IM or IV. Which would lead to a faster peak?? and therfore not supress your natural night burst??
    1) IV for hgh is a terrible idea and is frowned upon
    2) IM is absorbed only slightly quicker than subq
    3) Some believe if you take a single 2iu shot in the morning you can get a natty pulse.
    Some believe you can take 2iu before bed and get a natty pulse.
    But really any dose over that your going to be shut down so quit trying to save yourself.
    Studies go both ways. It's up to you to sift through the BS and find real life experiences not some stupid @$$ study done on a rat.

  21. #21
    Gear's Avatar
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    Your body releases it's own HGH about 8 - 10 times daily with the largest spurt occuring at night while you're asleep. The key to using HGH is not to interrupt your natural production. This is quite a difficult task since your body releases its own HGH multiple times per day and at different times every day. So unless you have some type of device which shows you when your body is going to release its own HGH, taking HGH will always be a "hit or a miss" in regards to interrutping your natural production.

    Anyway, this is the way I see it...

    If you are taking higher amounts of HGH, then I really wouldn't worry about interrutping your natural production. Why? Because if you are taking 15IU p/day and you interrupt that 1 - 2IU for that day then what difference is it going to make considering you just took 15IU that day?

    On the other hand, if you are taking smaller amounts then I would defenitely try and inject around times where the chances of interrupting your natural HGH production are slim. So the best time to shoot HGH would be in the AM upon waking up as your body would have released a high amount of HGH during sleep. The next best time to shoot HGH does not exist as your body can release HGH at any time of the day. From here on shooting HGH once again becomes a hit or a miss. Keep in mind that interrupting your natural HGH doesn't make the HGH you injected useless.

    Also, your body can release its own HGH after an intense workout session, and if this was the case I would try and avoid injecting HGH around that time. And injecting before bed time is a bad idea unless your 50+ or have a condition where your body does not produce enough of its own HGH.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Your body releases it's own HGH about 8 - 10 times daily with the largest spurt occuring at night while you're asleep. The key to using HGH is not to interrupt your natural production. This is quite a difficult task since your body releases its own HGH multiple times per day and at different times every day. So unless you have some type of device which shows you when your body is going to release its own HGH, taking HGH will always be a "hit or a miss" in regards to interrutping your natural production.

    Anyway, this is the way I see it...

    If you are taking higher amounts of HGH, then I really wouldn't worry about interrutping your natural production. Why? Because if you are taking 15IU p/day and you interrupt that 1 - 2IU for that day then what difference is it going to make considering you just took 15IU that day?

    On the other hand, if you are taking smaller amounts then I would defenitely try and inject around times where the chances of interrupting your natural HGH production are slim. So the best time to shoot HGH would be in the AM upon waking up as your body would have released a high amount of HGH during sleep. The next best time to shoot HGH does not exist as your body can release HGH at any time of the day. From here on shooting HGH once again becomes a hit or a miss. Keep in mind that interrupting your natural HGH doesn't make the HGH you injected useless.

    Also, your body can release its own HGH after an intense workout session, and if this was the case I would try and avoid injecting HGH around that time. And injecting before bed time is a bad idea unless your 50+ or have a condition where your body does not produce enough of its own HGH.

    AMEN !! finally

  23. #23
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    He has said this a thousand times...a little research would have told you this before you had to ask.
    People should not be so afraid to research and read

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    He has said this a thousand times...a little research would have told you this before you had to ask.
    People should not be so afraid to research and read
    Well i did use the search button and came up with alot of differnet options, thats why i made it a poll to see what most people thought....

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Great post Gear thanks,

  26. #26
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Charger... you from Aus... where abouts are ya mate? I'm in Melb!


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