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Thread: Are research chemicals truly legal?

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  1. #1

    Are research chemicals truly legal?

    I've done some research on this topic but I ended up with a lot of conflicting data. If you can't prove that you're participating in some sort of official research, is it possible to get busted for buying this stuff online? Has anyone ever got into trouble for ordering research chemicals online? Could they bust people in the future by reviewing credit card order records of non-official researchers?

  2. #2
    well my pointof view is.

    its considered research if you "the buyer" are using the product and having positive or negitive results and reporting some type of feedback.

    buy doing so they get their "feedback" by reeding the forums and seeing what people think of their "product".

    so basically you are participating in research if you buy product and report your findings.

    at least that is my outlook on the subject. whether its legal or not i could care less. i have to many guns in my house for the cops to ever take me to jail .

    should people with severe ptsd be allowed to have guns lol.

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