hi guys, new to the whole gear land and this is my first serious course....
me and some friends are all taking test and winstrol....
but i am also taking tremobolone enanthate only 2ml a week and clembuturol 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, im currently in my off stage and have been for nearly 2 weeks.....
my friends arent really having any symptoms like i am and seem to be doing ok....
so im thinking maybe its the trembolone thats causing me the problems!
im struggling to sleep sometimes waking up in major sweats when i do get to sleep, although i have a huge fan on all night....
im waking up some nights with a nasty feeling and not knowing weather its hunger or sickness!
its not phyically making me throw up or anything, and in the day time im aware of something going on in my stomach like a constant slight shake! not really causing me to much discomfort but im very aware of it!
... its making me feel a tad sTRANGE and not really able to eat as much as i was.....
also im bloating in the stomach but not eating enough or the wrong thing to be making my stomach do this.....
i tried something the other day where i ate everytime i felt the strangness and it seemed to keep it at bay but was very hard to do so..... and had to eat about 9 - 10 times in a day....
please could anyone help with advice....
i have about another 3/4 weeks on the trembolone and dont want to give it up if theres things i can do to counteract it...
is what im feeling normal or should i not be using it if this is the effect its having on me?
any advice is greatly appreciated!
thanks guys,,, no micky taking please just helpfull advice... many thanks!