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Thread: Sickness please help

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  1. #1

    Sickness please help

    hi guys, new to the whole gear land and this is my first serious course....

    me and some friends are all taking test and winstrol....

    but i am also taking tremobolone enanthate only 2ml a week and clembuturol 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, im currently in my off stage and have been for nearly 2 weeks.....

    my friends arent really having any symptoms like i am and seem to be doing ok....

    so im thinking maybe its the trembolone thats causing me the problems!


    im struggling to sleep sometimes waking up in major sweats when i do get to sleep, although i have a huge fan on all night....

    im waking up some nights with a nasty feeling and not knowing weather its hunger or sickness!

    its not phyically making me throw up or anything, and in the day time im aware of something going on in my stomach like a constant slight shake! not really causing me to much discomfort but im very aware of it!
    ... its making me feel a tad sTRANGE and not really able to eat as much as i was.....

    also im bloating in the stomach but not eating enough or the wrong thing to be making my stomach do this.....

    i tried something the other day where i ate everytime i felt the strangness and it seemed to keep it at bay but was very hard to do so..... and had to eat about 9 - 10 times in a day....

    please could anyone help with advice....

    i have about another 3/4 weeks on the trembolone and dont want to give it up if theres things i can do to counteract it...

    is what im feeling normal or should i not be using it if this is the effect its having on me?

    any advice is greatly appreciated!

    thanks guys,,, no micky taking please just helpfull advice... many thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Need stats , current cycle

    body fat %
    cycle exp

    You stated being new . If this is your first cycle , I believe it's a little excessive .
    Are you taking any anti-estrogen now ?

    All I can tell you with out more info is sleepless nights are not unusual . Sweating is common also . Never experienced clen myself , so no idea how fun that is .
    If cycle is making you ill and you wanna quit ,stop . If you wanna keep going , modify whats causing side effects you can't bare .

    Good luck ,

  3. #3
    yeah trying to figure out whats doing it i susspect the trembolone!

    just spent alot of money on the course so didnt want to give it up when seeing other good results!

    not taking anti east as not had any symptoms yet but probably will just incase as do have some

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by untamedstylist View Post
    yeah trying to figure out whats doing it i susspect the trembolone!

    just spent alot of money on the course so didnt want to give it up when seeing other good results!

    not taking anti east as not had any symptoms yet but probably will just incase as do have some
    You are avoiding the obvious questions, your stats.

    age: 25
    height: 5'9,
    weight: 15.5st,
    body fat: 29% roughly
    yrs training.... about 5

    Dude, as you have been told you should NOT have started a cycle. You are going to experience all sorts of sides with BF that high. Here comes Gyno..... even if you are only at 20%.... is that your picture in the avatar?

    Ohh, and you DONT have your PCT yet because you will get that WHEN/IF it is needed. hahahahahah
    Anyone ever hear that one before. 90% of the people who plan this way FAIL.

    Sorry but you are doing everything wrong so expect the worst. You do NOT get cut by using steroids. Also as suggested you need to learn to diet. Please do not do anymore steroids after this until your BF is under 15%, better around 13% due to diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You are avoiding the obvious questions, your stats.

    age: 25
    height: 5'9,
    weight: 15.5st,
    body fat: 29% roughly
    yrs training.... about 5

    Dude, as you have been told you should NOT have started a cycle. You are going to experience all sorts of sides with BF that high. Here comes Gyno..... even if you are only at 20%.... is that your picture in the avatar?

    Ohh, and you DONT have your PCT yet because you will get that WHEN/IF it is needed. hahahahahah
    Anyone ever hear that one before. 90% of the people who plan this way FAIL.

    Sorry but you are doing everything wrong so expect the worst. You do NOT get cut by using steroids. Also as suggested you need to learn to diet. Please do not do anymore steroids after this until your BF is under 15%, better around 13% due to diet.
    100% agree

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sleep trouble and sweats are popular from Tren.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You are avoiding the obvious questions, your stats.

    age: 25
    height: 5'9,
    weight: 15.5st,
    body fat: 29% roughly
    yrs training.... about 5

    Dude, as you have been told you should NOT have started a cycle. You are going to experience all sorts of sides with BF that high. Here comes Gyno..... even if you are only at 20%.... is that your picture in the avatar?

    Ohh, and you DONT have your PCT yet because you will get that WHEN/IF it is needed. hahahahahah
    Anyone ever hear that one before. 90% of the people who plan this way FAIL.

    Sorry but you are doing everything wrong so expect the worst. You do NOT get cut by using steroids. Also as suggested you need to learn to diet. Please do not do anymore steroids after this until your BF is under 15%, better around 13% due to diet.
    With those stats you should not even look at a cycle. Everything stated above is true. Get your PCT ASAP!!!! get off this cycle or you are going to screw yourself up!!! Plus it's going to take an other 2 weeks before the Tren E will be out of your system. Stop the tren/winny and stay on your Test until PCT arrives

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    we need mg doses in order to help you. the sides you have listed are pretty common.
    all can cause night sweats. tren is notorious for insomnia and causes slight appetite loss (in me anyway) which in turn leads to a sour stomach sometimes. and clen raises your body temp.

    you really shouldve started with tren a so you could kill these sides quicker. now youre gonna be stuck with them for at least 2 weeks after your last dose.
    good luck with everything

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Why would you be running winni and tren on a first cycle? your also running tren e not wise,i would definatley put the night sweats and lack of sleep down to tren but because your using E instead of A even if you stop now your still gonna be stuck with the sides

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Of course it is the tren! Did you not do research and see all the side effects tren could cause!! and you are doing 400mg EW!! I would only do 350mg Ew so that is a high dose! You should have also ran Acetate for the 1st time! Those symptoms are going to get progressively worse till about week 4-5! I would quit that shit now and let it clear out before you get in too deep!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    I'm always amazed when I hear people running Tren for a first cycle...

    That's balls right there...

    Balls or ignorance.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    not tren, trem! i bet his pee pee no workie.

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