I would like to debate Apollo 20...
I would like to debate Apollo 20...
Last edited by BJJ; 10-30-2009 at 10:25 AM. Reason: took off "seriously"
Alot of speculation of whats true and whats not...
u think it was not true, that we didnt go to the moon?
so what happen
What is the evidence we didnt?
Well, the meaning of this thread is to debate Apollo 20.
I think we got on the moon but I would like to know what you think about that specific "hidden" mission.
The Moon was found civilized with ruins of a previous epoch dated more than 1.000.000 years ago. This was kept hidden to the humanity.
So, that mission (Apollo 20) was due to discover and study those ruins.
True or not, history is really not like we used to study it on our scholastic books.
Hope this is clear to all!
So, pro bono pacis and pro domo mea, anyonewith info to share?
Thank you
does that help bro? I mean if there is an argument that we didn't go because there is no evidence we went then how do we have a) a cover up operation b) read my quoted post. I may be dense here though and missing the point?
so the lack of evidence is the anecdotal evidence that we did not? Fair enough. What was the point of the hoax then? Since there is no benefit for the hoax, or the lack of benefit, does that mean we went? Using, of course, the same theorem.
The benefit to the hoax would have been beating Russia and the rest of the world there.
During the time of the moon landing, we were in a cold war with Russia, and even some what still China. The race was set, to prove who was more advanced and would be the first country to land there.
We know so little about space, and a lot of it is simply just speculation on what happens, and when, and what it would do to a craft or human.
But many physicist believe that a "space suit" would not be able to protect a human from the extreme heat/cold in space and also protect them from the radiation admitted from our sun, that the polar caps keep us clear of.
I think we really did it, but I could see the point of faking it also. To build country moral, keep us ahead of other countries.
I think it's the moon, lol.
really anyone could give you some far fetched story about how it is support that there is/was life on the moon.
I have absolutely no doubt that there is life, and probably some more intelligent life out there in the universe. I'd bet my life there is life in our galaxy, but there is not any on the moon.
It really happened, here is what they found
Marcus Google it. There is a lot of info out there that is pretty compelling, however I do not believe that there is conspiracy on that level and scale. Thousands of people would have HAD to be involved in a cover up and operation of that magnitude. I am so optimistic as to believe it could be kept under wraps that tightly. I would say impossible even. JMHO
Yes thats what I am thinking also, hard to keep so many people quietOriginally Posted by higherdesire;492***6
You'd like to debate apollo 20?
I'd like to debate how anybody can think a Saturn V can be launched without anybody noticing. Also how about the fact that they only built 15 saturn V's and the one that could have been used for Apollo 20 was instead used to launch skylab. Do you have any idea of the hardware the Apollo program required to create a launch?
Now before you go into how it was possible to have an alternate lauch site that nobody knew about and how they could have commisioned a secret saturn v rocket that nobody knew about, and they were able to somehow transport this huge thing that can only be moved in peices by barge to an alternate assembely building at the new location when they already have all of this at Kennedy. Wouldn't it have been a shit load easier to just tell the public they were going up to the moon and then not disclose what they were doing up there. Not send back video, or only send video of what you want people to see.
Take it easy man...
The fact I would like to debate Apollo 20, does not mean I believe that mission was realistic, though I believe and know that things happen while "we" are unable, in some cases, to see, observe and understand them.
Did you know that the 8th of october current year an asteroid exploded above the South Sulawesi (Bone) in Indonesia? The explosion was heard by NASA monitoring stations from 10000 miles away, according to a report of scientists at the University of Western Ontario. Scientists have found as not been noticed by any telescope and that if it was bigger was likely to cause a disaster.
See what I mean?
Yeah, what he said x2!
I haven't seen 1-19 yet, don't ruin the ending for me
funny all this "evidence" comes about after cheep picture and video editing software.
If there was any possibility of a flying saucer on the moon, NASA would never want for funding again. And we surely would have been back to the moon since apollo 20, think about it. You get video of a space ship, and never go check it out, duh, it's a no brainer, you go back until you harvest that sweet alien technology.
Instead, we noticed a space ship on the surface of the moon in 1976 and in the infinate wisdom of NASA decided not to even make plans to return until post 2020. How do they sell this shit to even the gullable.
lol,, i hope you really dont believe that shitte
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