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Thread: First cycle critique please!!!!!

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  1. #1

    First cycle critique please!!!!!

    Hey after doing years of research off and on I feel I am finally ready to start my first cycle. I was a college athlete and that kept me in shape and gave more of the lean cut up look. I am a ocean front lifeguard during the summer and am just looking to add some lean muscle with as little water retention as possible. My diet and is going to be really clean drinking plenty of water ect....and due to having to stay in shape for lifeguarding test ex...running/swimming test..I want to keep as much muscle as possible while having to train....last year my bf got down to 7 percent but I lost a lot of muscle in the process...
    25 y/o
    10% bf
    Test Prop cycle only
    Week 1-8 100mg eod
    week 2-7 hcg 500iu split up two shots a week
    Day 1 - Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Not sure if this is a little high? Also have Adex running .25 either ed or eod havent decieded yet.
    I also have a ton of avanar that I was thinking about running 40mg a day for the eight weeks, but may just stick with the test to actually see what ithe test itself does.

    Also, I know that a lot of people dont like prop for a first cycle because of all the shots but my best freinds girls is a nurse and will be administrating all my shots... please any advise would be great...
    rather be called a idiot than mess up my body!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Well I would say one thing for sure, you need to learn to inject yourself you cannot rely on someone else doing it. The pct is a bit wacky to me you have the right compounds but the doses are off. Don`t run the adex unless you get sides on cycle. Then if they present themself start at .25mg eod.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    spot on redz..

    OP- u have to learn to inject urself, u cannot rely on someone else.this is very important.

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    spot on redz..

    OP- u have to learn to inject urself, u cannot rely on someone else.this is very important.
    Shit Moose...I don't inject myself. My lovely wife has been doin it for me for years....I can if I had to but I'd rather let her.

  5. #5
    yea true...i will get her to "show" me first then I can take over...and yea ive just read so many different on the dosages for pct....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    last time i tried injecting myself and did it. i almost fainted with the needle in my ass... i have 3 good friends that know how to do it. and there my neighbors.

  7. #7
    also how does
    Nolva 40,40,20,20
    Clomid 100,50,50,50
    does that look better redz?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yes that pct looks more normal.

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