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Thread: My 2nd Cycle (Your Input)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Talking My 2nd Cycle (Your Input)

    I am planning to run my second cycle this coming June. I would like to get constructive input on thoughts of how to best run my next coming cycle. Here are my current stats right now


    Age: 26
    BF% 11
    Wt: 186lbs
    Ht: 5"8

    My first cycle I ran test 500mg/week 1-12 weeks every 3.5 days apart. Also from 1-4 weeks i ran 40mg/dbol a day and from 8-12 week i ran 40mg/dbol again to help harden gains. I was told by a friend.

    I had adex as back up but never used it.

    Pct- 14 days after my last shot
    Clomi: 100/100/50/50
    Tamox: 50/50/20/20

    Proposed cycle for June

    Test 500mg/week 1-12 weeks ( I was thinking Sust 250 is it possible to take it 250mg E3D apart?) read that in the FAQ. I know test is test but i wanted to give sust a try. I ran test e on my last cycle btw.

    Stack Deca Durbolin 200mg/week 1-12 weeks with the test. Is this amount to much or too little i was unsure about the dossage. The vials i will get are 2ml/200mg.

    D-bol 40mg/day 1-4 weeks and this time i was planning to do winstrol on week 8-12. Which do you guys perfer oral or I.M. and why? Is there a big difference? Or should i not run this?

    Adex all the way through .25mg ED keep estrogen down and bloating

    Pct: 14 days after last shot
    Clomi: 100/100/50/50
    Tamox: 50/50/20/20

    What do you guys think is this a good stack? Appreciate your feedback


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If everything is accurate looks good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Is the deca dosage correct? Or more? Do you perfer winstrol orals or I.M. Is there a big difference between. Lastly is it okay to take 250mg of sust E3D?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Deca is a little low but it's your first time using it. I ran 400 without any problems.
    That is how I ran the D-bol, same, 1-4
    I have not ran Sust that amount should be fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    most people will tell you to run sust as eod injections soyou can take advantage of the
    short esters
    winny injections are very painful but of course more effective when injected you can also drink injectable winny those options are up to you


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Canada Eh
    Winny injections are very painful an can leave you limping for a few days but the muscle absorbs more of the winny when you inject, if you pop orals its harsh on your liver but as long you dont run winny longer than 6 weeks you should be fine, and if ur drinking ur winny u can always up the dose to compensate by adding a little more to the dose
    Last edited by B1gDaddy; 04-02-2010 at 10:57 AM.

  7. #7
    Do you have a liver supplement? Pick up some liv52 and milk thistle to help your liver cope with the dbol/winny. Personally, if this was my second cycle, i'd pass on the winny for now and just stick with deca/test and maybe dbol.

    Also, for the pct, have a mod/vet check those doses, they seem kinda high.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I would bump the deca to 400 mg a week
    injecting winstrol sucks, and it sucks everyday. drink it or take the pills.
    your PCT is GTG. clomid seems to give some wierd side effects. I get depressed. keep an eye on it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I had no idea you could drink winstrol good to know. I think i might stick with the orals than lol. Correct me if im wrong but is 40mg/ day the recommend dosage for winstrol? Also i read .25mg/ED adex can hinder gains. Should i dose .25mg/eod? Also becuase im stack deca/sust is this only A.I. recommend while on this cycle? Lastly is it okay to mix deca/sust together or do i inject them seperately? I used 23g 1" needle for my delts and 25g 1 1/2" for my glutes on my test e cycle.

    Thanks again for all the advice =)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    deep,very deep (maryland)
    the only suggestion i would make would be to take the deca out a few weeks early maybe 3 just so that you dont end up with no sex drive for a few weeks after your cycle and mixing them(deca and test) would be fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Thanks Diamond so looks like this cycle good to go. So is it okay to bump the deca to 400mg/week instead of the 200mg/week orginally planned. I most definitely will stop the deca in advance i cant lose my sex drive my wifey would get very suspicious lol.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    deep,very deep (maryland)
    Well the whole dbol nd winni thing doesn't seem like the best idea for your liver and is counterproductive if youare trying do cutt up just add clenbuterol to the end of the cycle winni is gonna mess up ur cycle IMHO but other than that go ahead nd up the deca dose sounds solid

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