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Thread: Masteron cycle?

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  1. #1

    Masteron cycle?

    Looking at beginning a new cycle. This will be my fifth. Past cycles have mostly included test/deca/dbol.
    5'10, 216 lbs, 19% bf, 31 years old
    Diet is in check and train 6 days per week.
    Looking for lasting size.
    Would like to try Masteron as I have heard good things about it in research. So how does this look?
    1-12wk 500mg/wk cyp
    1-12wk 400mg eod Masteron
    1-4wk 40mg dbol ed
    14-16wk pct nolva 40/40/20/20

    I have seen Masteron used to end a cycle as well. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    your diet is in check and your 19% bf. I'd check the diet again

  3. #3
    Yes it is now. Been doing much more cardio preparing for this cycle. Changed eating habits and yes, now my diet is in check and body fat is decreasing. Now what do you think or can u help me about about the cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant1227 View Post
    Yes it is now. Been doing much more cardio preparing for this cycle. Changed eating habits and yes, now my diet is in check and body fat is decreasing. Now what do you think or can u help me about about the cycle?
    Plan on starting your cycle once you get your BF down to 12%

    What is with the attitude of so many they get their diet in check ON cycle. You need to be physically ready BEFORE cycle. No a week or a month but months before. It's not a fad. 90% of people who try AAS fail. Why? Because they think like you. If this is harsh to you and you are pissed off at what I am saying then you will continue to be one of the 90% and fail to learn anything.

    You know how much size I lost after 1st cycle? none or nill. You know how much body fat I gained after cycle? NONE. it has gone down even more over the years. Do you know how my diet changed after cycle? I continued to improve it. Do you know how my work out routine changed after cycle? None or I stepped it up even more.

    Is this something you want only for this month or this summer MAYBE? if so then stop now because it will be a lot worse later.

    Do you know where my next goal is set? It's not next week or next month. It's over a year away and then my next is 3 years. LONG term plan/goals.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-03-2010 at 06:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Plan on starting your cycle once you get your BF down to 12%

    What is with the attitude of so many they get their diet in check ON cycle. You need to be physically ready BEFORE cycle. No a week or a month but months before. It's not a fad. 90% of people who try AAS fail. Why? Because they think like you. If this is harsh to you and you are pissed off at what I am saying then you will continue to be one of the 90% and fail to learn anything.

    You know how much size I lost after 1st cycle? none or nill. You know how much body fat I gained after cycle? NONE. it has gone down even more over the years. Do you know how my diet changed after cycle? I continued to improve it. Do you know how my work out routine changed after cycle? None or I stepped it up even more.

    Is this something you want only for this month or this summer MAYBE? if so then stop now because it will be a lot worse later.

    Do you know where my next goal is set? It's not next week or next month. It's over a year away and then my next is 3 years. LONG term plan/goals.

    Do you like to ask questions about yourself and then answer them yourself?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Just2Big View Post
    Do you like to ask questions about yourself and then answer them yourself?
    Yes, I find it's the only way to have an intelligent conversation most of the time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Plan on starting your cycle once you get your BF down to 12%

    What is with the attitude of so many they get their diet in check ON cycle. You need to be physically ready BEFORE cycle. No a week or a month but months before. It's not a fad. 90% of people who try AAS fail. Why? Because they think like you. If this is harsh to you and you are pissed off at what I am saying then you will continue to be one of the 90% and fail to learn anything.

    You know how much size I lost after 1st cycle? none or nill. You know how much body fat I gained after cycle? NONE. it has gone down even more over the years. Do you know how my diet changed after cycle? I continued to improve it. Do you know how my work out routine changed after cycle? None or I stepped it up even more.

    Is this something you want only for this month or this summer MAYBE? if so then stop now because it will be a lot worse later.

    Do you know where my next goal is set? It's not next week or next month. It's over a year away and then my next is 3 years. LONG term plan/goals.

    hope u didnt hurt ur arm patting urself on the back.
    i dont think their is one useful point in your post besides the bf comment.
    where do u get 90%.????.
    whats wrong with wanting to run a cycle just for the summer? if u train throughout the year and like to peak for the summer hotties, whats wrong with that?
    not everyone has to dedicate their life to AAS, nothing wrong with banging a cycle here and there..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Plan on starting your cycle once you get your BF down to 12%

    What is with the attitude of so many they get their diet in check ON cycle. You need to be physically ready BEFORE cycle. No a week or a month but months before. It's not a fad. 90% of people who try AAS fail. Why? Because they think like you. If this is harsh to you and you are pissed off at what I am saying then you will continue to be one of the 90% and fail to learn anything.

    You know how much size I lost after 1st cycle? none or nill. You know how much body fat I gained after cycle? NONE. it has gone down even more over the years. Do you know how my diet changed after cycle? I continued to improve it. Do you know how my work out routine changed after cycle? None or I stepped it up even more.

    Is this something you want only for this month or this summer MAYBE? if so then stop now because it will be a lot worse later.

    Do you know where my next goal is set? It's not next week or next month. It's over a year away and then my next is 3 years. LONG term plan/goals.
    Couldn't have said it any better myself.

  9. #9
    Need some advice guys. Thinking bout changing Masteron to 1-6wks then adding tren 7-12wk.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Canada, Singapore
    Just because the bf is high doesn't mean the diet isn't in check.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    well im plannin on doin test 750, mast e 500 and tren e 500mg for full 10 weeks ea the thing u need to worry about is prolactin sides etc, so u'll need to take caber 0.5mg e3d and a-dex eod and hcg aswell 250ui's 2xweek

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    If you really want to see the effects of drugs like mast or tren I would get your bf down a lot more. I've never taken mast but I may for my next cutter in place of winny.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Many people say that mast is only good if you are 12% or under. AAS use should be at 15% or under.

    You are going to gain fat on cycle, so you may end up near 23%bf by the end of your cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant1227 View Post
    Looking at beginning a new cycle. This will be my fifth. Past cycles have mostly included test/deca/dbol.
    5'10, 216 lbs, 19% bf, 31 years old
    Diet is in check and train 6 days per week.
    Looking for lasting size.
    Would like to try Masteron as I have heard good things about it in research. So how does this look?
    1-12wk 500mg/wk cyp
    1-12wk 400mg eod Masteron
    1-4wk 40mg dbol ed
    14-16wk pct nolva 40/40/20/20

    I have seen Masteron used to end a cycle as well. Any help would be appreciated.
    You are at 19% bf after 4 cycles?
    I would not cycle with that bf percentage.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Mooseman33, I was informed the message was meant for me.

    Sorry all I can see is: This message is hidden because Mooseman33 is on your ignore list.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant1227 View Post
    1-12wk 400mg eod Masteron
    This should be 100mg eod not 400 eod

  17. #17
    Let me clear a few things up here as the discussion here is centered around my body fat. Yes, this is my fourth cycle. I took my first when i was 21. Since 21 I as well as many other men have had alot happen in their lives (job, children, wife, etc). I have not always followed a strict diet as a result. However, as I said I have my "diet in check" for months now. Body fat has been dropping as a result of better diet and adding cardio many months ago. I am not new to training as I have been training hard for about ten years. I am not looking to compete in body building comps nor an I looking to get my BF to 5%. I am simply looking to add about a solid 5-8 pounds of muscle.
    NOW, given that can someone please help me out and give me your thoughts on this cycle, particularly masteron. thanks

    1-14wk cyp 500mg/wk
    1-12wk masteron 100mg eod
    1-4wk dbol 30mg
    16-20wk pct

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant1227 View Post
    Let me clear a few things up here as the discussion here is centered around my body fat. Yes, this is my fourth cycle. I took my first when i was 21. Since 21 I as well as many other men have had alot happen in their lives (job, children, wife, etc). I have not always followed a strict diet as a result. However, as I said I have my "diet in check" for months now. Body fat has been dropping as a result of better diet and adding cardio many months ago. I am not new to training as I have been training hard for about ten years. I am not looking to compete in body building comps nor an I looking to get my BF to 5%. I am simply looking to add about a solid 5-8 pounds of muscle.
    NOW, given that can someone please help me out and give me your thoughts on this cycle, particularly masteron. thanks

    1-14wk cyp 500mg/wk
    1-12wk masteron 100mg eod
    1-4wk dbol 30mg
    16-20wk pct
    skip masteron replace with EQ if you want to play it safe, tren if you have a little more balls. I love masteron it is my favorite non test AAS, and have used it often. but really it makes you denser and harder. will you know that you are denser and harder- yes. will anyone else- no. It makes an impressive difference at or below 10% bf but otherwise your money is better spent elsewhere

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Well, in that case, I would skip the Masteron for this cycle (save your cash). Keep your diet in check, keep working you body fat lower, do t his cycle when ready with just the Test (DBol kicker is OK). Masteron truly is best when body fat is low. So, save it and pan on using it in your next cycle - perhaps even with some Tren (only if/when ready) and preferable with your BF lower than 15%, closer to 12% best. Gaining the 5-8 solid lbs will be a sinch with Test alone, and you CAN lower your BF% during this cycle as well as long as your diet is clean and you keep your cardio up.

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