Hello All,
I'm gald to see that there are people who can help out when it comes to this subject. Right now I'm about 290 with good size and strength. I've had a problem with body fat for most of my adult life being that I was about 350 2yrs ago. I've battled to lose 50 lbs and put on some good size during these two years. I'm in perfect health and what to lean out and build quality muscle so my doc suggested for me to be on a controlled AAS cycle under his care. my diet is somewhat clean and Being that I'm never done a steriod in my life I was skeptical at first but seeing that my body has not changed in 2yrs I said what the hell!!! My stats are as follows
arms 20''
chest 54"
quads 26"
calves 19"
waist 44"
height 5'10"
I played football for years and genetics have blessed me with a good frame to support large muscle. I would like 2a shave at least 4-5 inches off of that waist and drop down to about 250-240 but within 16 weeks. Since this is a good site I wanted to ask some people there opinion. I wanna know some of the good cycle stacks that would hopefully get me where I would like to be. Diet and protein intake in all ready in hand so I just wanna pick brians???? thanks