I have never done a cycle and wonder what i should do.Let me know if my shit is shit or aint shit. heres my pic.A little blurry but you still can tell.
I have never done a cycle and wonder what i should do.Let me know if my shit is shit or aint shit. heres my pic.A little blurry but you still can tell.
Heres another picture..
What are your goals?
one more...you guys be the judge and tell me what i should do at this stage.
Last edited by HBK; 02-16-2003 at 11:33 PM.
Well, how old are you... and how tall... how much do you weigh? It's kind of hard to tell from those pictures. It all depends on what you want to look like too. I mean.... some guys who post pictures on here are just ridiculously huge... some look good.. but not overly huge... (which I prefer! ;-) ) So yeah...
yea post your goals and stats then we can help ya
Pictures suck buddy but from what I can tell you might want to cut down and loose the body fat then go into bulking. If your asking what you should do as far as AS then iw ould say you need to get a good diet down and stick with it. do some reasearch in the mean time and keep on cutting down till you get that bf% low.
well I'm 61' 230 and want to have a arnold s type of upper bodyIm 28 and live in sucky ohio.heres another pic...
I would say cut down, your body fat is way too high.....
To be honest, and I'm not flaming so don't take it the wrong, it looks as though you haven't even been working out....
But on the positive side, it looks like when you do cut down, you have an EXCELLENT base to start off with. Unfortunately, you, like me, has the problem of cutting down all the way first. I wish I was a stick to begin with so that way I could go into a bulking cycle imeediately, ahhh oh well....
You dont get pecs that big without ever working out.I have been training the last 11 years and can bench over 400 and deadlift 585.I dont know how you could say that.
Thats why cut the body fat and it will be more evident. I'm not flaming you man, but you look so much better with lowered body fat....
So I should go on a high prtein diet and do higher reps?
Originally posted by HBK
So I should go on a high prtein diet and do higher reps?
i think diet was mentioned a hundred times, try that...
those pics look like grainy bank robbery mug shots. Try scanning a photo
That's crazy guys! He has obiously been working out! I think he has great muscle mass! If he cut down a little, he would be jacked.
LMAOOriginally posted by Decoder
i think diet was mentioned a hundred times, try that...![]()
HBK- Looking at your pics, here is what I would do:
Change your diet to eat around 50% protein, 30% carbs (all complex carbs except for post workout) and 20% fat split into 6-7 meals (at your weight, I'd say to do this on 2,500 calories daily), keep training with weights, and add 45 mins. of cardio 4-5 times per week. Stay on this diet/exercise plan as consistently as you can for 6 months and shed the BF. Don't worry about strength gains while you're cutting, just focus on losing the BF and leaning down. I wouldn't touch AS until you get the BF down to at least 10%. Then, once your waistline is lean and you're in great cardiovascular shape, I'd consider bulking, maybe with some AS.
That's what I would do if I looked like you. Good luck.
Good response.I think i'll add more 10lbs more of mucsle mass and then cut down.Then bulk up with AS.....
You dont need to add any mass u need to cut BIG TIME!!
DOnt get me wrong i believe your strong but theres no point of being strong if you have the flabby look especially around your abs guy.
BTW why is it when someone critsizes someone they fight back by sayin "well i bench this much" That doesnt mean jack. if your like 100 lbs heavier than the next ,no shit your gonna be able to bench that much more.
I havent done bench in 2 years i use dumbells for presses, and im not braggin but my pecs look great! really well cut up and defined.Technique and diet is what i try to specialize in.
HBK... Noticed that you are from Columbus. Did you take in any of the Arnold at the CC?
- Osc
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