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Thread: clen info and help needed

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    clen info and help needed

    if you want to read about me
    age 33
    height 5'11
    weigh 230
    bf too much
    ok lets start with I know nothing and am completely overwlemed with the info on the forum. Basicly I am fat and out of shape, turning it around now. I just started working out again after 5-6 years. I am 40-50 lbs heavier then I was and want to lose it. I assume I will bulk up some, but that is not really my goal. Losing fat is, I want to trim my body back down. Now three weeks into the p90x routine, it is ok you can laugh at me. I had no clue how to really work out beside just running my a$$ off with a 100 lbs pack on my back. so I needed some direction and found p90x online.
    I know diet is the most important, I am trying to get into a better routine. My old routine was corn muffin at about 11am, then a normal dinner at about 6-7pm. Now I work out in the morning, eat oatmeal before work. eat fruit at about 12, and then a lean dinner at 6-7pm.

    Well talking to someone I know he told me that clen would work and got me some. was told first 4 days 40mcg then 80 mcg for the next 48 days.

    my questions are:
    1 Is clen right for what I want to accomplish?
    2 does that clen cycle seem to be overkill?? others I have read are 1 week on 1 week off.
    3 Is there something else I should be taking to counter bad affects of clen
    4 any diet info would be great, reading on this site has great info but too much for me to process on dieting.

    Basicly I know nothing, not scared to admit it and need help and info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    No worries bro. You came to the right place.

    First thing to do is start a thread in the diet forum.

    You won't loose weight if you're diet isn't right.

    Re: the clen. I don't think it's necessary at this point, you can loose plenty of weight naturally, then use clen when you hit a wall.

    Also, by the time you're ready for clen you can research all those questions you have and be much more aware of what you're putting into your body.

    For training advice, post in the training forum.

    Good luck bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    ok so the clen is going to the side for now and I will see how am I doing at the end of the p90x. I will post in the diet for help.

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