if you want to read about me
age 33
height 5'11
weigh 230
bf too much
ok lets start with I know nothing and am completely overwlemed with the info on the forum. Basicly I am fat and out of shape, turning it around now. I just started working out again after 5-6 years. I am 40-50 lbs heavier then I was and want to lose it. I assume I will bulk up some, but that is not really my goal. Losing fat is, I want to trim my body back down. Now three weeks into the p90x routine, it is ok you can laugh at me. I had no clue how to really work out beside just running my a$$ off with a 100 lbs pack on my back. so I needed some direction and found p90x online.
I know diet is the most important, I am trying to get into a better routine. My old routine was corn muffin at about 11am, then a normal dinner at about 6-7pm. Now I work out in the morning, eat oatmeal before work. eat fruit at about 12, and then a lean dinner at 6-7pm.
Well talking to someone I know he told me that clen would work and got me some. was told first 4 days 40mcg then 80 mcg for the next 48 days.
my questions are:
1 Is clen right for what I want to accomplish?
2 does that clen cycle seem to be overkill?? others I have read are 1 week on 1 week off.
3 Is there something else I should be taking to counter bad affects of clen
4 any diet info would be great, reading on this site has great info but too much for me to process on dieting.
Basicly I know nothing, not scared to admit it and need help and info.