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Thread: New Cycle

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  1. #1

    Question New Cycle

    Hey Wut-Up guys... i need some answers if any are available, im into my 2nd week of my cycle which is decca 300 and test 200, i take the shots every 4th day 2cc's one cc in each shoulder, as far as eating habits.. i was told 2 eat whatever and whenever, i dunno if that's a correct statement, i was told it would help give me size.... any info on how i should eat and how long b4 i notice major changes in me? both are 6 week cycles, then ima cut up on winstrol...... i weigh 192 13%body fat..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Six weeks isn't a long enough cycle with the drugs you have chosen in my opinion. While an excess of calories when trying to bulk is a good thing you need to be aware of what kinds of foods you are taking in for proper growth with minimal fat accumulation. You probably won't notice major changes until week 4 or 5 although people vary. Do you have clomid for post cycle or an anti-e on hand?

  3. #3
    no... no clomid, or anti-e.... i have access 2 em' but i haven't gotten any cause' ima do winstrol after my 6 week cycle, im not looking 2 get huge, but i am lookin 2 at least add a couple more inches 2 my arms and upper body...... i dunno what would u reccommend? should i do more than 6 weeks.... it's 10 shots of decca and 10 shots of test.... then 10 of winstrol....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    I assume this is your first cycle. First off, I'd up the deca a little, maybe to 400mg - get the biggest bang for your buck and this will provide good gains with minimal sides.

    Second, I'd run for 10 or 12 weeks. Anything less is a total waste and will leave you feeling like ya missed something and outta cash for no reason. My experience with Deca/Sust has been 5-6 weeks before really noticing any growth. That's running Deca 400mg week and Sust 500mg week.

    Third - diet... I've read up a TON on this because it didn't make sense to me that if I normally take in 2000 calories that I should increase that to 5,000-6,000!!! So far what I've learned is:

    Eat 6-7 times a day (every 2 hours)

    Drink a protein shake before going to bed (muscle milk works really well for this) as that's when your muscles need it most.

    Eat CLEAN - get as much protein as possible while keeping carbs at a good level. Don't eat cake, ice cream - eat steak and potatoes instead.
    I personally give myself one entire day for cheating when I load up on the captain crunch, pizza, ice cream, mountain dew, etc...but just for a single day - then it's back to the norm.

    Drink a gallon of water a day. This does NOT include diet coke, crystal light, etc. If you drink those great - but add a gallon on top of it. You'll thank us all later when you find yourself NOT having muscle cramps all the time due to dehydration.

    Winstrol - If you change your cycle to 10 weeks I'd start winny at week 8 and run it to week 12...then hit the clomid the day after your last winny injection/drink.

    Injections - you can get away with injecting both deca and test once a week. Their esters will run a good long while and your blood levels will pretty much stay in check this way. Also, I'd recommend mixing the deca and test so you're putting both cc's in a single injection - a little easier. And remember you can hit more than shoulders...quads, glutes, etc. By rotating it will ease off on scar tissue.

    WHEW...ok I'm done. Tried to cover everything I could think of. Sorry if I rambled - it's late and once again I can't sleep damnit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You are going to need clomid for post cycle recovery no matter what so get it now. As far as having an anti-e on hand it would be wise since you don't know how you are going to react and gyno is no fun for anyone. I don't see any problem with taking an injection E4D but you should get more gear.

  6. #6
    i do inject both with one needle, i'm on my 5th shot of decca and 2nd shot of test.. i started test, kinda late, this is what the guy that gave em 2 me reccommended... basically i dont wanna be dissapointed in the end of my cycle, as far as clomid goes, is it injectable? and how long is it suppose 2 be taken for.... and should i get a couple more shots of decca and test. 2 add another couple of weeks..... thanx for the eating info btw.... i was told 2 eat whatever whenever which seemed odd, cause from 2000 calories a day 2 over 6000 seemed kinda high..... any more info would be appreciated...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Clomid is a taken orally... YOU WILL NEED IT TO AID IN KEEPING YOUR GAINS POST CYCLE. GET IT!!! The recommended dose is day 1 300mg, day 2-10 100mg, day 11-20 50mg. You want to start the clomid either 1 day after your last winny shot or 3 weeks after your last deca shot - whichever is longer. (incase the winny finishes prior to 3 weeks from the last deca inj).

    I was faced with a similar problem - the guy who was helping me told me to run a 6 week cycle, as it was my first.... but after doing the research I found he was wrong. Doing this would have simply caused me to waste money and gain very little. Yes, you should buy a few more amps and run either 10 or 12 weeks. You may find around week 5-6, when the test really starts to kick in and you feel ALIVE, that you may want to go the full 12....who knows. But only 6 and you're just robbing yourself and putting needles in your body for nothin....

  8. #8
    the source is reliable i've known him for a while, he's pretty big, i get the test 200 for less than 100 and the decca for a bit over 100, i dunno if that's a great deal, syringes are free, but i will get the clomid, how much weight does one usually gain with a cycle like this on the average, i know bodies and genetics differ... so more decca, more test, and clomid... should i up the dosages on the last couple weeks of decca and test? or should i continue on decca 300 and test 200?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    I would not recommend upping the dose...keep it the same all the way through for the test and deca.

    Reliable sources are great - but do yourself a favor and read. Do some searches...ya gotta atleast ask yourself why he didn't force you to buy clomid from the get go - as this is a WELL known requirement for post cycle. Not that he's feeding you bad info, my guy wasn't really on purpose - not everyone has access to the wealth of knowledge we do...and some don't even bother to research on their own, they just go by what they were told.

    As far as gain - 6 weeks I'd say maybe 5lbs if that.... 10-12 you may be looking at gaining 20 and keeping 15 of muscle mass. Again it's a hard thing to judge for the very reasons you listed (bodies and genetics differ)... it also depends on your training. Hit the weights VERY HARD throughout your cycle - and post cycle it's been suggested to me to keep hitting the gym but work more on reps than massive weight..don't wanna kill yourself when your body is trying to re-adjust itself back to a normal hormone blood level.

  10. #10
    sweet info.. thanx bro... if i have any other ?'s ima more than likely bother u peace for now.... and i'll tell u how the cycle ends up.... thanx for the info guys.....

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