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Thread: The best STACKS? BEST for Bulking, Cutting and Post Cycling, Best Brand?

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  1. #1

    The best STACKS? BEST for Bulking, Cutting and Post Cycling, Best Brand?

    Hey I'm a novice kinda with great genetics and athletisim I played D1 football and have been trained by some powerlifters and bodybuilders since I was a young boy I've grown up around it and family pedigree runs pretty strong in weightlifting but now am on my own. My question is what are the best stacks for bulking and cutting down and post cycling? What do you guys reccommend? And also what is the best brand? And the safest way to get that brand???
    I know some people but there like the 3rd person in line and charge up the wazzuuu it seems like and have heard that there not dependable so im seeking alternative methods.
    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Golden state
    Very broad post crikey just look at one compound only first time see how the body responds...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    You can not ask for sources on this board, please edit your post.
    You should not ask for lab names either as it is also against the rules to discuses them

    For starters, what are your?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    It is only forbidden to discuss underground lab names.

    Best brand? Any good human grade pharmaceutical brand. Organon, Schering, and so on...

    Safest way to get that brand? Direct from someone you trust.

    Best stacks? That actually depends some on the individual. There are classic stacks that are known as "bulkers" or cutters", but not everyone likes all of the compounds in these generic cycles. PCT really shouldn't vary much at all regardless. You're trying to get natty test production back, whatever you did. A beginner should not be stacking at all in their first cycle.

    Stats and goals?

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