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Thread: Is Tren A really that bad ?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Is Tren A really that bad ?

    I have been kicking around the idea of trying Tren A soon . A few of my buddies also keep pushing me to try it etc.. I have done a lot of research and read about all the negative sides like its a 19nor, tren cough, insomnia, tren dreams and some cases anxiety. But on the other side you can get some awesome results from it.

    Do you guys think the postives outweigh the negatives ?

    33 years old
    235 pounds
    14-15% BF
    Training on and off for around 20 years.
    cycle history.
    1) test400 @ 400 mgs for 12 weeks
    2) test 400 @ 500 mgs for 12 weeks
    3) test 400 @ 600 mgs and currently going on week 2

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by grumpee View Post
    I have been kicking around the idea of trying Tren A soon . A few of my buddies also keep pushing me to try it etc.. I have done a lot of research and read about all the negative sides like its a 19nor, tren cough, insomnia, tren dreams and some cases anxiety. But on the other side you can get some awesome results from it.
    My PT is cycling Tren A and giving me a whole a lot of feedback about it besides my personal observations of his developing mood, behavioral pattern, strength and gains he is making. He does not have the cough, since not all users get that but he is having some messed up dreams and is generally feeling both anxious and aggressive. He also sweats like a pig all day long. A fact that he swears by about Tren is, however, there is nothing as strong on a mg basis comparison and he is getting his money's worth.

    Do you guys think the postives outweigh the negatives ?
    Depends on the person IMO. How well will you be handling anixety, insonmia, evil dreams, waking up to a bed of sweat puddle and etc. if these side effects occur?
    33 years old
    235 pounds
    14-15% BF
    Training on and off for around 20 years.
    cycle history.
    1) test400 @ 400 mgs for 12 weeks
    2) test 400 @ 500 mgs for 12 weeks
    3) test 400 @ 600 mgs and currently going on week 2
    I wish they could actually produce a human grade pharma version of Tren, but then, would it still be the world's strongest and most effective AAS on mg basis with a AA ratio of 500/500 remains a question mark.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 04-03-2011 at 03:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    There is a pharma grade of tren,you just have to convert it to a usable form..........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    There is a pharma grade of tren,you just have to convert it to a usable form..........

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    personally the sides you get if you can tolerate it. its worth running it.

    everyone will respond different. least with tren a if you dont like it then you can get off it and it will leave quickly due to short easter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Tren not to be taken lightly.But I love it.Nothing beats tren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    looking forward to running it myself in T-minus 27 days

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    sorry didn't answer the question.. i know about a dozen guys that run it or have run it and never any serious issues.. most the guys i see complaining about it are either idiots who tried it their first cycle or guys that run ridiculous doses like 100mg ED.. also tren e is supposedly a bit milder on cough then tren a.. so maybe it would be best for you to start off with tren enanthate rather that acetate.

  9. #9
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    sorry didn't answer the question.. i know about a dozen guys that run it or have run it and never any serious issues.. most the guys i see complaining about it are either idiots who tried it their first cycle or guys that run ridiculous doses like 100mg ED.. also tren e is supposedly a bit milder on cough then tren a.. so maybe it would be best for you to start off with tren enanthate rather that acetate.

    Tren A is by far the better choice for a first timers, reason been, its faster acting and will get out of your system much faster the Tren E if it becomes to much for you.

    For me personaly, I would never put that crap in my body...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    im currently running tren at 76mg per wk this is my second wk,,and i love it, ive had some sides night sweats insomina, but its nothing i cant handle for the results,,give it a try

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by minimonster View Post
    im currently running tren at 76mg per wk this is my second wk,,and i love it, ive had some sides night sweats insomina, but its nothing i cant handle for the results,,give it a try
    76mg a Wk???? you may as well not use anything.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    It's harsh on your body, but if you can handle the sides, it's well worth it. I personally experienced more sides with tren e than i did with tren a..My only issue with tren a was the occasional cough along with the sweats. However, I just had to drop tren e on my current cycle due to very bad anxiety issues mixed with prehypertension (even though it's not a preexisting condition).

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Tren was, and is by far, the best in my opinion.... just to bad, i cant use it anymore :-( .... i already have anxiety, when i took Tren, i thought for sure , i was going to die, i could not control the anxiety, even with meds... nigh sweats, i did not mind it, ( at the time, when i did not have Anxiety, now, i would probably freak out) , Tren cough told me the product was good... bad dreams like crazy ; used to dream about killing my wife back then ( now i wish , i had done it, because we are divorced, and i would blame it on the dreams or
    If you can handle it, its a great drug... But, i have to say one more thing, i started getting anxiety after Tren use, and it has never gone away. i had done other cycles before, and was always fine; same thing just happen to a guy, that goes to the same Gym that i go to, and he ( according to him) has done over 10 cycles, but last year he did a tren cycle for the first time with test, and ever since he's got anxiety.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2011
    was on tren and the sides were too great for me so i had to ditch it. Fatigue, insomnia, nausea, loss of strength. Was not worth it.

  15. #15
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    gates of hell
    The cough/asthma attack for me is very bad. I hate the stuff. It works, other sides like sweating in bed, small appetite suppression, very mild joint pain, can deal with. Also shuts you down harder than anything. balls gonna shrink bro!! haha

  16. #16
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    Your GF's house
    I'll only use it in 30 days burst cycles. From what I've read is it's just to hard on the body for 12 weeks cycles. This is my first go around with it and am currently on 100mg of Test Prop and Tren A ED, I hate the ED shots but want to keep my levels even to keep the sides low as possible. Having some insomnia, and odd dreams. Been on for 6 days and have already dropped 2% in BF while staying the same weight

  17. #17
    So basically everyone that has ever tried it had crazy ass sides. I just got some for the first time and wont be going on for another 5 weeks, but you guys are all freakin me out now. Hasn't anyone taken it and NOT had extreme side effects??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    So basically everyone that has ever tried it had crazy ass sides. I just got some for the first time and wont be going on for another 5 weeks, but you guys are all freakin me out now. Hasn't anyone taken it and NOT had extreme side effects??
    i know people that have taken it and dealt with it just fine. Its just the luck of the draw

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    connecticut, usa
    I was on tren E, but ran out after 6 weeks, and had no choice but to go to tren A which I am finishing up soon. I have much more sides with the Tren A, but it may also be that the Tren A that I got is just better quality than the Tren E that I had. I am still a bit over weight, but I am much, much more defined and have actually lost 2 or 3 pounds while using about 500ml of test sus and 200ml of either the tren e or A, per week. The sides are definitely pretty heavy night sweats, and the Tren A made me think I was getting a cold/ sore throat for the first two weeks, now I just have a little dry throat in mornings, but no biggie. Sleep isnt great, ambien only seems to knock me out for 4 hours, then its worn off, but I manage to sleep still. I also wanted to ask anyone here without being graphic of course, what are the common side effects in terms of down stairs working 100%. I just got back into the race, if you know what I mean, so I don't have my pre-cycle libido to compare it with, but I definitely think something has changed... all i want to know is if anyone who has delt with this in the past can tell me if/when everything turns back on full force? I guess I made Tren sound pretty bad lol... but honestly this is my first cycle ever, and even with the list of side's I talked about, it is 100% worth it, just as long as I keep most of the gains that is, which I guess I will find out in a few weeks. Any feedback is totally appreciated and welcome.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gaw2069 View Post
    I was on tren E, but ran out after 6 weeks, and had no choice but to go to tren A which I am finishing up soon. I have much more sides with the Tren A, but it may also be that the Tren A that I got is just better quality than the Tren E that I had. I am still a bit over weight, but I am much, much more defined and have actually lost 2 or 3 pounds while using about 500ml of test sus and 200ml of either the tren e or A, per week. The sides are definitely pretty heavy night sweats, and the Tren A made me think I was getting a cold/ sore throat for the first two weeks, now I just have a little dry throat in mornings, but no biggie. Sleep isnt great, ambien only seems to knock me out for 4 hours, then its worn off, but I manage to sleep still. I also wanted to ask anyone here without being graphic of course, what are the common side effects in terms of down stairs working 100%. I just got back into the race, if you know what I mean, so I don't have my pre-cycle libido to compare it with, but I definitely think something has changed... all i want to know is if anyone who has delt with this in the past can tell me if/when everything turns back on full force? I guess I made Tren sound pretty bad lol... but honestly this is my first cycle ever, and even with the list of side's I talked about, it is 100% worth it, just as long as I keep most of the gains that is, which I guess I will find out in a few weeks. Any feedback is totally appreciated and welcome.
    Your sides are worst with the Tren a because it is much higher strength than the E your using,either one of your doses are not very high anyway...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Your GF's house
    My sides are not bad, compared to some others. Nothing to keep me from not using it again!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by gaw2069
    I also wanted to ask anyone here without being graphic of course, what are the common side effects in terms of down stairs working 100%. I just got back into the race, if you know what I mean, so I don't have my pre-cycle libido to compare it with, but I definitely think something has changed... all i want to know is if anyone who has delt with this in the past can tell me if/when everything turns back on full force?
    tren/deca dick??

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    i have used both tren a and tren e and personally i notice more sides with tren a. But if you are using it for the first time its good to use tren a just in case you have to stop its in and out of your system eaiily. Side effects are different for every one i use to just get night sweats.

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