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Thread: D-Bol 50MG

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  1. #1

    D-Bol 50MG

    Hey I had a question for everyone I got the British Dragon 50mg Dbol the little pink ones and all I got was 21 of them. So Would it be better running them 50mg every day for 3 weeks or cut them into fourths and run 37.5mg for 4 weeks. BTW I am also taking Test E 500mg per week for 12 weeks. This is my first cycle if that matters also. Any help would be great.

  2. #2
    What are your stats?
    Years Training

  3. #3
    Years Training:5

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    just do the test and forget about the dbol till nxt time around, one compound, test only for 1st cycle otherwise you wouldnt know whats potentially giving bad sides

  5. #5
    Assuming your BF % is under 15% or so, cycle looks fine. For a first cycle, I would personally drop the Dianabol altogether. Save it for your next cycle down the road. I'd probably try to score a few more to have a full 4 weeks at 50mg at that point.
    For now, 500mg/week of Test by itself will already produce excellent gains. You could actually likely drop the dosage to 350-400 if you wanted and still have an excellent experience with it.
    Dropping the DBol will tell you a couple of things. First, if you have any sides iny our cycle, you won't know if they are being caused by the DBol or Test.. same with your gains. You may blow up on Test and have sick bloating due to DBol, and not know which caused which. Each cycle it is advised to only add 1 new compound for this reason.

    Do you have a PCT planned?

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