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Thread: 1st cycle looking for advice

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  1. #1

    1st cycle looking for advice

    hi guys so im lookininto startin my 1st evr cycle.current stats r 35 yr old, 235,10-11% bf.been using hgh 4ius ed last 4 mos (create some new cells n lean out a bit) so my 1st cycle looks like this and would appreicate some advice .was thinkin about timing it right into n amatuer show i would like to try later this year.thx guys

    gonna b a 22 wk slingshot cycle followed by a full pct aft
    (1st part will b only test to see how i react to it)

    reload wk 1-8 500 mg test e (250 mon 250 thurs)
    deload wk 9-10 250 mg test e
    reload wk 11-20 500 test e (250 mon 250 thurs) wanna cut out test 2 wks b4show
    wk 11-22 60 mg anavar daily
    wk 11-22 50 mg proviron daily
    wk 18-22 100 mg winnie oral daily
    thn full pct nolva ,clomid ,hcg

    i was gonna have nolva on hand to throw in in case of gyno at anytime throught the whole cycle.i have read tht dex kills ur sex drive and is hrder on ur system and was just gonna save it for last cpl wks to really dry up.i also heard proviron +nolva wrk great for contoliing estro sides in thtb they attack it from all angles but nolva also lets some estro floating around in which we need to stay healthy.

    any advice greatly appreciated thx guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Whats your Height??
    and thats a horrible first cycle bro...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah bro you dont need all that test.300 will be just fine.You need to read beginners cycles sticky.That will give you a good idea of wat you need to do bro.

  4. #4
    im 5 11.thx 4 advice but ive actually done tons and tons of research on here n read all the educational threads n read books n have tlkd to some of my buddies who r on gear as well and they sdaid looks fine .whts so bad about this cycle anyways? test for 1st cycle like everyone says too,pct is planned and bought alrweady, ai's and serms on hand for estro and gyno.3oo is hrt dose from wht i hear as well and 500 is a good 1st cycle from wht ive read as what am i missing?????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    acadiana, la
    The slingshot method is for advanced steroid users. It should be used when regular 10week cycles no longer provide gains. Your first cycle should be test only for 10-12 weeks plus pct with nolva and clomid.

    Good luck bro.

  6. #6
    o i c thn .thx 4 advice bro

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bighigg337 View Post
    The slingshot method is for advanced steroid users. It should be used when regular 10week cycles no longer provide gains. Your first cycle should be test only for 10-12 weeks plus pct with nolva and clomid.

    Good luck bro.
    I agree with this. I've read the entire slingshot training method and it's for serious users (pros) who stay on cycle. The first 10-12 test e part of your cycle looks great. I'm doing test e for my first cycle and I'm almost at my 27 pound goal.. currently at 24 pounds gained (10 week cycle). Combined the the hgh and you're golden. I'm not really sure if you're doing a show though. You're an adult though so you can start the first part and then see if you want to continue for your show.

    Run HCG on cycle at 500 iu a week. Trust me, makes a difference. An AI also won't lower your libido (at least it didn't with me). HCG definitely helped with libido though I think.

  8. #8
    awesome thx 4 the advcie man.ya im just gonna do test 1st cycle n go from thr thn .did u take any ai on ur cycle?how were ur gains anyways mostly water or mucscle etc..? 24 lbs sounds good .and in wht way did hcg help anyways? thx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    awesome thx 4 the advcie man.ya im just gonna do test 1st cycle n go from thr thn .did u take any ai on ur cycle?how were ur gains anyways mostly water or mucscle etc..? 24 lbs sounds good .and in wht way did hcg help anyways? thx
    Im on test e for 12 weeks and im on the end of my second week and have put on 12 pounds. Its my first cycle and im really impressed with the results so far. HCG helps you keep you jewels and more read this article it proved some useful info in it. Im taking aromasin eod with HCG starting my third week at 250iu twice a week. Best of luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Stop using abbreviations.... Use only 1 compound bro... you said you have done lots of research.. i dont think so.. because if you have done really then you must know that for first cycle use only one compound... do more research... more.....

  11. #11
    why stop using abbreviations?thr pretty self explanatory so dnt c why neeed spell out evry wrd lol and my 1st cycle is juist test alone for 10 wks n thn a deload n i go right into 2nd cycle throwing in some more compounds to lean out etc and try somethin diff ....

  12. #12
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    why stop using abbreviations?thr pretty self explanatory so dnt c why neeed spell out evry wrd lol and my 1st cycle is juist test alone for 10 wks n thn a deload n i go right into 2nd cycle throwing in some more compounds to lean out etc and try somethin diff ....
    Im not too sure about the cycle you are doing but look at these for first time cycle i think it will help you out alot. And check this out for your PCT just a suggestion scroll down and there is really good information with the answers best of luck.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    Stop using abbreviations.... Use only 1 compound bro... you said you have done lots of research.. i dont think so.. because if you have done really then you must know that for first cycle use only one compound... do more research... more.....
    Thats not a proper way to talk to anyone BRO.... Treat people with respect and talk to them with it and you might get a little farther. Something that doesnt seem to comprehend to you is that if you show someone what you are saying like a article on this site it may register a bit better rather than just stating do more research. And maybe he did some research but on a different site that gives that as a cycle you never know.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    Thats not a proper way to talk to anyone BRO.... Treat people with respect and talk to them with it and you might get a little farther. Something that doesnt seem to comprehend to you is that if you show someone what you are saying like a article on this site it may register a bit better rather than just stating do more research. And maybe he did some research but on a different site that gives that as a cycle you never know.
    You must know your body though... I was not shoing any disrespect.. How many times have you seen such cycle as first cycle...???

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    but that first novice cycle doesnt say anything about pct last time i checked, just saying, so people dont think first cycle you dont need a pct, just a heads up

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Come on Tlee look his attitude in post no. 8.. man... and talking about other forum... if he researched enough on any forum in world then he must know that how he gonna know which side effects come from which compound?? forum may be different but human body is same everywhere dude....

  17. #17
    awesome thx bro

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I don't think that was a sign of disrespect at all.
    If you're gonna raise that card you can say he was disrespecting us by mispelling every other word and rushing his posts with abbreviations. We're talking about cycling here. Take your time, clear communication is important. It makes it seem like you came to the forum with a 10 second limit to research your entire first cycle.

    Its not a huge deal but if you want quality feedback, quality posts usually achieve that. Some of the posts in here a lot of people wouldn't even comment about and would just click out of the thread as it annoys them. So its not to offend you its for your benefit.

    Anyway I agree that cycle is not good. It doesn't matter what site you research on but you definitely didn't spend enough time doing it. I actually researched for 3 1/2 years before I ran my first cycle. Not because I'm special, but because the more I learned the more I would learn how much I didn't actually know. So I'd do more research and realize more and more how inexperienced I was. Your post clearly conveys a lack of experience, thats all I will say. G/luck regardless and I hope I didn't come off rude.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herpaderp View Post
    I don't think that was a sign of disrespect at all.
    If you're gonna raise that card you can say he was disrespecting us by mispelling every other word and rushing his posts with abbreviations. We're talking about cycling here. Take your time, clear communication is important. It makes it seem like you came to the forum with a 10 second limit to research your entire first cycle.

    Its not a huge deal but if you want quality feedback, quality posts usually achieve that. Some of the posts in here a lot of people wouldn't even comment about and would just click out of the thread as it annoys them. So its not to offend you its for your benefit.

    Anyway I agree that cycle is not good. It doesn't matter what site you research on but you definitely didn't spend enough time doing it. I actually researched for 3 1/2 years before I ran my first cycle. Not because I'm special, but because the more I learned the more I would learn how much I didn't actually know. So I'd do more research and realize more and more how inexperienced I was. Your post clearly conveys a lack of experience, thats all I will say. G/luck regardless and I hope I didn't come off rude.
    thanx herpaderp... Thats what i wanted to say.. research bro research...

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