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Thread: Starting my Cycle soon want to see how to take what i have

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  1. #1

    Starting my Cycle soon want to see how to take what i have

    This will be my first cycle and im ready with diet and training and i have gear just want to see what a solid way to go would be with what i have. My only real concern at this point is bloat. Im 30 years old 192lbs at 5"9" Im 18-20%Bf...all in stomach area. I would like to decrease Bf% slightly on this cycle so i will be eating very clean. But mainly I want to get big and strong and then cut Bf later.

    well here is what I have. it will be inconvienent to get anything else unless I really need it.

    I have:
    100 5mg tabs of Dbol
    2 bottles 10ml Test Cyp 200mgs
    30 tabs of 20mg tamoxifen
    2 bottles of 5000IU HCG
    2 bottles of Sodium Chloride 1.0ml that came with the HCG? not sure what that is

    Just looking to do the most standard mass gain cycle with what i have. all advice will be greatly appreciated. Im sure alot of people will question my training and Bf% which is fine but im going to start this cycle in the next 30 days no matter what. thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    What are your full stats?

    Training experience?

  3. #3
    30 years old
    have lifted all my life

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    What does per week are you thinking of running this cycle?

    Ps yes you should lower your bf% to at least 15% before starting. It reduces side effects, but also shows you are committed as you will be injection hormones into your body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    what does per week are you thinking of running this cycle?

    Ps yes you should lower your bf% to at least 15% before starting. It reduces side effects, but also shows you are committed as you will be injection hormones into your body.

  6. #6

    Check my log. I'm roughly the same bodyfat/weight/height as you and I bulked up while starting at a high bodyfat. Bodyfat has stayed the same. I will have final pics up in exactly one week. I don't regret starting at this bodyfat at all even though a lower bodyfat helps you gauge results better in the mirror. If you gain a lot of muscle with fat over it it looks a bit like you got fatter but I'm loving every second of this cycle. I have read some info as well saying the side effect stuff about being a higher bodyfat is complete bull crap. If you are prone to gyno it doesn't matter what bodyfat you are. You should have an AI on hand either way.

    If you don't want to wait then get on cycle. If you are bulking though you might end up looking fatter as I said and you should make sure you don't flip/flop between bulking and cutting. Choose one and stick with it.

    Also looks like you need some Clomid to add to pct and you need an AI in case of a gyno flare up.

    Starting at a lower bodyfat will be a lot better so you can gauge results, and I intended to start at a lower bodyfat but I had a window of time I could use steroids so it was now or wait another six months. If you don't care too much about bodyfat it's still fun to be a big monster. At 18% no one can tell your fat until you take your shirt off.

  7. #7
    test cyp 400mgs X 10 weeks
    dbol 25mg X 20days
    and not sure about the other stuff i have

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    i agree

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