This will be my first cycle and im ready with diet and training and i have gear just want to see what a solid way to go would be with what i have. My only real concern at this point is bloat. Im 30 years old 192lbs at 5"9" Im 18-20%Bf...all in stomach area. I would like to decrease Bf% slightly on this cycle so i will be eating very clean. But mainly I want to get big and strong and then cut Bf later.
well here is what I have. it will be inconvienent to get anything else unless I really need it.
I have:
100 5mg tabs of Dbol
2 bottles 10ml Test Cyp 200mgs
30 tabs of 20mg tamoxifen
2 bottles of 5000IU HCG
2 bottles of Sodium Chloride 1.0ml that came with the HCG? not sure what that is
Just looking to do the most standard mass gain cycle with what i have. all advice will be greatly appreciated. Im sure alot of people will question my training and Bf% which is fine but im going to start this cycle in the next 30 days no matter what. thanks for the help