100ml of deca? lol
doesnt make sense mate. i assume you mean 100mg of deca? but even that why would you run it so slow?
Yes thats what I meant sorry, I do know how much it is I just call it mill for short.
Or eq maybe, for help with my elbow rehab. Thing is I have read that Too high dosage of test makes the tendons weaker..
I am trying to figure out a good cycle to help this without having too many problems, I am trying to weigh up the pros on cons.
I am excercising the joint and will return abck to the gym within a month but I would like to run something when I get back into gym as this joint is sensitive.
Personally Though I may decide to go with eq, it seems similar to dca but actually just slightly better for the increased collagen synthesis percentage and the side effects seem allot less, the only problematic side effect I noticed with eq is the increase in red blood cells, but I could go to the doctor for a blood test along side this..
Last edited by tipper7; 04-09-2011 at 06:08 AM.
deca will also increase red blood cellsOriginally Posted by tipper7;559***8
i would do 200mgs of test with the deca, no more is needed
you could bump up the deca to 200
although ive never done eq, ive always read that mg for mg, deca is stronger
the thing with deca is, it takes a looooooooong time to get out of your system
100mgs of nandrolone has been shown to cause complete shutdown, with recovery starting 2 weeks later, and fully recovering 1 month later
using those time frames, and this pct calculator (, you can see that you need to wait a good 40 days(aprox 6 weeks) before starting pct
and i do agree deca can help quality of life with join issues, although you would need to stay on for awhile to really get the benefit
for the past 4 years, ive had my english bulldog on 50mgs a month
he has sever hip displaysia, had knee surgery at 2 yrs old, partially tore the other at 3, i wasnt willing to spend the cash for surgery, had just finished a cycle, had deca left
researched dosages on the internet
he went from barely being able to walk, to just getting stiff after a long day of running
my bulldog breathes well, so hes still active at 7, and the vet was amazed at his health
its improved his quality of life
Last edited by 5x10; 04-09-2011 at 01:38 PM.
yes, i even consulted my vet on it, he showed me where to inject the dog
its much cheaper to buy him a bottle of deca once every 2-3 yrs than to spend 1k on a knee surgery, plus glucosamine shots, etc
only sides i have seen are random hardons while hes walking, and every so often, he holds the cat down for some humping(hes neutered)
stats please
yrs taining
planned pct
^^ come on dec11 don't act like you've never put your cat on tren before.![]()
In all seriousness post up some stats. PCT definitley isn't 40 days for deca, you're only waiting for enough of the deca to clear your system that it won't suppress test production, not waiting til it clears completley. 21 days start PCT, Also a good idea to run test a week longer than deca.
With all that being said I think you need to do some more research before you use anything. 100mg a week of deca isn't a practical dose unless your an 80 year old female trying to increase bone density and stop muscle wasting
So i just adopted this cat from the shelter a few months ago, ive noticed he hasnt really impressed me with his man? I bought this cat thinking he wouldnt actually be a "*****", only to be let down. What do you recommend...test/dbol? That should really add some muscle!
Oh, almost forgot:
Height- 6"
Age- 4months (i know, too young. But its cool, ive read alot about this)
Weight-2 lbs
Last edited by yungone501; 04-09-2011 at 09:19 PM. Reason: "*****" is "pvssy"
you guys are hillarious!
Quote .. "only sides i have seen are random hardons while hes walking, and every so often, he holds the cat down for some humping(hes neutered)"
Lol! I get them when I'm walking too, usually through town in the summer time.
I hope you guys are taking me more seriously than the cat on steroids!
6ft 6"
92 kg
27 years old
Training 4 years
Just a quick question... does Eq or equipose stay as long in your system as what deca does? Maybe deca staying in your system is another bonus for the joints?
I just want to get back into the gym and atleast do light weights without pain..
Last edited by tipper7; 04-10-2011 at 02:04 AM.
6ft 6"
92 kg
27 years old
Training 4 years
Just a quick question... does Eq or equipose stay as long in your system as what deca does? Maybe deca staying in your system is another bonus for the joints?
I just want to get back into the gym and atleast do light weights without pain..
I was intending on a cycle.. 10 weeks.
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