Hey guys just looking for a bit off advice on training rest days
I have done 4 previous courses in the pst and this time i decided to step it up and i am currently on a course of hgh, test prop and anavar (aiming to cut right in and increase endurance)
i currently work as a personal trainer so do alot off additional stuff as well as my own training.
i train 6 days a week with 1 day being an active recovery day and the 1 complete day off but i always feel icky and off when i dont train i think the non training day is worth keeping as it helps all the other training days intensity high. what you think shud i keep it like that or just have 2 active recovery days
just for those who are interested the course is going wel strength is up my sport is much better and i feel great all the time, not to mention that body fat is coming off despit the fact that i eat (clean) like a horse.