Hello to everybody on this forum. Im a new member and still a beginner in the world of body building. Alright so let me tell you some of my info. Im 18 years. I am 6"3 currently weighing in at around 260. Give or take a couple of pounds depending on the day. I have been over weight all of my life, recently i started working out. i have lost about 50 pounds since september. I currently take usplabs jack3d and universal animal cuts. im not positive what my bf percentage is but it i am definate that it is quite high. if a picture or any other information is needed to help just ask. I have been reading up on this subject and i still am, but i seem to stumble upon contradiction after contradiction. everybody sais something different. so if anybody would like to help me out or share some personal stories i would appreciate it alot.
anyway, not trying to type a giant essay
i bench around 100 pounds, curl 25s, point being im not very strong.
i am thinking about starting a testosterone cycle for maybe around 8-10 weeks.
my few questions are how many mgs would you recommend for a newbie to take a week? what is your favorite brand t(im looking for injections, but if you have done oral and like your results alot feel free to share)? and how much do you pay for your t? i have searched various sites saying prices ranging from 10$ for a 25 cc bottle to 100$ just for one iu, so i am a little confused. and some people have said they have taken the t by itself and loved it, and others said they needed to take estrogen to balance out there levels, i do have a friend that use to take steroids and he is going to be assisting me as i start. once again i apologize for asking so many questions because of my inexperience, but i dont plan to start my cycle untill i have all of my facts in order. everybody needs to start somewhere right? i am a little nervous as i am sure you the reader were on your first cycle, so first cycle stories would be nice to hear. any questions, answers, suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated. thanks for your time guys.