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Thread: just started this stack, any tips would be appreciated

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  1. #1

    Cool just started this stack, any tips would be appreciated

    Current stack:
    Test prop 1ml = Mon, Wed, Fri
    Test E 1ml = Mon
    Deca 100 1ml = Mon, Wed

    I want to add Sus 250 1ml = Thu - what do you think ???
    And I want to add Tren, how much do I need per week ???

    I will stop the Deca week 6, should I substitute this with Winstrol or Tren ???

    Any tips much appreciated...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    training exp..
    cycle history...

  3. #3
    Age: 30
    Height: 176cm
    Weight: 96kgs
    Body fat: 18% (gut only)
    Experience: lifting heavy last 2 years
    History: this is 3rd cycle (last 18 months)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Man... your training exp is 2 years and this is your 3rd cycle...???? wow.... lets see some pics...

  5. #5
    Have been training on and off for years!!!
    I get a little hesitant about putting pics on public forums, facebook is the furthest Ive gone...

    What do you think of this cycle though, any suggestions???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lovethehardons View Post
    Current stack:
    Test prop 1ml = Mon, Wed, Fri
    Test E 1ml = Mon
    Deca 100 1ml = Mon, Wed

    I want to add Sus 250 1ml = Thu - what do you think ???
    And I want to add Tren, how much do I need per week ???

    I will stop the Deca week 6, should I substitute this with Winstrol or Tren ???

    Any tips much appreciated...
    why the 2 esters how long are you running this cycle, no need to add sust and why bother running deca for only 6 weeks. dont add the tren your bf is to high.
    what is your cycle experiance, based on this post i can only imagine.
    what is your planned pct?

  7. #7
    Thats what I was initially advised on and to run it for 10 weeks... I figured run the deca for 6 weeks and change to something like winstrol for another 6 weeks.. PCT = clomid

    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    why the 2 esters how long are you running this cycle, no need to add sust and why bother running deca for only 6 weeks. dont add the tren your bf is to high.
    what is your cycle experiance, based on this post i can only imagine.
    what is your planned pct?

  8. #8
    The cycle is very off, bud. There is no reason to run two different esters of Test (The prop and enanthate are the exact same drug, with a slightly different side chain causing them to release at different rates into the bloodstream.) Adding Sustanon is adding more of the same.. Sustanon is simply a combination of a few different Test esters. The Deca is not timed correctly, and the dosing of the Test is ambiguous. Is it Test E 250? 300? 1 ml can mean different things depending on the dosing of the drug. You need to step back, not add more clutter into this cycle. Read up some more on the compounds you want to use, and think 'simple' when designing your next cycle.

    Also, no Tren. You aren't ready.

  9. #9
    Thank you!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    The cycle is very off, bud. There is no reason to run two different esters of Test (The prop and enanthate are the exact same drug, with a slightly different side chain causing them to release at different rates into the bloodstream.) Adding Sustanon is adding more of the same.. Sustanon is simply a combination of a few different Test esters. The Deca is not timed correctly, and the dosing of the Test is ambiguous. Is it Test E 250? 300? 1 ml can mean different things depending on the dosing of the drug. You need to step back, not add more clutter into this cycle. Read up some more on the compounds you want to use, and think 'simple' when designing your next cycle.

    Also, no Tren. You aren't ready.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    I would think one should be less than 18% bf (all belly ! ) with that many cycles down. What is your diet like? Sounds like you need a handle on that first. You can post pics without your head. Maybe you are less bf than you think. The guys here can judge very well by some pics.?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    I would think one should be less than 18% bf (all belly ! ) with that many cycles down. What is your diet like? Sounds like you need a handle on that first. You can post pics without your head. Maybe you are less bf than you think. The guys here can judge very well by some pics.?
    Diet has not been good the last 8 weeks... definitely need to work on that! I will post pic now...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    run it 12 weeks and drop the deca and the prop at week 10 and finish out with the test e. add nothing else and run clomid and nolva for pct 5 weeks 2 weeks afer las test e shot
    clomid 100/100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40//20/20/20
    hope for no side effects from unstable blood levels, and personaly if you just started i would scrap the whole cycle, do more research and hold off cycling for a while

  13. #13
    thx for the tips... wont scrap it though just want to get the most out of what ive got... really want to to start the trenbolon though, if I was to how often and how much ???

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by funky419 View Post
    how do I upload it ???

  16. #16
    i heard 75-100 mg ed

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by funky419 View Post
    i heard 75-100 mg ed
    wow, everyday! Then how long should you run it for ???

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lovethehardons View Post
    wow, everyday! Then how long should you run it for ???
    don't listen to this guy he hasn't got a clue.

    i gave you the most sound advice on here short of telling not to cycle, you can listen to people who have no clue or you can screw your head on and listen to the people here trying to help you and not hurt you.
    good luck

  19. #19
    do some research its the hardest on ur body

  20. #20
    another what... 5 to 10 percent on your gain as a beginner isnt worth the extra stress on ur body

  21. #21
    or cut whatever

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by funky419 View Post
    or cut whatever
    pic upload

  23. #23
    0 mg/week for 0 weeks. Trust us man, you aren't ready for it. Tren has some of the harshest sides and requires a strong foundation, as well as a level of discipline and knowledge that you don't have yet. It's not a miracle, it's a drug.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    0 mg/week for 0 weeks. Trust us man, you aren't ready for it. Tren has some of the harshest sides and requires a strong foundation, as well as a level of discipline and knowledge that you don't have yet. It's not a miracle, it's a drug.
    I understand what your saying man, the foundation is strong enough, deadlifting 240kgs, benching 148kgs, ive got it ready to go, just give me some tips on best use please ???

  25. #25 actually having problems on another site trying to upload an avatar...kind of annoying i am wondering what ur bod looks like tho i am about the same BF%and this is my first cycle and i could say i would be down around 12 if i did 3 cycles..for sure.

  26. #26
    last six weeks of ur cycle??? im not sure i am not gonna do tren

  27. #27
    At this point, you are locked into a bulking routine. Finish your cycle, eat clean, and run your PCT. During your PCT and the following month or so, you should actually INCREASE your calories by 500 or so, as your body will be struggling to keep the muscle on and every little bit of nutrient will help. You will add some more fat at this point.

    After your hormone levels are back to normal. (Get bloodwork a month after your PCT or so), then look at cutting. For steroids, time on + pct = time off. So a 12 week cycle, + 4 week PCT, means you should not do another cycle for 16 weeks. From the picture you displayed, you honestly don't need another cycle anyway. A simple calorie deficit and cardio regimen will burn the fat off of you in short order.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    At this point, you are locked into a bulking routine. Finish your cycle, eat clean, and run your PCT. During your PCT and the following month or so, you should actually INCREASE your calories by 500 or so, as your body will be struggling to keep the muscle on and every little bit of nutrient will help. You will add some more fat at this point.

    After your hormone levels are back to normal. (Get bloodwork a month after your PCT or so), then look at cutting. For steroids, time on + pct = time off. So a 12 week cycle, + 4 week PCT, means you should not do another cycle for 16 weeks. From the picture you displayed, you honestly don't need another cycle anyway. A simple calorie deficit and cardio regimen will burn the fat off of you in short order.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    At this point, you are locked into a bulking routine. Finish your cycle, eat clean, and run your PCT. During your PCT and the following month or so, you should actually INCREASE your calories by 500 or so, as your body will be struggling to keep the muscle on and every little bit of nutrient will help. You will add some more fat at this point.

    After your hormone levels are back to normal. (Get bloodwork a month after your PCT or so), then look at cutting. For steroids, time on + pct = time off. So a 12 week cycle, + 4 week PCT, means you should not do another cycle for 16 weeks. From the picture you displayed, you honestly don't need another cycle anyway. A simple calorie deficit and cardio regimen will burn the fat off of you in short order.
    Great advice fetch and mbmetc, THX HEAPS!

  30. #30
    Also, one more question for fetch and mbmetc!! Im only injecting in my glutes, years ago I did my quads and couldn't walk for a week... and a little difficult for me to do my delts, any handy tips ???

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Not tryin to bust your bubble, or be rude but you could have achieved what you have now naturally...i would lay off the juice.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    Not tryin to bust your bubble, or be rude but you could have achieved what you have now naturally...i would lay off the juice.
    you think so warren? I have been concentrating more on lifting capacity rather than definition... no way I could lift what I do without the boost... thx for the boost of confidence though lol... after next cutting cycle I will show you whats underneath lol...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Pics bro...

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