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  1. #1
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    Steroids and Xanax

    Are they safe to run together? I will be using Dbol in my cycle and just was wondering if anyone else has any info or experience with running both. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    If this is for rec use man, just dont run it if you have a prescription you got to do what you got to do. But running steroids in my opinion if you need xanax for medical reasons is not a good idea for you mentally. Also xanax can cause gyno fyi.

  3. #3
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    What are your stats by the way?

  4. #4
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    How exactly could Xanax cause gyno? I am interested to hear this

  5. #5
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    It is just something i learned the last couple years, same with a lot of other rec drugs that i cannot go into great detail about because we do not talk about rec drugs here. I am not saying once a year but frequent use. If you do not believe me look it up.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    It is just something i learned the last couple years, same with a lot of other rec drugs that i cannot go into great detail about because we do not talk about rec drugs here. I am not saying once a year but frequent use. If you do not believe me look it up.
    Your on it tonight bjpennn, good advice

  7. #7
    xanax and test sounds like a good time. if you can do with out the xanax i would def not do both

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthNHonor View Post
    Are they safe to run together? I will be using Dbol in my cycle and just was wondering if anyone else has any info or experience with running both. Thanks.
    Yes they are fine. Just dont abuse them.

  9. #9
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    I did it all on cycle and never noticed any gyno. Without self incriminating myself I did hard drugs on cycle and never had a problem with gyno... And xanax was in that mix as well.... Just sayin

  10. #10
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    ^^^and some people can run a gram of test and not get gyno either...just sayin

  11. #11
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    Very true. I could advocate that only at 500mg a week which is pretty much the lower-middle range of test dosages. Out of curiosity if xanax does create a situation in which gyno becomes a possibility, then through which mechanism of action? I was under the impression in was mostly as GABAnergic drug.

  12. #12
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    If you are in a situation where you are taking zanax or any other benzo, so frequently that you can not stop then a cycle may not be the best idea. If you can stop then stop and do your cycle why the hell would you want to take something like a CNS depressent that makes you as soft as zanax with test anyway.

  13. #13
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    I love chemistry wars.How about cymbulta on cycle?

  14. #14
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    Im gonna make a statement but i dont want to get in trouble with the MODS,but if you are on this drug and take aas,you are asking for trouble,its a benzodiazopine,which helps with anxiety and some aas just increases the anxiety sides,if you suffer bad anxiety,when you take aas,it will double the anxiety 3 fold,i know fro experience,just rethink what you do my friend,and that goes with all depressive meds

  15. #15
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    Cymbalta is a SSNRI. I am on Paxil which is an SSRI. Both are almost similar except SSNRI also inhibit the intersynaptic reuptake of Norepinephrine in addition to Serotonin. I'll be the first to admit to being a walking pharmacy. On my last cycle I regularly took Ativan(also a benzo) for the tren insomnia. That got bad quickly as I began to quickly up my dose on my own. I then switched to Ambien and it's great. I don't abuse it. In fact I am still on the first 30 from back in Feb. and only take as needed. Being post op I am also on 50mg OxyContin, 10mg Percocet, and 250mg Soma for pain. Now some would say these are bad on cycle but if you need em you need em. Personally I am lifting thanks to the pain medication. When they wear off I am in pain. It is quite simple I take my pills and am able to do what I enjoy and not have to sit around my house and do stupid crap like laying in bed all day playing video games and watching tv.

  16. #16
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    pain pills just mask pain they dont treat the problem. If you have to take drugs to lift you may just be breaking your body down even more. Eventually you will have to discontinue those meds and getting into the gym will be harder then ever when your withdrawling and all your previous pain sets back in.... NOt trying to preach as i am far from a saint in the drug world. Just wanted to put an educated 2cents in on this topic.
    Not to mention the drugs mess up your eating so cycleing peob wouldnt be too productive if your opiated out all the time

  17. #17
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    I only use them when needed. Get an anxiety attack about once every couple months so definitely not an every day thing. Just whenever needed....

  18. #18
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    Good to hear man^^^ medication if used correctly I truly believe is a gift from god(or gods whatever you think ha). It lets people live a normal life that they normally would not be able to have.

  19. #19
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    What exactly is an anxiety attack? Would it be the same as like a panic attack like when your like bleeding and start freaking out and feel like your gonna die and everything is spinning

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmk327 View Post
    What exactly is an anxiety attack? Would it be the same as like a panic attack like when your like bleeding and start freaking out and feel like your gonna die and everything is spinning
    to me anxiety attacks are like freakin out and being nervous and excessive worry about something,its known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder,ive had it for 15 yearss and its not fun

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    to me anxiety attacks are like freakin out and being nervous and excessive worry about something,its known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder,ive had it for 15 yearss and its not fun
    Isn't that called life?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmk327 View Post
    Isn't that called life?
    well for some yes,some can deal with issues and some cant,that my friend is life....some people can just turn it off and some cant,everyones mind is different,so dont judge people until you know there problems and the underlying problems,not trying to be a smart ass,but just speaking the truth my friend

  23. #23
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    no prb using them together. btw benzo's can cause gyno

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    no prb using them together. btw benzo's can cause gyno
    really?never heard of that,and ive been on valium or 16 years for anxiety and panic attacks,do you have any studies on this,i would like to read it

  25. #25
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    a VERY bad combination!

    ...just sayin'

  26. #26
    I've never had a problem using Xanax, Cyclobenzaprine, and vicodin in any of my cycles. Maybe it affects some but I've never had any bad sides to it. That's my 2 cents

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawaii808 View Post
    I've never had a problem using Xanax, Cyclobenzaprine, and vicodin in any of my cycles. Maybe it affects some but I've never had any bad sides to it. That's my 2 cents
    me either man,i use my meds if i need them,i dont use then for the hell of it,thats the way they are supposed to be used,like you said

  28. #28
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    Its just this uneasy feeling I get every now and then and then I start to think if I worry too much I will get a bad anxiety attack and it makes my face and hands go numb sometimes to the point of where I cant use them and almost feel like Im gonna have a stroke or heart attack...just knowing I have the pills alone keeps my mind from wondering there....just started a year ago out of nowhere...shit happens

  29. #29
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    just use on an as needed basis. i do that throughout my cycles without and ill effects. just dont take it every day..the half-life is long and if you take it at night and workout in the morning or afternoon my workouts are shitty.

  30. #30
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    i had to take a xanax last night to get some sleep from the tren i am taking .. it worked well but was a bit sluggish for cardio this morning..think i will try a 1/4 tonight instead of the whole thing....

  31. #31
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    Mate if its possible just get of Xanax entirely (with your DRs assistance) and switch to valium instead i would recommended it from personal experience.
    Xanax is the harshest benzo on the market and it is only now being discovered to cause what is know as "referral health issues" with other major organs such as the heart and brain. I'm from Australia and the use of Xanax here is no where near as prevalent as it is in the US. The guidelines for DRs to prescribe Xanax to a patient in AUS is "for the TEMPORARY relief of acute anxiety, use not to exceed 6 weeks" There are numerous investigations in AUS into the use of Xanax to "calm down" from roid rage or from partying that has in turn caused the heart to slow down so far during sleep that it has caused the user to suffer a heart attack and die (more so from use after partying than from AAS). It is know and being investigated that Xanax affects the communication between the nerves that run from the brain to the heart significantly increasing the risk of a cardiac arrest.
    For my 2cents on what happen to me, I used xanax as a coping mechanism to deal with the stress of running my own business, after I sold the business I began partying and using AAS (which I hadnt done before) and the use of the Xanax increased to cope with that. One night I was simply watching TV and had taken Xanax during that day, my heart took off like a rocket, I began passing out and couldn't breathe my heart rate went from resting rate to 198bpm. I was rushed to the ER and given beta blockers to bring my heart rate down. I was told that heart rates in the 200bpm area are in the heart attack zone. I underwent tones of testing and was found to have damaged one of the nerves between by brain and my heart as a direct result of the use of Xanax. Luckily for me Im still here to tell the story and I am currently the subject of a study by the Medical Association in AUS who are putting together a case to remove Xanax from prescription. PM me if you want more info. But as youngone501 said, what you are considering is a bad idea. Take a step back and give it some serious thought.

  32. #32
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    Mate if its possible just get of Xanax entirely (with your DRs assistance) and switch to valium instead i would recommended it from personal experience.
    Xanax is the harshest benzo on the market and it is only now being discovered to cause what is know as "referral health issues" with other major organs such as the heart and brain. I'm from Australia and the use of Xanax here is no where near as prevalent as it is in the US. The guidelines for DRs to prescribe Xanax to a patient in AUS is "for the TEMPORARY relief of acute anxiety, use not to exceed 6 weeks" There are numerous investigations in AUS into the use of Xanax to "calm down" from roid rage or from partying that has in turn caused the heart to slow down so far during sleep that it has caused the user to suffer a heart attack and die (more so from use after partying than from AAS). It is know and being investigated that Xanax affects the communication between the nerves that run from the brain to the heart significantly increasing the risk of a cardiac arrest.
    For my 2cents on what happen to me, I used xanax as a coping mechanism to deal with the stress of running my own business, after I sold the business I began partying and using AAS (which I hadnt done before) and the use of the Xanax increased to cope with that. One night I was simply watching TV and had taken Xanax during that day, my heart took off like a rocket, I began passing out and couldn't breathe my heart rate went from resting rate to 198bpm. I was rushed to the ER and given beta blockers to bring my heart rate down. I was told that heart rates in the 200bpm area are in the heart attack zone. I underwent tones of testing and was found to have damaged one of the nerves between by brain and my heart as a direct result of the use of Xanax. Luckily for me Im still here to tell the story and I am currently the subject of a study by the Medical Association in AUS who are putting together a case to remove Xanax from prescription. PM me if you want more info. But as youngone501 said, what you are considering is a bad idea. Take a step back and give it some serious thought.

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