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Thread: Starting my cycle this week and need some advice...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Starting my cycle this week and need some advice...

    I am starting my cycle this week and would like as much input as possible so that 1. I don't make any serious mistakes and 2. I can maximize my my results during my cycle.

    My Stats

    Age: 25
    12% BF (guessing)
    Training for 8 years off and on
    Have been very consistent and intense for several months

    My Goals

    I am not looking to get huge in a short period of time. My goal would be to go to 190lbs, lower my BF pretty dramatically, and increase my strength. I would like to limit my sides as much as possible, and hopefully experience nearly zero bloating. I would rather have slightly lower weight gain with no sides than big gains.

    My diet consists of 7-8 meals a day, with my minimal intake of carbs coming from foods such veggies, brown rice, sweet potatoes...

    My sources of protein are primarily from eggs, fish(tuna, swordfish, and salmon), chicken breast, and occasionally grass fed beef

    My water intake is always above a gallon, usually over 1.5 a day

    With my cycle I will be taking a multi vitamin, milk thistle, Amino acids, 5g of creatine a day, and zinc. Also adding in 5g of Taurine a day during my Clenbuteral weeks.

    My main questions come into the amount of Test I will be taking and the lenth of my cycle. I am trying to keep the test as low as possible as my main reason for taking it will be to prevent the sides that may occur from loss of natural production. How little can I take to prevent this from occurring?

    My supplier is legit for everything and I will be using human grade test from a pharmacy here.

    My Cycle:

    Week 1-6 40mg of Anavar ED
    Week 1-8 400mg of Primo Depot a week... Considering 600
    Week 3-9 250mg of Test E a week
    Week 2+3 and 5+6 Pyramid to 80mcg of Clen

    My PCT will consist of 5000iu HCG once a week for 2 weeks, 20/10 mg Nolva for 4 weeks and 25 mg Exemestane for 2 weeks

    My training will consist of Minimum 4 days a week lifting with intense shorter work outs with low rest between sets and reps staying under 10. HIT cardio when not taking Clen, and longer morning cardio while on it.

    Thanks for the input ahead of time...
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Middle East
    bump... No help guys?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Going to be honest with you bro...Your for sure to light you have a lot more to gain naturally before you hit the gear. Plus a lot of compounds for first cycle, primo and test e at that length is a waste.

  4. #4
    test e takes like 3 weeks to kick in and you are only running it for 6 weeks. Your PCT sucks. I think it's better to spread out HCG and not one super injection but I'm not 100% sure. HCG is usually used on cycle nowadays to prevent shutdown during cycle at only 250iu twice a week.

    You might want to at least rethink your cycle and PCT to get better results out of it and less risk for permanent damage.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The cycle is awful where did youn get that idea from?

    First thing you need to do is address your diet, you can build more of a natural base if your re-design your diet. I really think you need to sort this out before even think of doing a cycle.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the input. I guess I'll start by going to the dieting section and seeing what I can change.

    The reason I chose this cycle is because of the low sides associated with primo and anavar. I also have read many places that typical dosage for primo should be 200-400, however results aren't really noticeable until at least 400mg. That in combination with all of the posts talking about test as the base of ever cycle I wanted to prevent sides and increase results with a low test e each week.

    As I mentioned before, my goal is not to get into body building, it is to increase my lean mass slightly while lowering bf. My reason for doing these things are sports related.
    Speed and agility is very important rather than size.

    At what point is a cycle made for an sports athlete rather than bodybuilder (not that it isn't a sport).

    Like I said, I know I have lots to learn which is why I'm here.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeFelice View Post
    Thanks for the input. I guess I'll start by going to the dieting section and seeing what I can change.

    The reason I chose this cycle is because of the low sides associated with primo and anavar. I also have read many places that typical dosage for primo should be 200-400, however results aren't really noticeable until at least 400mg. That in combination with all of the posts talking about test as the base of ever cycle I wanted to prevent sides and increase results with a low test e each week.

    As I mentioned before, my goal is not to get into body building, it is to increase my lean mass slightly while lowering bf. My reason for doing these things are sports related. A better diet will do this for you, and be a lot easier on your wallet.
    Speed and agility is very important rather than size.

    At what point is a cycle made for an sports athlete rather than bodybuilder (not that it isn't a sport). Never in my opinion, unless you want to compete or have genetic/medical problems preventing you from reaching a decent size.

    Like I said, I know I have lots to learn which is why I'm here.

    As Marcus already said, a better diet is key. You wouldn't even keep any mass or muscle you put on without proper eating both during the juicing AND after. You also never take multiple compounds on a first cycle, how would you expect to know what drug caused side effects if you're taking more than one? Fix your diet in the diet section of the forums and you will see results. Someone in your scenario has no need for steroids in my opinion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i have been wondering the same thing, with my career its a necessity that i be quick and agile but still have strength.

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