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Thread: Never lose muscle again??

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Currently Adelaide Aus

    Never lose muscle again??

    Nelson Montana give me some feedback. I hear his theory's are often different than others and would like to hear some Feedback from this forum.

    I have been researching a lot lately on sarms and Peptides.
    I have not used them before and am new to them.
    I am been very curious as to the potential.

    I am thinking Hypothetically you could run it like this?

    Week 1 -8 test prop 100mg/day
    Week 1-6 tren Ace 75mg/day
    Week 1-4 Tbol 50mg/day

    Week 1-52 HGH 4iu /day
    Week 8-14 IGF-1 whatever dose
    hcg Throughout

    Three days after Last injection
    Triptorelin 100mcg One time shot
    Week 8-12 Nolvadex
    Week 8-12 Clomid
    Weeks 9-13 sarms S-4 or MK2866

    HGH could also be switched for GHRP-6 or 2 or anyother peptide.
    What i am trying to find out, is if it is possible to maintain gains and still get your natural test back to normal in doing so.

    Hopefully Maintain all gains till hop on next cycle maybe Week 18 after blood work.
    Has anyone tried this method or anything similiar?
    With Triptorelin Restore natural test quickly you should be able to start next cycle sooner?
    In theory it seems somewhat Possible.
    I'D be real intrested to here what you all have to say either positive, Negitive, If you have tried it or have thought about it before.

    Thanks Jdizzal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    and then what ?

    that's it?

    just be dependent for life?

    at which point is it enough and time to leave everything alone. and then what?????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Currently Adelaide Aus
    I use steroids to push myself past what is possible natural.
    My post is seeing if its possible to maintain gains and muscle while not permentively shutting down my Hpta.
    Pro bodybuilders stay on year round but are all supressed and most likely F***ed for life.
    I dont know what you mean when is enough enough? If you use steroids when are you going to stop?? At what size or time in your life are you going to stop using them.
    I have no clue when i will stop or if i will ever stop. But thats not the questions I asked.
    The post isnt about me, it is intresting to see what is possible with certain drugs and new theorys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    I understand that i didn't mean to suggest it was about you bro

    and thats exactly my point. once you've surpassed your genetic potential then what, you've got to shut it down sometime.. by theory it would be impossible to hang on to an excessive amount of lean mass on your natural test. so whats the point is what i'm asking.. to get there faster???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Van Nuys, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdizzal View Post
    I'D be real intrested to here what you all have to say either positive, Negitive, If you have tried it or have thought about it before.
    I'd be real interested to read the feedback on this as well. Interesting theory. I'm hoping some of the real experienced pro's hop in here and give us their 2 cents... should be interesting...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    doesnt make a whole lot of sense you cant have your cake and eat it too... you've got to shut it down at some point, you cant just run that protocol over and over and expect to come out unscathed..

    that's got trt city written all over it, so whats the point of restore natural test..for what

    and if youre on growth year round then whats even the point in taking any sarms that stuff is trash...LOL
    Last edited by sixoner; 04-22-2011 at 01:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Currently Adelaide Aus
    Sixoner, I agree its impossible to hold on to muscle past your genetical limit.
    Pro's and anyone over there genetic limit for long periods of time, are crusieing, trt, hrt, Whatever they are doing. Over time it will make it impossible to recover Hpta.
    People retire, get old, have difficulties in life, go through divorse, get lazy, or just get out of the sport. If that ever did happen that it would be nice to be able to have normal function for the rest of my life. I know some people being on TRT is there bread and butter but I cant tell you what im doing in 5 10 15 30 years.
    If i can still have a healthy functioning fully body than that what I would try to do. I dont want to be 80 in an old folks home doing self/doctors injections.

    Faster yes it might get you there faster but it also could change the way people cycle, all people i know HATE seeing themselfs lose weight during PCT being water or muscle. To be able to maintain the mass( Gain if posssible) through pct, and with Triptorelin restoring natural test faster. The saying "time on= time off" is normal to be safe as everybody doesnt get blood tests. If body is back to normal and still gaining/Maintain from HGH, IGF and a SARM. Your receptors will be back to normal and can "blast" your body with another cycle.

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