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Thread: PCT and OCT..need some opinions

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  1. #1

    PCT and OCT..need some opinions

    This will be my second cycle, my first was 500mg a week of test cyp for ten weeks. This cycle will be dianabol 40mg ed weeks 1-4, sus 500mg weeks 1-10, then tren ace 50mg ED weeks 6-10. For my OCT I will be running arimidex at .5mg ed throughout the whole cycle, and will run 1000IU'S a week of hcg with the tren. I will also have nolva on hand (I am very prone to gyno). My PCT is day 1 150mg clomid, days 2-8 100mg ed, days 9-16 50mg ed, and then days 17-24 50mg eod.

    Im just not too sure when to run the HCG, I have read numerous opinions on it while doing my research, but most I found would be to run it along side of the Tren to help keep your nuts working. Also with that in mind, would it be a good idea to do the tren weeks 4-8 instead? I read that you should run test 2 weeks after tren pin. Then like I said, I get gyno pretty easily, got it in my last cycle, and even on a prohormone cycle. So does my OCT look pretty good with the AI? Should I add nolva to it? and how does my PCT look? I will also have lectro on hand just in-case. Sorry so many questions, I would rather be safe than sorry.

    Last edited by lyons300; 05-12-2011 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
    In my opinion your AI looks pretty solid arimidex at 0.5mg ED that amount should be more than enough. For your PCT I would maybe add in some aromasin at 12.5mg ED 3 or 4 weeks and I have heard a few different ways too frontload Clomid but i'm not too sure myself which way would be best I have heard start with 300mg then 150mg the next day and then 100mg for the next week etc.. but can a vet clear this up. Just curious should a person with higher BF% frontload more than someone with low BF?

  3. #3
    Ok thanks for the input, anymore by others would greatly be appreciated.

  4. #4

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