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Thread: Test Cypionate I think I screwed up

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  1. #1

    Test Cypionate I think I screwed up

    39 years old,coach,kids well known in community, 1st cycle, been taking 1cc of 300 mg/ml cypionate once a week for 12 weeks(but skipped two of the 12). Reason was I got a mean, to the point I was noticing it myself and I also didn't want to get too big too fast and attract too much attenion(many people were commenting on my progress and it made me nervous). I wasn't really looking to get huge just wanted to get definition and a little mass before summer. I felt really pumped around week 8 and slacked off for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I just started my 2nd 10cc bottle and am not getting that mild pumped feeling like I was the 1st thru 6th week. I planned on doing a 12 week cycle but would like to continue until I use up the bottle I have. I wouldn't mind "cruising" thru the summer but don't know enough and can't find enough info to confidently try it. My questions: did i screw up stopping for 2 weeks? Will I get diminished results using same dosage? I have 9cc left, if I do 1cc for 7 and 1/2cc for 4 is that enough time to let my body take over again? I am a n00b and have tried searching forums but haven't found anything similiar yet. Thanks

  2. #2
    Honestly Bro 300mg Is a low dose anyway cutting it to half a CC would be Really low. Stopping for two weeks wasnt the best idea either your levels might be all over the place. I would Do a lil more research before cycling next time to have a better game plan next time. What are you planning to run for PCT ?

  3. #3
    300ml/wk is ok if this was your first cycle. Especially if you didn't want to get too big too fast. Once you pick a dosage you should just stick with it. You want to keep your Test level constant. Test level fluctuation can cause side effects because your test/estrogen level gets all messed up. What's done is done, don't worry about it. Make sure you have a good PCT plan.

  4. #4
    Hmm. Don't have a PCT plan. I will do what is suggested.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    you could start back up but you are already low. id just start your pct asap and run that. do some research and come back in the fall with a better game plan.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    deep left field
    8 Week cycles are what you want with test/deca. Both kick in hard during week 3 and continue to work until around week 8. After that point you would need to increase the dosage to keep making good gains.
    I copied and pasted that from the very top threas IMPORTANT by Ronnoie Rowland. You should also read the Post Cycle Therapy forum. Click on the ar-r symble after reading the PCT forum and purchase what you need to properly complete your post cycle therapy. If you did and 8 week cycle, and then went back on after two weeks, you experience a mild Yo Yo effect. Nothing dramatic. At least for me 8 on 2 off was not very noticble. However you will have to up your dose to achieve continued results. I think its not preached enough about the importance of the very first cycle. The first one for me was truely the best and I should have treated it as such. Roughly 18 days after your last pin of cyp it is recommended to start your PCT. So there are your options. Obtain the proper PCT product and carry through with it, or bump up your dose. 300 mg's A WEEK is a mild dose. Maybe bump it up to 250 mg's twice a week. ALWAYS have PCT products on hand ...even before you start a cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    As Scotchgaurd and Chris J said all is fine, just plan and execute a good PCT. You have enough time to read Swiftos thread on PCT stategy and order the Chems from AR-R before its time to take your first dose--day 14-16 would be my recommendation based on your lower dosage and short duration.

    By the way DO NOT CRUISE during the summer....This would be a huge mistake, this is your first cycle and recovery will be a snap. Cruising all summer would put a major stress on your body and leave you at the same point (wear and tear on your body chemistry) as someone who had cycled properly for ages.

    Best wishes,


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