High Estro help/advice
Hey bro's I've recently started my first cycle SUST 250 / 500 mg p/w
I’m 25, I’ve gone from 170 with 12% BF to 200 with 15% BF I am carrying a little water though, I won’t get into full details of my diet and training regime as it’s not really what I want to address in this post.
Alright to start, for the first 5 weeks I felt like a Gladiator my strength and libido were insane I was packing on the beef pretty quickly, basically all you would expect from going on a good cycle, my diet and training were spot on asides from going out maybe 3 times over the 8 weeks I’ve been on the gear and getting my drink on, anyway around mid-week 5 to week 6 i started to feel a little different, symptoms were;
Lack of motivation
Appetite somewhat lacking
Libido down
I’d say some water retention as well but I’m honestly not that puffy (although weeks 1-4 I was and from week 4 to now the water retention has mostly dissipated quite weird)
Little shoulder acne but nothing major
So naturally I suspected something was wrong, I arrived at the conclusion that my estrogen levels were getting too high and I should start running an AI, however being my first cycle I suppose it was inevitable to make a few rookie mistakes and didn’t/couldn’t source any AI, I just decided to jump on without it on hand (living in Australia has its pitfalls). My suspicions were confirmed when I had my blood work come back (almost 2 weeks later) and my levels were at 280 pmol/L normal range 50-150 pmol/L. Now naturally my estrogen levels should be elevated considering that my Test levels are 6-7 times that of normal range and the body will always try to keep in a state of homeostasis, I haven’t really been able to find much information on average estrogen levels on a steroid cycle similar to mine to know what I should expect them to be, however that being said I know everyone reacts different. After doing a little research I think I can safely conclude that given my symptoms my Estro is too high and need to be dropped ASAP (fingers crossed Australian customs don’t seize my order from AR), I’d also like to add that although my nipples are more erect I’ve had no gyno related symptoms at all.
Question time…
I've just finished week 8 and am contemplating if I should stay on for a little while longer 10-12 weeks once my Liqidex arrives and just punch out a few more weeks or should I just discontinue and start PCT?
How drastically will having elevated levels of Estrogen effect my gains? I have noticed they have slowed down but I’ve read that some people like there E levels high so it’s kind of conflicting.
I also know that using an AI is extremely risky when on PCT as it can screw your natural test production but would wiping out some of the estrogen be a good idea considering its so elevated?
All advice is welcome, thanks for reading!