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Thread: France Seeks Big Role in Post-War Iraq - read all you "frog lovers"

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry France Seeks Big Role in Post-War Iraq - read all you "frog lovers"

    PARIS - Worried it could be shut out of business deals in postwar Iraq (news - web sites), France is drawing up plans to win French companies access to lucrative oil and reconstruction contracts, officials said Tuesday.

    The government is determined that French companies will be part of rebuilding Iraq, despite President Jacques Chirac's vigorous opposition to the war, a Finance Ministry official said.

    Gilles Munier, an executive board member of the French-Iraq Association for Economic Cooperation, said business leaders and government representatives were studying how to gain a foothold in postwar Iraq.

    He said a meeting between France's most powerful business federation, government leaders and the French-Iraq Association for Economic Cooperation was scheduled for April 3.

    The Finance Ministry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed discussions were underway with business leaders about Iraq.

    Some French are concerned that a U.S.-led administration in Iraq will favor companies from the United States and other pro-war countries while penalizing companies from France and other war opponents.

    Well they should have fucking thought of that BEFORE when we needed their help! Please excuse my "French"

    The Bush administration awarded a $4.8 million contract Monday to a Seattle-based company to rebuild Iraq's only deep-water port. Washington is expected to announce similar deals soon.

    Officials in Paris say French firms' experience in working in Iraq would be an advantage.

    French companies — many with ties to Baghdad stretching back decades — have established themselves as the largest suppliers of goods to Iraq since a U.N. trade embargo was partially lifted in 1996.

    In 2001, France exported $705 million worth of goods to Iraq within the framework of the United Nations (news - web sites)' now-frozen oil-for-food program. Communications equipment maker Alcatel clinched a $75 million contract to upgrade Baghdad's phone network, and Renault sold $75 million worth of tractors and farming vehicles to Iraq.

    French oil giant TotalFinaElf probably has the biggest stake. It spent six years in the 1990s doing preparatory work on two giant oil fields and has signed two tentative agreements with Saddam to develop them.

    So this war is about oil after all! but its the French that want it and to get it they sold Saddam the weapons he is using to kill Americans and his own people

    Munier said he believes American companies will have difficulties in Iraq because of widespread anger against the U.S.-led bombing campaign.

    "I don't see how American executives can work when their lives will be at risk," he said. "There will be such hatred toward Americans."

    Munier criticized French companies for negotiating with American companies for a piece of their businesses in Iraq, saying that such "collaboration" would damage the image of French business among Iraqis.

    Differences over how to run Iraq after the war have put added strain on already tense relations between the United States and several European countries.

    France opposes any U.S. reconstruction plan that would sideline United Nations development agencies, multilateral organizations and non-governmental aid groups.

    Chirac has warned that France would vote against any U.N. Security Council resolution that would give "the American and British belligerents the right to administer Iraq."

    Yeah - because you dont want to give up the "contracts in blood" that you made with the murderer Saddam - filth!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    Well, my thoughts on this are as follows: I am all for peace. But I am, however, against giving the French the rights to the oil. I believe it should go back to the people of Iraq. It's rightfully theirs. But under no circumstances, should the French get a drop. If the old saying holds true 'to the victors go the spoils' then leave the french out because they really havent done shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    I would think the U.S. will take care of the Frenches big plans!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    French people suck and im going to beat the shit out of all the kids at my college that are french..............

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    so true so true!!!!
    lol @ The Juice Man

    ---and yes Cy is back!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    The French and the Russians both. I wouldn't be suprised if the Germans are found to be supplying him weapons also. Then we can all see why they all were so aginst this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by The Juice Man
    French people suck and im going to beat the shit out of all the kids at my college that are french..............

    Man I hate getting into all this again, but come on guys. This is AR, where there is supposed to be no flaming and all that such. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion, infact it is VERY important for everyone to speak their minds and give their own beliefs on certain subjects.

    HOWEVER, comments like this, and others such as "frog lovers" is not really necessary is it? Your contradicting yourselves by saying all these countries "hate us" and yet you turn right back and insult them ten fold.

    This is NOT directed at ANYONE in particular, just in general guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Terinox you are right. I get real frustrated too, I can understand how some of us fly off the handle when we discuss the whole situation. Regardless of what we believe whether pro war or not. I still think WE can talk shit about us Americans though (the ones that don't have any jobs that protest in the streets of NYC and LA.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Originally posted by Terinox

    Man I hate getting into all this again, but come on guys. This is AR, where there is supposed to be no flaming and all that such. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion, infact it is VERY important for everyone to speak their minds and give their own beliefs on certain subjects.

    HOWEVER, comments like this, and others such as "frog lovers" is not really necessary is it? Your contradicting yourselves by saying all these countries "hate us" and yet you turn right back and insult them ten fold.

    This is NOT directed at ANYONE in particular, just in general guys.
    Very well put bro.... I don't think I could have put it better myself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I know that was uncalled for but it was funny. can you imagine a huge juice boy going around beating up frenchies just cause? LOL okay bad roch, now back to more important things. why does everyone make the comments about frogs? am I missing something here?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Frog legs are a delicacy in France (so are Snails – ever heard of escargot?)… Both are very delicious --- I highly recommend them. Next time you decide to dine out, might I suggest a French restaurant?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    They keep fucking around we're gonna have us one big french "fry"!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Wherever necessary
    Originally posted by roch
    why does everyone make the comments about frogs? am I missing something here?
    Maybe because they are all legs and tounge - they hop about a lot and and are able to make a big noise but run off rather quickly when approached - slimy creatures they are - the tounge I guess is why there are not as many French (since it is used in liu of other "items") - guess thats why the americans are compared to elephants perhaps

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    cool. I get it now.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    This site is priceless

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    *shakes head* Bush is trying to alienate sadam huh? what he's done is alienate america.

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