Sup men, so I recently came off of steroids after highly abusing them over the course of a yr.. I came off about 8 wks ago, these are the steroids I have ran.
Test e 500-750mg/wk for about a total of 50wks thru out the yr. (Longest cycle was 14 wks)
Tren E 300mg/wk for 10wks
And between cyckles I only took nolva for pct but I ran havoc and other phs so the pct was basically pointless. Put it this way ive been shut down on different gear for about half a yr. I am getting my balls back on this pct but I still dont feel the same.. It feels like im still not making my own test. I am running torm 60mg/day.
My question is, did I **** myself up big time? Im planning on staying natural from now on. The reason I cycled so much was to make college ball which I did. But now since Ive come off i have lost a lot of muscle about 20lbs id say. I keep getting injured and the doc says its from all the roids. I ripped ligaments in my chest during practice and my bones feel very week. Im getting scared since its been 8 wks and I still dont feel normal. I need a very aggresive pct from the experts I have a lot of torm but Im pretty sure I need something else clomid, nolva, hcg ect.. Can someone plz help me out here I kno I abused the shit out of roids so if u guys could skip the preaching and just try and help me get back to normal I will appreciate it. Any input on ppl with similar expericenes or adive plz help.
Thank you