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Thread: 3 weeks left on my cycle, little acne question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    New York

    3 weeks left on my cycle, little acne question

    Just starting to get acne on my 8 week cycle of test and dbol. (currently starting week 6)

    100 mgs prop eod
    40 mgs dbol ED

    I have Adex, how much should I use to help with these minor sides?

  2. #2
    Location or acne? Type of acne? Is it white heads or androgenic acne ( found on the temples) ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    New York
    my bad, I have upper chest, minor forehead, and shoulder acne, Mostly large red bumps but some do turn to white heads.

    Ive been using proactive shower wash, as helped some but still not doing the best.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    new zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by RB3232 View Post
    my bad, I have upper chest, minor forehead, and shoulder acne, Mostly large red bumps but some do turn to white heads.

    Ive been using proactive shower wash, as helped some but still not doing the best.
    I have heard of guys having a couple of sessions on the sunbeds, apparently it dry's out the skin, which in turn helps to stop or clear up the excisting acne, but this is only what I have heard, I am sure someone on here will know the truth on this.

  5. #5
    Options: Start prop ED instead of eod; lower dbol to 20-30mgs; run adex at .5 eod

    With out blood work its difficult to diagnose the cause of your acne.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    New York
    I'm not going to lower my doses, just wondering if incorporating some adex E2D or E3D would be helpful

  7. #7
    E3D- Use results to determine the cause.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Adex on cycle helped with facial acne by making my face less oily but did nothing for my chest n back..

    adex @ .5mg eod is a good place to start n adjust accordingly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Try some hydrocortizone cream (I used it on my shoulders and back of arms) it helped. Just buy generic kind anti itch

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    another acne thread..... this can be searched with a million results.....

    quick answer:
    - anti-bacterial soap
    - 10% benzoyl peroxide wash
    - 10% benzoyl peroxide cream
    - slacylic acid wash
    - dawn dishwashing soap
    - vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) in large doses
    - Accutane (if needed)


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    I've been battling acne this cycle nearing the end now and it was getting quite bad on my shoulders/ back. I started washing 2-3 times a day using gamothen soap and a sponge on a stick so I can actually work into the area. I then use clerasil ultra gel and rub that in I then get out the shower dry off and use clerasil pads. If I'm going to work where I'll be sweating I then use talkon powder. Been doing this for 5 days and it is all but gone. And most importantly don't squeeze no matter how tempting. Prior to this I was squeezing and eb
    Ven poking some with needles don't touch them at all

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    New York
    Thanks for the help. I was prescribed accutane a few years back for 6 months and it has been amazing, the only time I get acne is with AAS with the exception to a few pimples here and there. They always leave quickly which is nice but it just seemed to come on all at once. anyway thank you everyone

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