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Thread: Test and Deca Cycle - want to add Anavar

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  1. #1

    Test and Deca Cycle - want to add Anavar

    Been on a Test e (500wk) and Deca (400wk) for the past 7 weeks. Feeling a lot stronger but have also gained a bit of water weight. I have read mixed posts concerning adding Anavar (I realize it is more for cutting) to the mix.

    I wanted to get the forums input on whether it is wise to switch from Deca to Anavar for the last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle. If so, should I decrease my Test dosage? I would like to cut some of the water retention.

    Or, is it smarter to stop the cycle at 8 weeks and wait 8 weeks before starting the var?

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    I'm still a noob but have read repeatedly that you want your test to be at least 1.5 - 2 times the amount of your deca. I'm placing an order this week for test E, deca, adex, hcg, caber and tamox. It's a ten week cycle then pct.
    For you water retention I'd suggest the adex at .5 ed. But you're so far along already...maybe anavar is the answer. There are a million ways to cycle and everyones body differs. Search the threads and google your question. You'll find all kinds of answers. But IMHO, anavar is a safe bet. And plz do proper PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Those are long esters and stopping at 8 weeks is a bit short. I'd continue running things as planned and as mentioned, some adex would help. Save the var for another time imo. What does your PCT look like?

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