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Thread: arginine and ornithine combo for hgh production??

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  1. #1

    Question arginine and ornithine combo for hgh production??

    hey guys,
    i have read that the combo of arginine and ornithine promotes the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. any one else know or hear about this? i have also heard that lysine can be substituted for the ornithine since they are very similar in structure. thanks.

  2. #2



  3. #3


    oh well, i guess no one has heard of this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I have heard about this, although I don't have the study I did read this about 2 years ago. I take arginine, ornithine, and glutamine every day. I am not sure they do much, but I don't think they will hurt to try. I do recall that the study used LARGE amounts of arginine and ornithine to help the body produce more hgh. I think it was something around 4g's per day and that might have been 2x per day. I'll see if I can find that study.


    p.s. When I was taking large doses of arginine and ornithine I did notice good fat loss, but I was also working out everyday so take that with the grain of salt.

  5. #5
    well, i will say this. i have been taking a combo of arginine/ornithine/lysine of a total dose of about 5.5 grams for a few weeks now. i have noticed changes in my body and mood too; all for the better. i seem to have grown some more lean lean muscle very quickly (within the few weeks taken). don't know if this is all in my head but it sure as hell seems for real when i look in the mirror. anyway, i will continue to take it and let you know how it goes. also, i think you are right about losing fat more easily and quickly. i think this is true too. we'll see if i gain any more from it in the near future. thanks for your reply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by flexshack
    well, i will say this. i have been taking a combo of arginine/ornithine/lysine of a total dose of about 5.5 grams for a few weeks now. i have noticed changes in my body and mood too; all for the better. i seem to have grown some more lean lean muscle very quickly (within the few weeks taken). don't know if this is all in my head but it sure as hell seems for real when i look in the mirror. anyway, i will continue to take it and let you know how it goes. also, i think you are right about losing fat more easily and quickly. i think this is true too. we'll see if i gain any more from it in the near future. thanks for your reply.
    Hey bro I just got a big bottle of arginine and ornithine 1000mg each. I'll let you know if I notice anything. I am cutting so I am hoping the combo will help me lean out a bit more. BTW I can't find the web site that talked about taking arginine and ornithine to boost hgh levels, but I am still looking!


  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    sounds good. do keep looking cause i am definately interested to see as many other places where claims of this are made as i can. also, tell me how it goes for you with the supplementing. before you start though, i should tell you that a doctor of mine once said that hgh is utilized best when one is sleeping. also, he told me that most of what the body produces and excretes takes place during 11 pm and 2 am (while most are sleeping). so, using this info i have concluded that by taking my supplement before bed would allow for the best results. now all of what i said, about hgh excretion, is coming straight from a very experienced medical doctor. however, the part at the end is purely my own theory based upon what my doc said. my point is that i am not sure about really anything. i can only trust my doc and what i have concluded could be way off. enough of my rambling. let me know what happens. thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Yes flex these are the two most common ingredients in over the counter GH release formula's, I would take all three of them together and also include some L-Glutamine in with it all before bed time, since this is when the best GH secrections take place, also take it on an empty stomach when you get up in the morning, you have got the right idea though, I think it is a great GH cocktail, I definently grow faster when I am on this stack.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Arginine/Ornithine before bed does work. I used it for about 2 months before I noticed results tapering off. My girlfriend at the time also saw alot of improvement. I took about 4 grams of each before going to bed six nights a week. Some recommend taking B5 (pantothenic acid) and choline with it. Try it out for yourself, it is pretty safe stuff. Good Luck!

  10. #10
    i have a new update to my usage of this supplement. i recently up-ed the dose and noticed extreme uncomfort (major gas cramps and diarrhea). i dealt with the pain and continued with the same dose thinking and hoping that my body would adjust to it. well, it has been a few days now and my body definately has adjusted some what. no more diarrhea but occasional gas cramps and very full stomach feeling. anyway, i am still noticing considerable and steady strength gains from it. i hope it continues. btw, jollyroger, how did you notice gains tapering off after two months? maybe you needed to up the dose little by little. or maybe your receptors were saturated, if this is possible?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Food for thought....A couple years back a trainer working at a healthfood/vitamin/supplement store strongly suggested the combo for muscle gain but counseled that together they caused flare ups with those tagged by herpes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Flexshack, it has been more than 8 years since I used arginine/ornithine extensively. I think I needed to boost my dosage. But I stopped using it when I got tired of taking it all the time. I do use it occasionally now when I have fallen off the proverbial wagon and want to get a little leaner and add some def.

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