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Thread: surprise surprise

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    surprise surprise

    seen my doc this morning for trt shot 200mg cyp once per month. but i have turned this sad trt into a cycle. so i have been injecting 500mg/wk for the past 9 wks. scheduled blood work isn't suppose to be for another month and a half. however doc springs a blood test on me and says get er done in the next 3 wks!?

    initial testing showed test levels around 200/6.9(USA/CAN)

    200mg cyp once a month is ridiculous but if my bloods don't show low test levels my doc will think 200mg/month is fine. test cyp only last around 18 days??

    question: based on above info, what is the best avenue (pct) to take to ensure my bloods are baseline or close to it?

    46 year old male.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 04-20-2012 at 10:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    change title to confusing confusing confusing

    despite the grammar sounding like you accumulated but not injected the 500mg ew since your asking is it safe to say you have been injecting 500mg weekly?

    3 weeks is plenty time to have your "baseline" numbers low again WITHOUT any "pct"...just dont inject again til after bloodwork

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    change title to confusing confusing confusing

    despite the grammar sounding like you accumulated but not injected the 500mg ew since your asking is it safe to say you have been injecting 500mg weekly?

    3 weeks is plenty time to have your "baseline" numbers low again WITHOUT any "pct"...just dont inject again til after bloodwork
    i stand corrected. thanks. i knew what i meant but the fingers didn't

    after bloods do you feel i can continue for another three weeks at 500/wk to complete my cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    what JPK said! let us know what he results are, curious to see if three weeks are enough to be completely depleted.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Agree, it's a bit confusing. Mickey, what I think you wanted to say is that you've been "Blasting" the extra amount, not so much as a "cycle." It's just a better term when a person is on TRT. Same on the PCT. The purpose of a PCT is to restore the HPTA to function normally, as it did before starting a cycle. However, on TRT, a PCT in non-existent, as you should already be permanently shutdown.

    Also agree that 3 weeks will be enough time to get to baseline or real close thereof. Your doctor is a loon with having you on that type of protocol, but it's not helping matters any better by going to the other extreme by running a blast of that magnitude before getting your program dialed in. Hope you managed your E2 properly during this increase, and realize that your CBC's might be effected as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ok...he's corrected it

    before i was so discombobulated by your op that i just now noticed you said you are getting



    1. how long have you been prescribed a monthly shot?

    2,3. and if you have to GO INTO THE OFFICE to get the the fvck did you accumulate the other test? did u leave something out?

    either way, based on you doing what u said you did....
    4,5. what gains have you seen in these 9 weeks from the 500mg ...and from questions 1-3 is the 500mg including the 200mg per month?

    6,7. why wouldnt you be able to inject 3 more weeks after the bloodwork? cuz cycles are 12 weeks?

    8. whose advice did you act on to run the 500mg ew?

    9. what did said advisor(s) say about running the remaining 3 weeks?

    10. r u going to answer all my questions?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    seen my doc this morning for trt shot 200mg cyp once per month. but i have turned this sad trt into a cycle. so i have been injecting 500mg/wk for the past 9 wks. scheduled blood work isn't suppose to be for another month and a half. however doc springs a blood test on me and says get er done in the next 3 wks!?

    initial testing showed test levels around 200/6.9(USA/CAN)

    200mg cyp once a month is ridiculous but if my bloods don't show low test levels my doc will think 200mg/month is fine. test cyp only last around 18 days??

    question: based on above info, what is the best avenue (pct) to take to ensure my bloods are baseline or close to it?

    46 year old male.
    Why would he suprise you with a new blood test date? That seems very odd... For me, I simply get blood drawn on whatever day I want after the labs have been ordered.

    Also, if your doc set you up for 200mg TC once per month... umm I wouldn't even bother going back. WHy are earth would you go back to a doctor who is so blatantly ignorant of TC that it borders on negligence? You are not in good hands with this fool.

    That's a very serious question I'm asking you too...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    for some reason i keep forgetting to mention that

    i dont know if thats a new thing with some of these doctors...but every once in a while a few members report...surprise they are playing major league baseball or something....i would just do the bloodwork when i was told originally or like hrt said...WHEN I WANT TO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    for some reason i keep forgetting to mention that

    i dont know if thats a new thing with some of these doctors...but every once in a while a few members report...surprise they are playing major league baseball or something....i would just do the bloodwork when i was told originally or like hrt said...WHEN I WANT TO
    i can see the dr changing when to get blood work. Especially if he is doing 500mg a week and his body is changing drastically. Dr may want ot see what is up and not wait months to check. That would be smarter in my eyes for the dr to do.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i can see the dr changing when to get blood work. Especially if he is doing 500mg a week and his body is changing drastically. Dr may want ot see what is up and not wait months to check. That would be smarter in my eyes for the dr to do.
    that's a fair point... maybe the OP is holding a ton of water!

    but otherwise, I would expect someone who is newly on TRT to be gaining muscle and improving their physique.

    Regardless, this guy is an idiot for doing TC once a month... and 200mg no less... you're wasting your time and trust me it's not good! Ive been there!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    ^^^^^^Agreed, I'm just a litle confused with what you are trying to accomplish. I'm far from a MD but anybody that spent any amount of time on this board or education in general in this arena will shake their head at "Once per month" regardless of the amount??? What are you really trying to accomplish MK????? Something just not adding up to me?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    i should have placed this question in my original TRT thread where i outlined my trt and my "blasting". that's my fault and apologize for that.

    my TRT started out every two wks at 200mg TC. but doc only gave me three shots...then extended the time in between to four weeks. today was my first four wk shot. after the shot he asked if there have been any sides or changes or if had been in any fights??. i said that i felt better for about 2 wks after last shot and then crashed because i want him to at least put me on 200mg TC every two wks, not once a month. he responded by saying he wants blood work 5 days before the next monthly shot (approx 3 wks from now).

    i have not grown drastically. i put on maybe ten pounds and my strength has increased. nothing scary, but i'm happy so far with the results. and little or no water gain. im still a tall and relatively lean guy. 15%bf or less i figure.

    i've been blasting since feb 23rd after my test came back at exactly 199. my additional test came from my source.

    everything is going well, other than my doc not really knowing what he is doing. but i have to stay with him for other non related reasons. when he puts me on bi-weekly injections or fails to do that, i will see an endo and move on.

    very important note: i was beginning my own 12 wk cycle back at the end of Feb regardless of the original test results. perhaps this why my cycle/blast sounds so convoluted. hope this clears up some of the mystery.

    and the reason i asked if i can continue for 3 wks after blood s is because that is what i have left for my original cycle/blast. i've been blasting for 9 wks.

    thanks for all the input, sorry for the confusion.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Do what my patients do when I try to have them comply with something. Don't show up then give some bugus excuse your ride didn't show up and that dirt on the bottom of your cast was not from walking it; Hint of sarcasm

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Well, honestly if you're going on TRT for quality of life I think you're going about it all wrong. Poor doctor, what seems like underground testosterone, and no real set protocol.

    What are your goals with TRT?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doc w View Post
    Do what my patients do when I try to have them comply with something. Don't show up then give some bugus excuse your ride didn't show up and that dirt on the bottom of your cast was not from walking it; Hint of sarcasm
    i dont think that would but funny though..

    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    Well, honestly if you're going on TRT for quality of life I think you're going about it all wrong. Poor doctor, what seems like underground testosterone, and no real set protocol.

    What are your goals with TRT?
    yeah that ug test sure is a bummer eh? lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    i dont think that would but funny though..

    yeah that ug test sure is a bummer eh? lol
    why wouldnt it fly?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doc w View Post
    I think u either need to get a new doctor or convince him to increase frequency With home injections.
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    i should have placed this question in my original TRT thread where i outlined my trt and my "blasting". that's my fault and apologize for that.

    my TRT started out every two wks at 200mg TC. but doc only gave me three shots...then extended the time in between to four weeks. today was my first four wk shot. after the shot he asked if there have been any sides or changes or if had been in any fights??. i said that i felt better for about 2 wks after last shot and then crashed because i want him to at least put me on 200mg TC every two wks, not once a month. he responded by saying he wants blood work 5 days before the next monthly shot (approx 3 wks from now).

    i have not grown drastically. i put on maybe ten pounds and my strength has increased. nothing scary, but i'm happy so far with the results. and little or no water gain. im still a tall and relatively lean guy. 15%bf or less i figure.

    i've been blasting since feb 23rd after my test came back at exactly 199. my additional test came from my source.

    everything is going well, other than my doc not really knowing what he is doing. but i have to stay with him for other non related reasons. when he puts me on bi-weekly injections or fails to do that, i will see an endo and move on.

    very important note: i was beginning my own 12 wk cycle back at the end of Feb regardless of the original test results. perhaps this why my cycle/blast sounds so convoluted. hope this clears up some of the mystery.

    and the reason i asked if i can continue for 3 wks after blood s is because that is what i have left for my original cycle/blast. i've been blasting for 9 wks.

    thanks for all the input, sorry for the confusion.
    i agree bolds..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    why wouldnt it fly?
    i doubt the ol' 'my dog ate my homework' excuse wouldn't cut it with my doctor..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I think u either need to get a new doctor or convince him to increase frequency With home injections.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Keeping track of ur every move. Sounds more like a wife than ur doctor

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ^^ hahaha...touche'

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