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Thread: Melanotan II- Did I do it right?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Melanotan II- Did I do it right?

    Ok everything I ordered came in for my melanotan II and I just did my first pin can you guys verify that I did it correctly??

    took the 10 mg mt II and added 2 full 100 iu syringes worth of BAC water to it
    I then mixed it together
    Took my fresh syringe and took out 10 Units of the mixed melanotan ii/bac water substance
    alcohol swabbed my injection site and did a sub-q injection which was completely painless/no blood

    so my main question is with that injections if I am correct I injected .5mg of melanotan II correct?

  2. #2
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    Mar 2003
    United States
    Confirmed correct, however likely a typical overdose for a virgin melanocortin user - hopeful you aren't highly sensitive & didn't experience unneeded side-effects

    Best way to initiate melanotan 2 and avoid side effects is to dose 100mcg first - body desensitizes quickly to potent melanocyte stimulating hormone peptides...use it to your advantage

    Moreover, utilizing to double check math/reconstitution planning for new peptide use you'll find that indeed 10iu equates to 500mcg given the 10mg peptide mixed with 2ml of bacteriostatic water - best of luck with your research Unclesam2!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    thanks a lot for the helpful info+double checking for me
    The only reason im dosing a bit high is due to that I am only gonna be running this for about 8 days until I go on a flight to miami for a 10 day vacation, so in a way im attempting to do a fair bit of loading right now, since I will not be able to pin for the next 10 days, my plans are to do .5 for the next 3 days so 4 days total of .5 then uping the dose to 1 mg for the remaining 4 days.
    Do you think this would be a good idea for me? also is my theory correct on having a higher level of melanotan ii in my body then getting a lot of uv exposure? Because in my loading time im probobly not gonna be exposed to too many uv rays since the weather isnt great, but when I get to Miami, I will be living on the beach for 10 days lol
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette;60***16
    Confirmed correct, however likely a typical overdose for a virgin melanocortin user - hopeful you aren't highly sensitive & didn't experience unneeded side-effects

    Best way to initiate melanotan 2 and avoid side effects is to dose 100mcg first - body desensitizes quickly to potent melanocyte stimulating hormone peptides...use it to your advantage

    Moreover, utilizing to double check math/reconstitution planning for new peptide use you'll find that indeed 10iu equates to 500mcg given the 10mg peptide mixed with 2ml of bacteriostatic water - best of luck with your research Unclesam2!

  4. #4
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    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2;60***29
    thanks a lot for the helpful info+double checking for me
    The only reason im dosing a bit high is due to that I am only gonna be running this for about 8 days until I go on a flight to miami for a 10 day vacation, so in a way im attempting to do a fair bit of loading right now, since I will not be able to pin for the next 10 days, my plans are to do .5 for the next 3 days so 4 days total of .5 then uping the dose to 1 mg for the remaining 4 days.
    Do you think this would be a good idea for me? also is my theory correct on having a higher level of melanotan ii in my body then getting a lot of uv exposure? Because in my loading time im probobly not gonna be exposed to too many uv rays since the weather isnt great, but when I get to Miami, I will be living on the beach for 10 days lol
    Remains no excuse to overdose melanotan 2 immediately.... If in a time crunch, inject multiple doses throughout the day & during vacation. would absolutely not up the dose to 1mg as it's a general recipe for disaster - notice the research peptide does not come in some advanced delivery method (ie the dis-solvable implant used in clinical mt-1 trials...which is ridiculous...) - best advice is to dose low & dose often (understanding your body does not have the time to produce enough protective dark melanin to truly set you on the right path...had tanning/photo-protection be the objective) - melanotan peptides are poor sunless tanners, so far w/ your tentative plan...expectations should be low, sorry!

  5. #5
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    May 2012
    by multiple doses throughout the day what would u recommend, and to be honest it isnt an option for me to bring it on the trip with me.
    do you recommend .25 twice a day? and then maybe towards the last 4 days .5 twice a day?
    because as far as I can see from the chart in the stickied thread in the spa section
    500 mg is a common dose and it isnt til 1.25 mg that I reach a large dose?

    also will there be any benefit to uv exposure after loading with the melanotan? or since I am not gonna be pinning it while in miami, my tan I receive there will be the same as if I wasnt to use mt ii?

    thanks a lot for the help by the way
    and by the way if it helps, I would probably consider myself somebody with type 3 skin
    Last edited by Unclesam2; 07-27-2012 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #6
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2 View Post
    by multiple doses throughout the day what would u recommend, and to be honest it isnt an option for me to bring it on the trip with me.
    do you recommend .25 twice a day? and then maybe towards the last 4 days .5 twice a day?
    because as far as I can see from the chart in the stickied thread in the spa section
    500 mg is a common dose and it isnt til 1.25 mg that I reach a large dose?

    also will there be any benefit to uv exposure after loading with the melanotan? or since I am not gonna be pinning it while in miami, my tan I receive there will be the same as if I wasnt to use mt ii?

    thanks a lot for the help by the way
    if it is not an option to bring your water soluble peptide hormones to the environment which will provide UVR therapy/exposure you need to cease usage and re-evaluate/plan for a later date.
    Dose 250mcg 4x-6x a day if you wish - better than overdosing in one daily injection

    Without the bio-available hormone working to your advantage, burning is likely and possible

    currently you are set up for the worst possible results & timing for vacation experience/photos

  7. #7
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    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2;60***29
    thanks a lot for the helpful info+double checking for me
    The only reason im dosing a bit high is due to that I am only gonna be running this for about 8 days until I go on a flight to miami for a 10 day vacation, so in a way im attempting to do a fair bit of loading right now, since I will not be able to pin for the next 10 days, my plans are to do .5 for the next 3 days so 4 days total of .5 then uping the dose to 1 mg for the remaining 4 days.
    Do you think this would be a good idea for me? also is my theory correct on having a higher level of melanotan ii in my body then getting a lot of uv exposure? Because in my loading time im probobly not gonna be exposed to too many uv rays since the weather isnt great, but when I get to Miami, I will be living on the beach for 10 days lol

    I have been doing .2 for a few months it gives me a stomach ache and I get hot and flush. But it works great. In one week I had a great tan to where everyone was saying wow you have been outside a lot. And I only went out for 15 min a day. Oh and I only inject every three days
    Last edited by Coolhand5599; 07-28-2012 at 11:12 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    thanks for the info, I will try to adjust to what your saying
    I will lower the dose to .25 mg a day and keep it at that while getting around an hour of direct uvs outside every other day, and only taper up if needed

    also dont think you answered my other question so I will ask again
    When I stop my dosing after 10 days and go on vacation and experience a lot of uv exposure, will there be any benefit of the mt ii that was taken beforehand or no?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2 View Post
    thanks for the info, I will try to adjust to what your saying
    I will lower the dose to .25 mg a day and keep it at that while getting around an hour of direct uvs outside every other day, and only taper up if needed

    also dont think you answered my other question so I will ask again
    When I stop my dosing after 10 days and go on vacation and experience a lot of uv exposure, will there be any benefit of the mt ii that was taken beforehand or no?
    Im pretty sure the answer is yes, once it's in your system and your tanning the benefits last a while. Some people have reported that they keep their tan for up to 3 months after discontinueug use.

    Waiting to hear from someone more experienced with this specific compound though.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unclesam2 View Post
    thanks for the info, I will try to adjust to what your saying
    I will lower the dose to .25 mg a day and keep it at that while getting around an hour of direct uvs outside every other day, and only taper up if needed

    also dont think you answered my other question so I will ask again
    When I stop my dosing after 10 days and go on vacation and experience a lot of uv exposure, will there be any benefit of the mt ii that was taken beforehand or no?
    a shame you will continue as a poor suited candidate, not reading between the lines or paying attn - you were told to not continue & set yourself up to look foolish during upcoming vacation
    when you stop administering melanocyte hormones with a body that has not developed pigment to protect the will of course not have much added protection from the MT-II
    the benefits will nowhere near be developed in days - weeks/months is needed for quality results from melanotans

  11. #11
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    Jan 2012
    This may sound like a stupid question, but is it required to tan(sun or artificially) ? I mean can you take melanotan 2 and get tanned sitting at home?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    This may sound like a stupid question, but is it required to tan(sun or artificially) ? I mean can you take melanotan 2 and get tanned sitting at home?
    Very advanced and challenging question actually ironbeck. Melanotan peptides are poor sunless tanners (in general)...however just the injections are sufficient for creating systemic tanning (as marginal as the results may be) - optimal results come from administering melanocyte stimulating hormone & introducing controlled/safe exposure to the sun/sunbed - goal should be to protect the integrity of the skin and create a protective tan over time

  13. #13
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    So its a...catalyst somewhat....k

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    So its a...catalyst somewhat....k
    Suppose that term fits the bill - what's wild is that after med-long term use tan lines will disappear (no nude sunbathing/tanning salons needed) - and because of this it's best to protect certain areas of the body to properly/best develop beautiful protective pigment. Melanotan peptides are life-changing particularly for those lacking natural tanning ability (gingers, blondes, red heads can tan w/ synthetic melanotans)

  15. #15
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    I never realized I had as many white hairs till I started using it, but will never be without it again.

  16. #16
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    I really like it. I have been dosing at .5mg. I have never been so dark. I followed the advice on here to take it slow and im glad I did.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadWolf View Post
    I never realized I had as many white hairs till I started using it, but will never be without it again.
    Many share compliments received for teeth appearing whiter when skin is darker, interesting stuff

  18. #18
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette

    Many share compliments received for teeth appearing whiter when skin is darker, interesting stuff
    I've never been this dark. Its made even my hair darker except the white ones that really stand out now beside my much darker hair and skin.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadWolf View Post
    will never be without it again.
    Same here ^^^ love melanotan!

  20. #20
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    Jun 2012
    Nope, you didn't do it right. You posted in the wrong forum. Melanotan II isn't an anabolic steroid.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolv256
    Nope, you didn't do it right. You posted in the wrong forum. Melanotan II isn't an anabolic steroid.
    No shit genius. But it is a peptide that you have to inject. Where would you post it? Supplements lol???

    It's a powerful peptide that can have severe sides if not taken correctly. Sorry, your wrong, it's right where it belongs. The op is also wrong in tge manner he is using it, but that's why he came on here, to get advice.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judah View Post
    No shit genius. But it is a peptide that you have to inject. Where would you post it? Supplements lol???

    It's a powerful peptide that can have severe sides if not taken correctly. Sorry, your wrong, it's right where it belongs.
    The melanotan peptide discussions are spread out between this forum, the igf/hgh and's a legit placement primarily due to the traffic

    my hope is the OP re-evaluates his use & delays tanning/prepping...

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette

    The melanotan peptide discussions are spread out between this forum, the igf/hgh and's a legit placement primarily due to the traffic

    my hope is the OP re-evaluates his use & delays tanning/prepping...
    Copy that.

    Do you not advise getting sun exposure when you first start injecting? If so, how long?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judah View Post
    Copy that.

    Do you not advise getting sun exposure when you first start injecting? If so, how long?
    imho I think it's best to tackle the peptide first, then slowly integrate tanning/sun exposure after weeks of use - desensitizing & then dosing melanotan 2 for protection while tanning yields best results

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